Chapter 41

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Crisp crackling and crunching of fallen leaves caught Lolita's attention. The petite brunette spun on her heels, whatever produced that sound was advancing in her direction.

Clenching her teeth and scrunching her eyes, the petite brunette focused her attention towards the disturbance, her heart rate execrating and resulting into haggard breathing.

Shuffling of the branches continued, If Lolita were to shoot her target, it would be now. Aiming the arrow, her jittery fingers pulled back hesitantly, sweat protruded on her brow and the arrow released. Firing into the atmosphere.

However, there was no sound of a hit, instead the shuffling grew more coherent. Confused, Lolita rapidly fumbled with another arrow, unable to track the location of the other, her enemy was advancing.

Before she could properly place the weapon onto her bow, she felt warm fur collide against her delicate skin, sending her screaming towards the ground.

Frantically pushing her petite body upward, Lolita felt her previous tension dissolve. It was only a dog. She had screamed profusely over a dog, now alerting the people she sought to hide from on her whereabouts.

Springing to her feet, the determined girl paced off, attempting to find her friends and call her futile attempts of hunting off. Lolita had felt well trained and capable before she had met Damien and the darkness which encompassed him. This was beyond her understanding, feeling foolish for her rash decision, she began calling out to her friends, noticing the strange dog was hot on her trail.


The Lycan hesitantly stepped forward addressing his Alpha with grave worry plastered across his face.

"Easy Damien" Taking another step closer, he attempted to restrained the lethal, fiery figure who was visibly a glimmer away from a mass explosion.

However, his hand shot back when he made contact with the Alpha's scorching skin, resulting in a sizzling sound swelling in the chilly air.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD" He stammered projecting an intensity of sheer power which knocked his Beta and Isaac clean to the ground.

Slamming his shuddering slender fingers onto his temple, he began aggressively pacing, his lethal figure moving in swift, sharp steps.

Find mate, find mate, find mate! Recognising this as his wolf, Damien picked up on his and Lolita's distress. However, he was in no hurry to track his mate any longer, as with each of his wolf's desperate cries followed an unknown whisper laced with such malice. Kill her.

His body began vibrating, his feet shuffling towards her scent on their own accord. Unable to halt, he unwillingly snapped towards his Beta.

"Keep me away from-" He exclaimed, feeling his legs swiftly increasing their motion. "I am no longer in control" He hastily admitted through his mind-link as he had now gained too much distance from Steph.

"Shit" He faintly heard mumbled in the distance, before his body shot off at an accelerating velocity.


Sighing deeply, Lolita fell back onto the stump in which she and her friends had separated from. The original plan was to meet back there in case anyone had gotten lost, but no one was there.

Shuffling uncomfortably, the petite brunette shuddered from the icy breeze which lapped against her legs, they should've stayed inside and called for help. However, this notion made Lolita feel incompetent, she was no damsel in distress, she didn't need help. From her time with Damien she had learnt that strategy and patience where key, moreover, something her plan had a lack of.

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