Chapter 30

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"Well, I'll be damned" Lucius whispered.

Falling out of his trance, Damien noticed the lack of clothing on Lolita's new form. In one swift motion he was at her side, his large figure shielding her. Challengingly snapping his head back to Lucius, who simply rolled his eyes in response.

"What now?" He muttered, transfixed at his mate's innocent beauty.

The Lycan shrugged his shoulders, bafflement evident in his face. "Beats me" He nervously ran his fingers through his hair. "I've never seen or heard of this happening before, ever"

"It's quite...remarkable" Damien replied uninterestedly, his attention following the fluttering girl.

"Remarkable?" Lucius scoffed, handing him a towel to cover the girl.

The Alpha's gaze repeatedly flickered from the insufficient material in his hand towards Lolita's immense pearly wings.

"Uh, sweetheart I'm gonna need to bippidy bobbity back to a human" He raised the small blanket in his palm. "We don't have a lot to work with here"

Unamused by Damien's comment, Lolita's blank expression did not falter, her curious eyes observing the speaker.

"Lucius" His voice sinisterly thundered, wavering slightly but shaking the cage in the process. "What the hell do I do?"

"My guess is as good as yours"

Unsatisfied by the mumbled response, Damien began pacing, his faint but coherent ramblings buzzing in the otherwise lifeless room.

Lolita tilted her head scanning the mysterious figure, engrossed by his every movement. Dark faded jeans clung onto his lean legs, each frantic step he took caused friction with the material, releasing a whistling sound in the air. His stoic expression was deep in thought, his frosty eyes in a completely different realm.

"Your suspicions were correct"

"Is that so, Lucius?" The unknown voice replied through the Lycan's mind link.

"Indeed, for she has transformed into a vision of such unknown purity and elegance that only the Moon Goddess's direct descendant herself has the capacity of doing so"

"Ah, so it's true. She is our eternal damnation. Well, we can only watch our plan fall into place now. Will she end the prophecy or will the prophecy end her?"

The ancient wolf felt the malice which dripped from those words, polluting his mind, the bitter stain of compulsive hatred contaminating his once innocent thoughts. Snapping his attention back to the pair, he muttered something about 'just cutting the wings off' which earned him a death glare from Damien.

"I've got the situation under control now. You're dismissed" His words rambled from his mouth with a sense of rushed urgency.

"Hardly" Lucius muttered back, amused. "Nevertheless, if you need me, just call" He added playfully tapping his temple indicating telepathy.

Damien nodded in acknowledgement as he watched the Lycan briskly leave the gym before transfixing his attention back to the floating girl.

"What're we going to do with you?" He gently mumbled, noting her childlike state through her inability to understand, or reply to his comment. As he approached her, the girl became rigid, her movements lessening as if the air around her had become thick.

Lolita face scrunched up in concentration while she watched the handsome man approach her. Was he a threat? She pondered, analysing his every step to sense a sign of danger. When the angelic creature perceived none, she did not react when his outstretched arm met hers, carefully tugging her down. His touch sent an electrocuting rush down her arm, causing her body to shudder and the wings to dissipate.

"That's it" The man encouraged, a genuine smile forming on his lips. She felt her petite frame fall into his built arms causing the electrifying feeling to increase, spreading to every inch of her body. A wave of emotions hit Lolita as her memories recoiled back. Scrambling from his grip, the petite girl planted herself to the ground, flipping her returned brunette locks back before angrily eyeing the Alpha, his softened expression and look of pure love and adoration unfazed.

"I'm supposed to be mad at you" Lolita honestly muttered wanting nothing else but to seek comfort in his arms.

"I know, Angel. I know" He replied, wrapping his arms around her frame which she also returned with one arm, clutching the towel with the other.

"You left me when I needed you" She muttered into his chest, her warm breath seeping through the thin material of Damien's shirt causing him to shudder. "I understand you lost someone you loved dearly, all I wanted was to just be there. To comfort you. Tell you you're not alone. And I know you did too, but you willingly chose to stay away" The stoic Alpha bit his lips, arms tightening a fraction around his precious mate as he felt his unfamiliar emotions churning wildly in his stomach, aching to be released.

"You're so brave for everything you've been through and I admire you so much, it amazes me how you put on a cool front everyday for your pack. You've got nothing but the best interest in your heart for them, despite your methods in achieving this- which I blame on your upbringing. You'd go to the ends of the earth for the people you love. You're a good leader Damien and despite what anyone has to say, that won't change" Lolita wrapped both of her arms around the stiff Alpha, tightening her hold.

"You're not a monster, you're not a killing machine. It's okay to let your guard down. It's okay to let people in. You have emotions and feelings too. Victoria saw that and she loved you for it" At the mention of her name, Damien felt his cold composure crumble. He leaned further into Lolita, out of sight as he was unable to control the flashes of pain which flickered across his features.

Damien was in an internal battle, his expression endlessly looping from stoic to broken. He felt the muscles on his cheeks tighten, his glistening eyes trending on dangerous territory, tears urging to be spilt.

Nevertheless, when Lolita's grip loosened, the Alpha acted abruptly, choking down his pain, that when Lolita looked up at her mate, she was met with a small smile on an otherwise expressionless face.

"I knew I shouldn't have given you the damned journal" he jokingly added, attempting to dampen the growing tension. To any other, Damien's witty remark would've been just that. A witty remark. But Lolita noted the slight wavering in his words and could feel the lengths the Alpha went to, to avoid breaking down.

Not wanting to add to his discomfort, Lolita formed a small forced smile of her own while planting a warm kiss on his frozen cheek before walking away. Leaving a rigid Damien glued to the ground. His broken smile evaporating.

They're finally warming up to each other! Will it last? And what's Lucius up to? 🤔 What do you guys think? 😁

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They're finally warming up to each other! Will it last? And what's Lucius up to? 🤔 What do you guys think? 😁

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