Chapter 38

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"A little birdie told me you and Damien have gotten quite close" Isaac teasingly taunted the petite brunette.

"You saw that?" She nervously questioned, her pale face visibly reddening.

"Nope" The boy added, popping the p. "But I wish I did, a picture of that would've been the perfect blackmail material"

"Oh get over yourself Isaac" Vivian chimed in. "Just because you and Steph haven't gotten that far yet" Now it was his turn to redden.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He stuttered.

"Of course you do" The twins giggled.

Raising his hands in defeat, the blonde boy backed away, tripping over a peculiar box, almost crushing it; landing with a thump on the floor. "Jesus Lo, I thought you were the organised one"

The curious brunette turned towards her fallen friend before alertly whispering. "That's not mine"

"Who's could it possibly be then, Damien's?" Isaac joked examining the pink glitter and neatly tied bow.

"I doubt it be anyone less out of the ordinary" Vivian stated, eying the contraption. Which was dented from Isaac's haggard fall, the bow remained neatly tied with a label attached to it 'My dearest Lolita' The three stood gaping at the girl.

"Um maybe Damien left it behind for you?" Lily unconvincingly muttered.

"Yeah" Anna eagerly added. "Maybe"

"Have you met my brother?" The raven beauty scoffed, diminishing any scrape of hope the group hung onto.

Fearfully, the petrified brunette untied the bow and watched the box fall apart, as soon as the bow was untied, soothing music began playing, the familiar notes filled Lolita's ears, her dread growing.

It sound her of the music box her mother had gotten her on her 11th birthday. It was made from light birch, engraved embodiment of a soft pattern shaped the outside with light purple, pink and white colourings. When opened a small ballerina would appear, it would twirl around the box endlessly, a younger Lolita would sit for hours listening to the sound of the sweet melody with her beloved mother. Now, the sound was bitter to her ears, she felt her stomach churn.

"What is that?" Issac questioned, moving the light green paper to a side, his expression bore horror and shock, he froze. Lolita advanced to her feet and ran around the house, investigating each window.

"Lo?" Anna squeaked, her voice breaking, the unnerving shock preventing him from speech.

"I'm checking for any signs of a break in" Her friend stated in a hurry. "Nothing" She furiously sighed.

She entered her immaculate bedroom, examining the state. Just how she had left it. Rushing back to her friends she found that Isaac was no longer to be seen, a flood of panic filled her.

"Isaac?!" She yelled, her blood pulsated toxic fury into her body, her mind fuzzy, her silvery orbs unable to see, legs bent kneed and fatigue.


"I'm here, I'm here" He screamed back, she ran into the guest room and saw him checking the windows "I was just-"

There was a loud clash and the crackling of branches. Lolita ran towards her room again and stood there in shock.

Her long-lost box which she thought was gone forever was placed on the bedside as she had left it. The window wide open, Lolita ran towards this, only witness the clashing of branches on the old oak tree. "We're too late!"

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