Chapter 34

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A sinister wave of silence lingered in the air, the tapings of a pen pulsated through the confined room, each tap ricocheting of the dark brick walls. An eerie voice and fall figure grew visible "Mr Black"

The man turned his head at ease, acknowledging the detectives presence, his shock of dark hair flipping to a side, he clicked his tongue simultaneously rolling his pale frosty eyes, cold as his complexion and replied. "About time"

The aggravated Alpha wanted nothing but to return to his mate's side and introduce her to his contribution in the human world, no doubt she would disapprove, this only tipped him over the edge even more. He could almost hear her sweet voice snapping at him now.

The detective, overlooking Damien's remark took a seat opposite him, opened his notebook and began searching the table for his pen. Lazily, The Alpha threw it his direction, slouching in his chair and slumping his feet on the table which earned an irritated glare from detective Holmes.

"I'm going to ask you about the night Jackson was murdered, simple things like what you saw, where you were. Don't be alarmed by this, at this stage we're only looking to obtain any information we can. Any questions?"

"I'm glad you asked" The businessman sated with a growing grin. "The lighting in here is awful, the equipment weak and damaged" He shifted his weight which led to a creaking chair. "Where does all the funding go, Holmes?" Damien threw a suggestive look at the man's watch.

"What is your relation to the victim?"


"What did you witness on the night of his murder?"


"Stand up, take of your jacket and remove all belongings from your pockets"

"Hmm" Damien took a moment to consider this. "Pass"

"Excuse me?" The detective grew aggravated from the crude replies, his face grew hot and red under the lighting "Do you know who I am?"

"A detective, on a dead-beat case with no authority to be asking me to remove clothing, which by the way, is tantamount to indentured servitude, or prostitution, taking your American accent into account"

Defeating his dark jock stereotype, he left the detective in a state of shock and confusion. "Well... I'm no expert-"

"In prostitution? Why not? You're untrained and a failure of a detective. You can't even identify your own position, damnit."

Beads of sweat began forming on the detectives temples, yet he built a façade of confidence and attempted to continue. "If you fail to cooperate" his tone turning stern.

"I don't want to. To be frank, I don't care about the uneducated simpleton's murder anymore. It's boring."

"Mr Black!"

He leaned up and glanced at the note pad "Damien Black displays textbook narcissism" He shook his head and thought deep. The detective irritable and slightly intimidated by the mysterious man.

"Agreed" he quipped, flipping his notepad shut and standing up.

"Where are you going?" The detective spat.

"Me? I'm going to find some actual authority?"

"Sit. Down." The detective now furiously retorted.

Sighing Damien turned his face, his defined features contouring an expression as in which he was dealing with a child. "Why do you Americans believe volume will exceed when your uneducated logic won't?" He smirked.

"Must be all that coffee" and with that he shut the door leaving the detective dumb struck and furious.

His smirk was soon wiped clean when the irritating Alpha spoke. "How could you speak to the detective like that?! I get that he's a real ass, but do you want to be made a suspect?"

"Oh please, the kid's useless, Max"

"That's besides the point"

"I'm going to sue him" Damien replied no differently.

Max's expression dropped as an frustrated girl approached them, her face was red, raged and angered by how smugly Damien handled the situation.

"How dare you speak of Jackson like that. How dare you, he deserves better, he's worth so much more, you're not worth the ground you walk on!" She stopped to take a breath, her features tainted red, her eyes fierce and her focus fixated on Damien, her eyebrows furrowed, almost challenging the Alpha with her glare.

"And you are?" He questioned.

"His girlfriend. None of this would've happened if you hadn't fired him in the first place"

"Interesting" Clearly amused the taller boy shrugged his shoulders and laughed, "And darling if you're insinuating that Jackson was worth as much as the ground I walk on, he's not worth much" He gestured towards the cheap flooring.

"Not that you simpletons could appreciate-" He had been cut of by a sharp movement of girl's hand, open palmed, with all her force, she aimed for his face. She slapped him. The enraged girl felt his cold, hard bony skin hit her hand, which produced a loud sound.

"Owch that's gotta hurt" Max stated, laughing as the pained girl began nursing her hand. She stared at Damien long and hard, disappointed by the response she received, His dangerously handsome face moved robotically to the side and almost in an instant back into the same position, his features unchanged. His calm expression unmoved.

"I've met one too many angry harlots for that to faze me" He shrugged his shoulders again. "You tried"

The girl attempted to punch his shoulder, Damien only stood taller gazing down at her, yawning theatrically, his face resembled an expression of boredom, while she wildly attempted to attack him. Her eyes met a police's baton resting near an interview room. She went off to grab him which only caused Damien to chuckle however Max was quick to understand the escalation in the situation and took charge.

"Okaay" He added. "How about we discuss this business elsewhere, we can provide you financial aid for your devastating loss..."

Max droned on, Damien scoffing at the girl's reaction to the money, her whole face lit up, taking the silent Lolita by surprise too.

"See" Damien quipped in as other Alpha had successfully removed the girl. "All they care about is the money"

Lolita felt thousands of questions spinning in her head, she decided it was best to save them for when they were both alone. Playfully hitting Damien herself she spun around shooting him a playfully glare.

"That's for the coffee comment"

"She's a keeper" Max laughter.

"What's this morally questionable business of yours anyway?" Lolita causally asked, ignoring Max's statement.

"Nothing really"

The petite brunette furrowed her brows.

"I- er, design and manufacture weaponry for the human military" The nervous Alpha shrugged.

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