Chapter 19

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The small brunette felt herself falling back into consciousness, despite this, she did not want to open her eyes, the feeling of euphoric tranquillity engrossed her. Attempting to turn to her side, Lolita realised she could not; pinned down to her back, she was unable to move.

Her eyes hazily open as she recoiled the events of last night. Looking down, her attention met no other than a dormant Damien. He held his anchored position on Lolita's stomach, his head tilted upwards giving Lolita a perfect view of his thick raven lashes kissing his cheeks, his pink sensual lips, slightly parted and his perfect features moulded into pure innocence in his slumberous state.

Running her hand through his feathery dark hair, she felt his grip loosen marginally; repeating this action once more, the small girl whispered "Good morning" Which caused Damien to stir before his luscious lashes fluttered open exposing her to the pools of vibrant blue.

"Morning" He replied, warmly smiling before pushing himself up to Lolita's side. "Sleep well?"

"Much better, thanks" Lolita mumbled, blushing through her smile. Damien took this as an opportunity to poke her dimple before replying.

"No problem, little wolf but we really need to talk about this whole disappearing act you keep pulling"

"I did exactly as you told me. I just don't think I can control it" Lolita grimaced remembering the events of the particular occurrence.

"Where'd you go this time?" Damien asked scanning her pained expression, frowning.

"It doesn't matter" She replied, too tired to unravel the distress. "I just don't want it to happen again"

"Understandable" He softly spoke, placing an arm around her shoulder, Lolita snuggled closer to surprisingly affectionate Alpha. "Your parents shouldn't have sheltered you from all this, it only makes matters more dangerous now," Lolita sighed into his shirt, he was right. If her parents hadn't stripped her from her strange affinities, they would not have instantaneously returned, overwhelming the petite girl. Her worry stretched to Damien's intertwined aura, causing him to place a small kiss on her head. "No fear, we'll begin training today."

"Training?" Lolita questioned sitting up, what did he mean by that. She had never been particularly fond of fighting, inflicting pain onto others was something which strongly opposed the virtuous girl's morals.

"Easy" The room filled with the sound of Damien's laughter, a sound Lolita instantly fell in love with. "We'll start with the basics, nothing too crazy, okay?" He reassured her, running his lean fingers along her arm before swiftly standing up and finding his way to a closet in cat like movements. The small girl was surprised at how much energy Damien could possibly have considering he was sound asleep only moments ago.

Reappearing from the closet with a small book in his hand, Damien passed it to the girl, before looking deep into her silvery doe eyes. "You're very special because no one has seen or knows of this book's existence- and I'd like to keep it that way please, it's one of my early journals, in this there's a full account of my experience with the whole drifting away thing, you can read it, it might be useful." He blankly stated, shrugging his shoulders.

"Journals?" Lolita playfully raised her brow. "How many did you keep?" She was now giggling but quickly cut off by Damien's curt reply.

"It doesn't matter" She looked over to see that he had returned to his blank, hardened expression. "I can take this one back if you'd like"

"No" Lolita comically stated, clutching onto the battered book, earning a small smirk from Damien.

She had been grateful he trusted her and disclosed so much of himself to her by handing her such a personal item. Impressed at the compassion he gave her, Lolita began to feel much more comfortable around 'the Alpha of darkness' unfazed by his cruel facade, she was left ultimately shocked at how he had met the definition of a 'perfect mate.' Not wanting to tarnish this, Lolita dropped the topic of the journals instantly.


"Lucas, right?"

"Actually it's Lucius, but definitely a step up from 'little minion' I'm impressed." The foreign wolf chuckled.

"You can call me out when it's not true" Isaac retorted, grinning. "Lucius is ancient. I'm gonna call you Lucas." He added at the end, watching his accomplice's expression drop.

"Well, you are speaking to an ancient Lycan, after all. I'd hold your tongue, kid."

"Just ignore him, Lucius" A newcomer added.

The pair turned to identity the speaker, causing Isaac to roll his eyes as the figure took a seat next to him.

"That's what I do anyway"

This earned another low chuckle from the Lycan before he voiced "That's the last thing you should be doing, Steph"

"Why?" Steph spat. "I'm not accountable for his actions"

"I never said you were"

"What has Damien been telling you?" The irritated blonde muttered accusingly. "Whatever it is, I don't care. It's not true"

"Of course it isn't"

"IT'S NOT" both Issac and Steph cried out simultaneously resulting in a large smirk spreading across Lucius' face.

"Why're you here anyway?" Isaac grumbled

"I'm here to help your dear friend tame her new found abilities"

"You're her saviour? What was Damien thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if she set this continent on fire, hey at least she'll kill the bad guy right, maybe Damien was thinking"

"Damien's always thinking" Damien projected, within a flash he was seated on the dining table, piling a plate with food for Lolita as she groggily followed behind.

"Good morning" She yawned, flashing a sympathetic smile towards Isaac as Damien raised his brow at his Beta and Isaac.

"Oh don't you start too." The irritated blonde muttered.

"Start what Steph?" Damien questioned, his tone dripping with mocking curiosity.


"Start what? Enlighten me"

"When're you starting Lolita's training?"

"Today" Damien replied, his previous playful tone now replaced with his serious demeanour. "Lucius will take her back to the palace, they can start from there. Oh and nice curve"

"Why does the training need to begin at the palace?" Lolita now questioned, irritated with the constant road trips yet she could not help a surge of excitement at the mention of returning home.

"You'll see, myself and Steph have some errands to run beforehand but we'll catch up with you guys by nightfall"

By the euphemism 'errands' Lolita suspected they weren't particularly pleasant but what did she expect? Lolita knew what she had gotten herself into, she can't expect Damien to change overnight.

"Okay" She responded. Taking all 3 boys by surprise, Damien had expected further questioning and was prepared with multiple explanations. The confused Alpha eyed at the girl curiously. "When do we begin?"

Not really much in this chapter, I've been quite busy today. Sorry guys 😬 But who would like to see journal entries from Damien? Not entirely sure as to whether I should include them or not 🤷🏻‍♀️

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