Chapter 31

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The crimson liquid sprayed across the dimly lit field, bodies lay in piles, a strong stench accompanying their decaying state.

Isaac huffed, his clothes dripping in the liquid, weighing him down.

"They've taken Demitri to the prisons to be interrogated" Steph voiced, his eyes locked on the future Alpha's actions, the pair the only remaining individuals on the field. Issac had now removed his shirt, scrunching the material together, unfazed at the blood which trickled down from it.

"Is my father with them?"

"Yes" The Lycan curtly replied.

Once informed that the situation was under control, Isaac loosened his authoritative demeanour, smiling at his companion who reluctantly averted his gaze, earning laughter from Isaac's side.

"We are still yet to address this issue, you know" He informed Steph, who hesitantly nodded his head, pushing his blonde hair back and locking his hazel orbs with Isaac's sparkling emerald ones.

"Perhaps when we're not in the middle of a brutal war?"

"Perhaps" Isaac grinned as his companion slung his arm over Isaac's shoulder, playfully distributing his body weight onto him causing Issac to slump from both the action and laughter, the two remained like this as they headed back to the castle.


The prisoner let out a low, broken chuckle.

If being sedated, tortured and even offered the chance of freedom was not enough to make him talk, surely Steph's learnt methods from his Alpha were.

"Infuriating bastard" The king mumbled, unlocking the prison door, giving the lycan and Isaac access inside. The lycan cracked his knuckles theatrically before approaching the tied up prisoner while Issac watched him with a growing smirk.

"Give me 10 minutes" He retorted. The king and Daniel both chuckled before stepping onto the other side of the gate, they latched the door shut, trapping Isaac and Steph inside with the prisoner.

"We've already tried that, but by all means. I'm sure Damien has educated you well in the realm of torture"

"Oh Alpha Daniel, you have no idea" Steph darkly mumbled.

Grunts, sighs, squirms and thuds.

Isaac lazily sprawled himself on the prison bed, uninterested at Steph's unsuccessful means of extracting information. He felt the events of battle take its toll on him, shutting his eyes he attempted to wash out the violent sounds which vibrated the solid space.

"Isaac. What the hell dude?"

The disorientated boy shot himself upwards, greeted by a plump, colourful prisoner and an irritated lycan.

"Okay, Wreck it Ralph, you've had your multiple 10 minutes," He spoke, adopting Steph's previous words before the incident, only adding to the Lycan's frustration. "it's my turn now" Steph curiously watched as he tousled his hair a wicked grin contouring his tired expression.

"Where're you going?" He finally spoke, watching Isaac open the barred gate.

"To summon the satanic twins"

Satanic twins? Steph thought, roughly recalling a pair of timid girls as the only twins he perceived Isaac to know. No sooner, Isaac reappeared, an angered girl tailing him.

"So this is the low life scum so threatened our Lolita?" She spat, circling the figure.

"Easy blondie, I never threatened her" The prisoner chuckled. Leaving the lycan taken back at his actions, had he not hit him hard enough? Before he could amend the situation, he saw the irked girl conjure a bottle of thick green liquid he had not noticed before, she began pouring it inside the prisoners forced parted lips. The tension in the room grew as the bulky man began coughing and spluttering in response, a scarlet content slipping from his lips, decorating his surroundings.

Timid? Steph ate his words. This twin was a descendant of Satan himself. He watched in amusement and awe as she seethingly addressed the lightheaded figure.

"You animal. I want to know your intentions with the Queen, her whereabouts and I want to be informed of any current threat you've set up towards her daughter, my closest friend" Lily spat through gritted teeth. The prisoner was unable to reply, chocking on his frothy blood. "It would be in your interests to reply to me now before my sister shows up with more treats" She wickedly urged, shaking the bottle, while Isaac loomed over her, arms folded, glowing like a proud father.


Lolita perched herself onto the window seat, she was greeted with the vast midnight sky freckled with luminous stars which extended down to the figure her attentive focus was on.

After the events which occurred at the gym, she had spent the rest of the day mentally training herself with Lucius. This included several relaxing and concentrating techniques which the agitated and distracted teen had difficulty comprehending.

A particular dark haired Alpha rung in her mind, despite this; she had not seen him the remainder of the day, leaving her imagination to run wild. The scenarios she had conjured only left a stronger relief to wash over her when she was met with his illuminated pale features under the moonlight. Unharmed nor tainted with anyone's blood. Good. So he had managed to tame his anger, she thought.

Similar to the previous night, he seated himself onto the stool, stretching his ghostly fingers over the instrument, filling Lolita's ears with the sweet melancholic sound. Unconsciously, she found herself wandering towards this, the harsh breeze bringing her back to reality. She bit her bottom lip hard, stopping in her tracks as she was about to spin around, the abrupt stop to the musical tranquillity brought her attention to the glowing ocean dots which were glued to her own. Hesitantly, she approached the pianist, noticing his stiffening statue like structure, something Lolita noticed to occur often around her presence. Just as she was debating whether to change her name to Medusa, she felt warm arms snake around her, pulling her onto the owner's lap.

"Thank you" His deep murmur tickling her neck. After a moment of inhaling her soothing scent, Damien reluctantly pulled away, placing the petite girl beside him.

"For what?" Lolita curiously whispered.

"For not giving up on me" He responded with an equally quiet tone, before returning his fingers on the keys of the piano. 


"I rather die than give you the satisfaction" A weak Demitri wickedly spat, both Isaac and Steph groaned at this, growing heavily impatient.

"Your wish is my command" Lily huffed "ANNA" She screamed for her twin sister, the lack of response only causing her to repeat the action.

"Okaay" Steph interjected. "We'll call Damien to deal with him tomorrow" Amused at the glint of fear which flashed through the prisoner's orbs.

However, this unusual reaction did not go unnoted by Issac. Why was an Alpha with an exceedingly high pain and healing tolerance afraid of Damien? Sure, the intimidating man had a tendency to make wolves quake with fear. But Demitri's name sparked a similar reaction. Surely he was physically capable of anything Damien was? Nevertheless, even he was afraid. This only increased Isaac's concern for the safety of his dear friend who was mated to the monstrosity.

"There you are" Lily added, beaming at her sister. "The bastard's failing to comply. Did you bring the acid?"

Anna giggled, struggling with dragging a barrel alongside her. Steph immediately shifted towards the girl, releasing her off the weight, he lifted the item up as if it was a pillow.

"How?" The baffled twin gasped, rubbing her arms. "And what's that weird smell?"

However, Anna's question was wordlessly answered when she locked eyes with the enchanting prisoner. Her sister and the Lycan watched her expression drop, both met with confusion before he grumbled the dreaded word.


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