Chapter 5

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Laughter and chatter filled the hall, people stood in small crowds deep in discussion, oblivious to the surprise guest which was due. Lolita stood confidently besides her father and mother, maybe he won't show up tonight, she pondered on the thought. After all, his pack, and his beta were all here, if he really were to come, he would have turned up by now. Besides what business had he here? The petite brunette relaxed her grip on her mother's hand a little.

"This is Vincent, Lolita"

Lolita suddenly became aware of the presence of the newcomer. She smiled at the tall boy which appeared before her, he had chestnut brown her, his eyes looked like pools of honey but what struck Lolita the most was the friendly aura which he carried, illustrated by his bright smile. This she was not accustomed to, most Alpha's were cold hearted and stiff, but the one before her seemed to defy the norms of this. She noticed her fathers eager gaze as he announced the handsome alpha. Maybe he had put some consideration into this, Vincent seemed like the kind to allow Lolita the freedom she desired, Vincent may not be her mate but he seemed a fitting suitor maybe her father had thought his through. She smiled which seemed to relieve her father, she felt her mothers grip on her hand loosen and realized the reason behind this. Vincent had outstretched his arm in motion for Lolita to take it.

"Can I have the honor of the next dance?"

His voice was deep but soft and soothing. Lolita smiled, she felt genuinely pleased, he respected her, unlike the usual demanding tone of an Alpha, he had asked her politely.

"You may" Lolita replied, not wasting a minute to wrap her delicate arm around his strong muscular one, with this he led her towards the crowd of dancing guests. Before she was completely transfixed with her companion she noticed the joy radiating from her father and even her mother, they stood close together with her fathers arms wrapped around her mother's back both whispering, their beaming gazes fixed on the pair.


"Lolita's gonna be busy tonight"

"What a hottie"

With these comments, the now very embarrassed girl felt her cheeks burn a hot shade of red. She noticed her 3 friends stood with giant grins spread across their faces. Of course they would embarrass her like that. Looking up at the boy next to her, she saw that his cheeks resembled a similar colour, he looked absolutely adorable blushing, almost childlike. She hadn't realized she was staring, quickly turning away she heard a faint chuckle.

An hour into swaying around the ballroom with Vincent, Lolita felt a slight tug on her arm.

"Lo, dance with me. You haven't left this dude's side allllll night. I just want my best friend!"

Lolita heard Vincent's low chuckle again. How she had grown fond of his voice. After talking to him for only a short period, she had realized how extremely pleasant the young man was. Lolita had never thought of marriage, she could not imagine spending the rest of her life with another. However, by Vincent's side she felt at ease, knowing he would treat him as her equal. He was smart, joyful, listened to her and not to mention, extremely handsome. Lolita was almost glad the had not met her mate tonight, mates seemed to be very controlling, the prospect of being treated like property never appealed Lolita. Possessive behavior may be seen attractive to some females, but this princess was beyond that.

"Well Lo?" Before she could reply, she felt her friend drag her away. Isaac was careful to put an extra emphasis on the words 'best friend' he didn't want to cause drama with the wolf. Although he knew he could easily win any fight with him, his father had warned him against this and Isaac respected his father's word immensely. Once they were out of hearing distance, he spoke again.

"Tell me everything! The twins and I tried getting your attention for a while but you seemed to busy ogling that Victor dude"

At this Lolita burst into laughter. "It's Vincent. He's really sweet actually and we were getting along just fine till you rudely dragged me away"
She crossed her arms and grinned.

"Ooofff someone's feisty tonight. What has Victor done to you" Isaac flashed his signature smirk.

"It's Vincent" Lolita replied flatly.

"I like Victor better"

"You can't just go changing people's names because you like them better"

"Watch me"

And with that, Lolita could not contain the laughter that built up inside of her. She wrapped her arms around her taller friend.

"I love you so much Isaac, you have no idea and I'm pretty sure your soppy leaving party was for nothing now because I'm not going anywhere. If I marry Vincent, or Victor as you like to call him. I'll be able to talk to whoever and go wherever the hell I want. I may not love him that's true, but what is love in matters of such? I'm very lucky. I love you, my mother, the twins and my father and this way everyone is pleased, and I don't have to lose any of you!" She began basking in ecstatic joy unable to contain her emotions any longer.

Her friend could not help but smile into her embrace, pushing her hair slightly out of the way he gave her a serious look "You mean to say I'm stuck with you forever? There's only so much I can handle" He frowned.

Lolita playfully punched him as Isaac pretended to be in pain. Suddenly his fake cries became so much clearer in the extremely silent ball room. He must've noticed this because he shut up and turned to see what the reason was behind this, Lolita thought watching his jaw drop.

"It's not the black wolf again is it?" She mumbled jokingly at her friend. When she didn't receive a reply, she turned to the same direction the crowd was facing.

"Darker" The boy finally replied.

The ballroom door was held open. The guard holding this was visibly trembling along with the others, fear was written all over each and every individual's face. This reminded Lolita awfully a lot to the cabin party. She waited for the screams of terror and panic, but it did not come, everyone was too scared to move. The crowds stood paralyzed. Lolita was glad she was on the complete other side of the ballroom, she had anticipated this moment, knowing exactly what horrors would walk through that door. Stories about his conquests where what kept the younger Lolita and her friends awake at night and to think he was only a few years older than them was the scariest part.

As usual, Isaac could read his friend's emotions immediately, he detected her fear and began pulling her towards the door, they escaped to the garden, towards the end, near the pool.

"They'll never look for you here, and before you say no. Live a little"


"Really Lo? You want to go in there and face Shrek"

Lolita sat by the pool dipping her feet into the water, it was true. She did not want to face the monster beyond those doors but she had remembered what her father had said. The 'Alpha of darkness' may be the most feared and respected Alpha of all, but he was no brute. He preferred not to kill innocent people, especially women and children, a trait Lolita found honourable. Yet the stories told of how he brutally killed his parents murders and the entirety of rouges which followed where nightmare worthy. At the tender age of 10 how he ripped men triple his size limb from limb with his bare hands send shivers down her spine.

Isaac must have saw that as she felt his jacket drop on her shoulder. But she was not cold, Lolita felt like her insides out were burning up, the same lightheaded feeling she had felt the night of the party consumed her. In desperate need for the cool satisfaction, Lolita began lowering herself into the pool relaxing into the icy water.

She laid back, floating above her cool haven knowing that she could not go back into the ball room now, she felt a sense of panic fill her, fortunately a pair of large arms held her pulling her out of her thoughts, the panic subsiding as Isaac looked at her intently.

She soon noticed his attention was fixed elsewhere and Lolita picked onto too, voices. Isaac pulled her attention again as he mind linked with her, before dragging her down into the depths of Lolita's watery grave, if her father finds her, he really would bury her here and now.

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