Chapter 32

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"Where did you learn how to play like that?" Lolita asked in awe, watching the pale fingers skilfully manoeuvre across the keys of the piano.

"Victoria" He sighed his finger slipping, cutting the note short.

"What was she like?" Lolita further asked, unaware of this.

This was enough for Damien's fingers to completely halt in their actions, causing Lolita to regretfully stumble over her next sentence.

"Sorry... I didn't mean to pry it's just-"

"She was," Damien broke in, silencing the apologetic girl. "She was the only person who didn't look at me as if I were either a weapon or a ticking time bomb" He turned his head, the shock of silky hair following, placing his memorising gaze in full display which he locked into his mate's silvery moonlit eyes.

"She essentially raised me as my mother was incapable of doing so" Damien's voice wavered slightly as he continued. "Kind, compassionate and strong. Victoria was too good for this world"

"I'm so sorry" The girl empathetically replied. Every bone in her body wanted to provide Damien with some comfort, perhaps her affinities extended to raising the dead.

"She's in a better place now" Damien uncertainly proclaimed, leaving Lolita unsure whether this was to reassure her or himself. Desperately wanting to avoid the air of excruciating silence which would follow, she found herself averting the topic.

"How do you feel being away from your pack for so long?" It was a strange question to ask, however, Lolita was hungry for any information regarding Damien's pack, given Isaac's assumption that they were all Lycan's and the fear and respect surrounding them, Lolita wanted to know exactly what she was dealing with.

Damien chuckled, understanding why Lolita had asked him this. "Honestly? I'm not usually around them much, Steph seems to take care of more of the social aspects"

"Oh," Lolita replied, that made sense. "How many members are there?"

"563" Her companion answered indifferently.

"That's more than both my father's and Daniel's combined!" The shocked girl gasped. "And you don't talk to a single one of them? Who dropped you as a child?" Her face instantly fell from her unfiltered remark as she recalled Damien's childhood. Her head hanging low, she stuttered. "Sorry I didn't mean-"

However before she could finish her sentence she was cut short by Damien's hearty laugh, her proximity to his chest caused her petite body to feel the vibrations.

"You've started talking to me like you're treading on eggshells" Lolita reddened at his comment. "It's okay. Say what you please, I know my Alpha status isn't causing this. You outrank me any day, princess and as my Luna- if you accept, of course. You are not my equal. You would be stupid to think so"

Now Lolita's blood began boiling. She was ready to murder an Alpha.

"Given your role, you're far more superior" He continued taking her by surprise.

"A Luna usually adopts equal a responsibility of a pack, just as the Alpha, without the vigorous training he receives, of course. A Luna is just expected to leave her pack to take responsibility of a completely foreign one, she is meant to be caring and compassionate to people she has never encountered, their problems instantly become her own. Behind every successful Alpha, there is an underappreciated Luna who essentially dealt with all strategic advances the anger clouded mind of the primitive Alpha was incapable of dealing with" Lolita's head began spinning from Damien's words. They went against the nature of every Alpha bone in his body, along with his bitter hatred for his kind, she was left in bafflement wondering where this all stemmed from.

"Without their Luna, an Alpha would go mad and destroy everything. A Luna's nature prevents her from doing so. Speaking of nature" Lolita was broken from her thoughts, adopting Damien's freezing mechanism as she felt his warm palm travel towards her stomach.

"A Luna gives the Alpha a heir. An actual human grows inside her stomach, she carries the child for 9 consecutive months and werewolf culture is telling us that Luna's are merely an Alpha's significant other?" He scoffed.

Before the enraged Alpha could continue, he felt Lolita scoot dangerously close, the warmth from her plump lips catching him off guard. After the initial shock, he returned her affection. Unlike before, this kiss was slow, passionate. All their emotions poured into this, the petite girl felt dizzy from the sheer intensity itself.

She pulled away, opening her eyes slowly to be met with darkening blue eyes of her companions. He smiled, slowly moving his head an inch forward before hesitantly pulling back. He then meekly repeated his action.

Blushing from his timidity, Lolita captured his warm lips again. After this, she showered his reddened cheek in kisses causing the shade to deepen before pulling away and smiling manically at the 'big bad Alpha of darkness'.

She buried herself into his neck, feeling her own cheeks flush from the building tension.

"How're things in America?" She asked.

Damien cleared his throat, taking a moment to compose a reply. "They're captured Demetri, he's currently undergoing questioning. I have a meeting with Daniel tomorrow to further discuss this" He paused for air after his rambling.

"They're questioning him regarding the location of your mother now I'd presume"

Lolita felt a pang of emptiness as she was painfully reminded of her own mother. Fear rumbled inside of her as images of the danger she was potentially facing flashed before her glistening orbs.

"I may have lost my mother, but I'm not letting you lose yours, little wolf" Lolita looked up, met with a smile which dimmed the very stars above her. How this man sensed her every thought, she would never know.

"Thanks" She managed to mumble, holding a shudder back from Damien's cool fingertips which traced lines along her bare arm. Her own reached out gently running along the keys of the piano, the cold stiff keys absorbing her warmth.

Large hands, cupped her own, guiding her fingers across the keys. Lolita felt slight electrifying pressure apply down, soothing notes filling the atmosphere. The cool skin above her own continued steering her hands across the keys till Lolita produced a melancholic melody of her own.

She heard a low chuckle, the brunette snapped her attention from the notes she was meticulously studying towards the hauntingly handsome Damien.

"I can teach you if you like" His laughter filled the air.

"Yeah?" Lolita asked, examining his chiselled features, her wandering gaze hovering everywhere expect the pools of icy ocean orbs. "You would do that?"

Damien shrugged his shoulders in response. "If that's what you want"

The petite brunette couldn't help but giggle at this, the thought of the most dangerous and feared wolf alive teaching her how to play an instrument seemed obscure. In fact, a gentle Damien sat by her offering such a thing and the intimate moment they shared seemed out of place. Lolita began wondering whether this was really just a dream.


"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"I'm glad you're my mate"

Damien froze again. His heart swelling with an emotion he had never felt before. Recalling the night he met the beautiful girl he could not fathom that such a vision of perfection would expect him, a broken murderous wolf as a mate. A comedically large smile spread across his lips, his whole stature buzzing from enthralment of Lolita's proclamation.

Taking comfort into this, Lolita returned her own lazy smile. Damien wrapped his arms and balmy aura around her, pulling her towards the intoxicating scent, before briskly standing up while cradling her tired small frame close.

Within a flash, he was indoors. Gently setting her still body down onto the bed, Damien tugged the blanket upwards, placing a lingering kiss on his precious mate's forehead.

"I don't deserve you" he mumbled to himself, stroking her hair and breathing in her sweet scent.

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