Chapter 33

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The next morning, Lolita found herself cocooned in a pair of study arms, her face muffled deeply into a broad chest, the steady heart beat bringing Lolita tranquility. She snuggled in deeper, realising her own arms were wrapped around Damien's athletic build, along with their legs being intricately intertwined. Even if she wanted to break out of his hold, this would be near impossible.

Lolita began pondering on how she had been breathing at all last night, given her face's deep confinement within Damien's chest, their two bodies had practically become one, his all consuming arms clinging onto her like she was his life line.

She attempted not to stir as she didn't want to arouse Damien from his slumberous state, the petite girl was certain he had not properly slept since the incident. A growing initiative inside her focused on nothing other then his wellbeing, this overwhelmed her.

Lolita feared she was attaching to the Alpha much too rapidly, for her liking. Unlike humans, werewolf relationships formed differently, especially when it was a matter of mates. The pair would've been expected to be fully mated within days. Nonetheless, considering their circumstances and characteristics, this was not the case. Although the pair had not rushed into anything, the proximity Lolita wanted with her mate worried her.

Before she could dwell on these thoughts any longer, she felt the tightened arms around her loosen. A large hand extended towards her hair, caressing the silky locks.

"Good morning, little wolf" His husky voice mumbled.

"Morning" She replied back through a yawn. Breaking free from Damien's hold, she faced him, admiring his tousled hair and childlike morning look.

"What's the plan for today then?" Lolita sweetly asked.

Realisation sunk into his features, the petite girl watched in confusion as his face morphed into the stern and hardened expression he formally carried.

"Shit" He groaned.

"Excuse me?"

Before Lolita could receive a reply, she watched the Alpha bolt upright, dashing around the large room like a manic.

"Dear God, you're not possessed now, are you? Or is this another Alpha thing?" Lolita joked as Damien reappeared from the bathroom, a toothbrush poking out of his mouth, the buttons from his shirt undone.

"Actually it kind of is" His muffled chuckle faintly heard from his mouth full of tooth paste. "I have a meeting with an Alpha from a neighbouring pack and I completely forgot, er.. I was distracted"

Lolita, basking in her own distraction, simply nodded in response. Too absorbed by her mate's defined abs which were visible through the unbuttoned shirt. She watched as they flexed from his rushed movements, it was a sight for sore eyes, she thought. Before Damien had the chance to catch her, she averted her gaze and he rushed back off to the bathroom.

Lolita stood up meeting the cold floorboards, she padded towards the closet, pulling out a fresh suit for Damien, noting that the contents seemed to be mostly smart attire, not that she could picture Damien in anything else. The thought of Damien waltzing around in a pair of shorts or sweat pants amused her.

Setting the item on a stool near the bathroom she crawled back under the covers, sitting up but securely wrapping them around herself. No later, a shirtless Damien shot out, he had managed to tame his wild hair but at his accelerating speed, Lolita knew that it would not last.

"Thanks" He managed to blurt out at the sight of the suit. Instead of carrying the clothing to the bathroom, he proceeded to undress and throw on the fresh set of clothes.

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