Chapter 25

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Vivian paused. The two girls had managed to sneak out of the castle through the east wing undetected, Isaac had distracted the guards, however, Vivian feared he had been caught. Running her thin fingers along the thick bars of the gate, she looked to Lolita, her eyes being the window to her thoughts.

"Don't worry about Issac" Lolita reassured the worried girl. "We've done this countless times," She giggled reminiscing all the late night treks they had been on. She had a strange feeling her mother had known and turned a blind eye to this but it remained unspoken between the two. "He'll be here soon"

As if on cue, a sandy-haired boy emerged from the darkness, a huge grin plastered across his face.

"Well?" Lolita questioned.

"Nothing" he shot back, his grin growing impossibly larger. "Now let's get out of here before anyone sees us" Issac pushed the gate open slightly, enough for the teens to slip through undetected before swiftly pushing it back, leaving enough room for the gate to be reopened on their return.

Vivian caught up with Isaac, spluttering out all the reasons why she thought this was a bad idea, although Lolita was used to Isaac's schemes, she could not help the growing pit in her stomach. The petite girl felt a strong urge to turn around, she almost would have, if she did not feel the burning stare from something behind the gate. Pushing the feeling aside, she ran towards her friends as they searched the woodland for Isaac's car.

"Here," he finally stated, pushing a tree branch back to reveal the discrete black and grey sports car. The three clambered, with Issac fidgeting with the GPS and Vivian showering him with questions, Lolita could not concentrate on the dangers of this, instead, she too grew curious and turned her attention to the pair's conversation.

"It's a surprise" Isaac responded laughing, which caused Lolita's eyes to grow at the remark, this is not going to end well. Instantly regretting her decision she remained quiet for the rest of the journey.

Shortly after arriving at a small town, Isaac ran his hand through his sandy locks stopping the car in front of a bar, awaiting Lolita's outburst. The anxious girl noticed this and internally groaned. Of course, he would bring us here, does he have no common sense? Although the bright sapphire eyes which glowed with excitement caused Lolita to carefully evaluate her response.

"Isaac, we're teenagers. They won't let us in"

"Of course they will" The tan boy shot Lolita his signature smirk before climbing out of the car and opening a door for both girls.


"How much has she had to drink?"

"Let her live a little"

Lolita eyed the raven beauty with concern as she danced on the bar top, pouring drinks for cheery customers with a large bottle which she waved around carelessly.

"There's a difference between living a little and getting hurt, she's drawing too much attention to herself, what if someone recognised her?" She stated frowning at Isaac who rolled his eyes.

Lolita watched as her friend tipped the bottle, spilling the contents all over the bar table. "I need some fresh air" She forced out before disappearing to the door while Isaac attended the drunken girl.

The cool air lapped against Lolita's face, a nice change from the heated, overcrowded bar. Sighing internally she pushed her back against the wall. She felt anger coursing through her. Last week, Lolita had been content. I lived with my family, I was free to go and see whoever I wanted, I didn't have any unnecessary worries. Last week, I was a normal teenager. She dwelled on this long and hard, all her previous emotions of pity and misery evaporated. All the petite girl felt was anger.

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