Chapter 15

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"Okay, If it's my attention you wanted, I'm now singularly impending on your suffering." The darkly dressed Alpha spoke softly, raising his arms as he walked into the filthy cellar.

The blonde haired Lycan leaned forward, towards the newcomer, muttering something at an inaudible volume before returning to his previous stance.

"I'm here now. So start speaking before I pluck your eyeballs out and eat them like olives off my fingertips." Cruelly smirking, the Alpha sped towards the prisoner, his startled jump causing the rusty chains to rattle before the wolf yanked his battered face upward.

"What's the point. You're going to kill me anyway." The prisoner forced out through gritted teeth. His arms aching from the impact of the suffocating, rusty chains. Normally, he would easily be able to break out of this, it was nothing, but due to the toxins injected into him and the unbearable torture- seconds of which would have left a human dead instantly, the Warlock was simply too weak.

"Let's not be too hasty, August. It's not every day you find out your old friend was a fraud." Damien spat, pulling vigorously on the chains. "Besides, I feel like we're just getting to know each other." He added, drowned in cries of agony.

When the flaming heat of the Warlock's poisonous entanglement resumed being somewhat tolerable, he choked out his response. "Kill me. I'll never betray my Lord. This unexpected news, of the girl being your mate. Well, that's an inconvenience but our mission is perennial. You'll soon regret this."

"Your foolish loyalty is anything but admirable. Have you simply forgotten what he has done to people like you?" Damien's low chuckle sounded in the virtually empty cellar, he approached his Beta, the sound of his harsh steps ricocheting off the walls. "What do you think Steph, willful ignorance or perhaps something more pathological?"

"You're naivety is amusing." The Warlock croaked through broken laughter. "Once we fulfil the prophecy, you will pay. You're a traitor to your own kind."

"My kind?" Damien cringed, his eye's growing darker. "Insult me again and I'll tear out your entrails and artfully arrange then outside your family's abode."

"Stupid boy." The Warlock dared to mutter. "You really don't have any idea on what they have in store for you. Do you, Damien?" He crookedly smiled.

"No," Damien responded, melodramatically rolled his eyes, dragging his legs closer to him, folding his arms and bearing an expression of annoyance. "But from your vague threats, ominous prophecies and empty promises of war. I doubt you have a clear grasp either."

"What is this greater evil you have planned in store for him anyway?" The Lycan asked, tone laced in anger, he developed a protective stance over his Alpha.

This earned another broken laugh from the prisoner. "Why, my Lord is going to cleanse the world, from filthy traitors like yourself."

At this point, Damien had lost all interest, running his fingers along the bars of the cell. "Well, that's a convenient euphemism." He chuckled, his cold glare meeting his captives'. "Just a slight miscalculation. Immorality. Something your 'lord' doesn't possess, my darling August."

"What's that Steph?" Damien spun on his heels to his silent friend. "I should kill them all and have my pack urinate on his lord's body?"

"I- no, I didn't say anything."

"Oh, my bad." He tapped his head with his pale finger smiling. "My wolf's out of my control."

The pair gaped at the lethal Alpha in fear, earning a low chuckle in return. "I'm kidding." He raised his strong hands upwards theatrically. "My wolf wouldn't grant them such mercy."

"I've fought alongside his wolf." The Beta added, now reassured by the Alpha's cool exterior. "If I was your lord, I wouldn't provoke such a sinister thing."

Smirking, Damien turned to his loyal Beta, adding "He's useless. Knows nothing, kill him." Before lazily walking away.

"But Alpha-"


"I would happily do so, but the Warlock's curse, the millennial of haunting."

Developing another irritated grimace, the agile wolf swiftly ripped out a purple-blooded organ, tossing it aside, motioning to his Beta. "At least dispose of it properly, will you." He muttered, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket. Unaffected by the cloud of thick black smoke with erupted from the body, surrounding him, he threw aside the cloth.

The Beta grinned at his leader in amusement, awe and fear as the black cloud evaporated when dawning the vicious predictor. There was truly no creature, nor curse or fate which could afflict the slightest pain on such a tainted soul. He certainly lived up to his title, the Alpha of darkness.

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