Chapter 24

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The petite girl woke up the next morning surprised to find that she had fallen asleep by the window. This confirmed that the eerie scene from last night was in fact not a dream. Gently pushing the blanket aside Lolita slipped away and began folding the blanket before she placed it on the freshly made bed. The fabric was infused with a familiar musky scent that sent a tingling sensation down Lolita's spine. He had been in the room. As far as Lolita knew, she had not carried a blanket with her last night.

A short spasm of excitement shot through Lolita as she pulled a pair of clothes from her bags, within minutes she appeared out of the bathroom ready, rapidly dashing down the stairs, where she was met with a similar sight from the previous morning.

Christian reading his book, Vivian watching a movie. Trying not to let out a sigh of disappointment, she took a seat next to Vivian who was so engrossed in the screen, she had not noticed. However, Chris sensed the flicker of disappointment she bore, sending her a sympathetic look, he was the first to initiate conversation.

"How're you feeling?"

"Fine," Lolita stated flatly, attempting to conceal her emotions behind an expressionless tone "Is he here" She slowly added, stuttering and failing in her attempts. The words came out as a statement rather than a question, last night, the drowsy girl had indiscriminately seen his pale face illuminated in the moonlight, his chiselled features engraved in her memory. It wasn't a matter of- is he here but rather, where is he.

"No," Christian solemnly replied to the now confused girl. "But Steph is to return today, perhaps he accompanies him" His uneasy tone and formality seemed rather unconvincing to Lolita.

Had last night really been a dream? Would her mate ever return?

"Oh," She mumbled, turning her attention towards the screen, inheriting Vivian's hypnotised expression.


Dear Anna and Lily,

Where do I start? Norway is such a beautiful country. The house- or castle which I'm staying in is also lovely. Although, there is a particular air of mystery and suspiciousness which strikes me. Perhaps this is due to the vast unexplored land which I have yet to discover.

The area of the residence itself is quite literally in the middle of nowhere, we're surrounded by woodland, a lake, fields and this strange wall which I can see out of my room, I do know what is behind this, as it is impossible to see anything but the grail path which can be made out through the bars of the web-like gate, I hope to one day discover this though, although the gate remains locked, Isaac and I are trying to pick it, he says this is an unusual one, hence why he's taking a lifetime.

I know it's rude to be wandering around and doing such things but Christian, his brother and Steph, his Beta who I'm sure you're aware of, have made it quite clear that we can do what we please, even when we mentioned the gate they seemed unfazed, only adding that we share whatever is behind that with their curiosity too as no one is sure of what exactly lays there.

Speaking of Isaac, his relationship with Steph is quite interesting. They came to despise each other but is Isaac isn't following Steph around, Steph is following Isaac around. They're unusually close for such circumstances, kind of like the two of you!

I'm sure Damien would have plenty to comment about this if he was here that is. I have not seen him since the night we left. That's right, you're both probably screaming now, internally I am too. He didn't even make an appearance at the Pack funeral. Steph and Chris seem to be handling all of his 'Alpha duties' recently, however I can sense that they are worried too, the pack is unaware of the situation, simply assuming he was too devastated to turn up to the funeral, as one of the victims was Victoria, a mother like figure for him. They assume he is still here, handling his work but mourning behind closed doors.

I can now sense the worry in Steph and Chris, they both seem restless all the time, the duties of an Alpha have not treated them kindly. However, as time tolls, they assume the worst. Although they don't say this, I can see it written all over their faces. They don't think Damien's going to return and they're discussing whether they should confront the pack.

Personally, I would feel the same if it had not been for the strange presence, I believe him to be here. Come every nightfall, I hear him in the garden, I feel his presence, occasionally I see his illuminated ghostly features but when I rush to reach his side, he's no longer there. have I truly gone insane? Or, do I assume the worst. That he really is dead, the ghostly encounters seem to lead me to assume this but writing this on paper twists my heart in knots of agony.

I have not shared this information with anyone, not even Isaac. I have considered telling Vivian, his sister who reminds me very much of the two of you! You're much alike and would instantly be friends.

Our friendship seems to be developing quickly too. She is very pleased about this, honestly, she doesn't have many friends as she never leaves the castle without a guard, she is homeschooled and under strict surveillance due to her vulnerability because of her connection to 'the Alpha of darkness' most of the time she's usually sat in front of a television screen, but Isaac and I intend to change that. I believe she is capable well of taking care of herself and as far as Isaac and I go, you both must have already figured this is going to end in a good old fashioned sneak out.

But enough about me, how are the two of you? And when are you coming? I haven't heard much from mother yet, our calls don't last long and she usually rushes away. There is a hint of fear whenever I call her, I haven't told her about Damien's lack of presence I feel it would only worry her more. Would either of you know the cause of this?

Anyhow, I love the both of you so much and miss you immensely. I hope we meet soon,

Yours sincerely,

"You're in the wrong decade"

Lolita rolled her eyes at this comment, "Writing keeps me distracted. I enjoy it" she explained.

"I know what else will keep you distracted" Isaac winked. "Plotting this sneak out" He smirked as Vivian was now practically bouncing off the walls.

Lolita had been so distracted, she had not seen the pair enter but at the mention of the sneak out, Vivian's enthusiasm and Isaac's evil grin brought a smile to her lips, tainting her tormented mood.

"When do we begin?"

This caught Vivian's attention a large smile grew on her lips as she threw her arms around Lolita's petite figure, earning her a burst of giggles.

"Let's talk strategy" Isaac added. "Steph and Chris have gone to deal with paperwork, the guards currently patrolling the upper east wing are on lunch break. Nora, Eva and Fredrick, from the left east wing are responsible for the right until they return" He paused smirking and raising his brow "And I have them wrapped around my little finger" He lifted his finger poking Lolita.

"Hey" She laughed, nudging him gently.

"So, the best time to put our plan into action is" He paused attempting to build tension, contorting his expression as if he was calculating the most complex scenario despite the obvious answer.

"Now" he finally added.

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