Chapter 51

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A flood of thoughts leaked into Lolita's mind. Her knees rigorously shaking as she flung herself onto the bed, her muffled scream barely audible from the pillow she frustratedly buried herself beneath.

Unshed tears filled her eyes as an unwelcome swarm of emotions churned in her. An unworldly pull gravitated Lolita towards Lucius' words, the man who had consumed her thoughts.

Isn't this what she had wanted?

The unpleasant tug pushed the achy girl to walk out of the door and follow her mentor to the promised individual. However, a dull throb in her heart reminded her of the man she truly loved, of the intimacy they had shared, the vulnerability in his words, leaving him was the last thing she wanted to do.

This was furthered as the door softly clicked open, revealing the tired wolf, a small smile forming as he met with the sight of his mate. In one swift motion, he hovered above her attacking Lolita's lips fervently.

"What're you doing?" The petite girl mumbled through kisses. The love of her mate melting all the events that had moments ago frazzled her.

"Finishing what you started" Damien breathlessly replied through kisses.

"Wait!" Lolita reluctantly called, pushing her mate of from her before sitting upwards only to be met with a confused and hurt expression.

"What's the matter, did I do something wrong?" The alpha mumbled. "Did I hurt you?" His voice raising an octave, concern plastering across his features.

"No, no" The brunette hastily dismissed. "You were perfect" She ruffled hand through his messy locks. "It's just" Lolita paused, choosing her words carefully as they had the power to determine the course of her life.

"I love you" She mumbled. A confused Damien pressed his nose against her cheek.

"I love you too" he replied through a cheesy smile, somewhat amused.

"No, you don't understand" Lolita continued. "I love you so much, you need to know that"

"What's wrong?" Her mate replied, sitting up now alert, the expression he bore enough to diminish all doubts Lolita harboured.

After spluttering out Lucius' proposition, Lolita felt a wave of vulnerability cling onto her like a second skin due to the all-encompassing silence and anticipation of the calculating alpha's reply, who had seemed to be transported into a portal deep into his mind, in search of a plan.

"You'll go to him" He muttered before quickly unravelling his intent due to the look of betrayal on Lolita's face. "Whoever he is, he's clearly up to something. He's made it evident that he's a threat to you and your family. I say we discover more about our irritating friend, are you up for this, little wolf?"

A small smile flickered across the corners of Lolita's mouth at the inclusion in one of Damien's plans, before this, she had only ever gone behind their backs to carry out her own schemes, all of which did not end well. Her mate's trust towards her and consideration defied the typical overprotective and primal attributes of an Alpha which only increased her admiration of Damien causing fragments of her memory to dangerously dance above the surface.

"But how will we discover anything? What if he catches on? How do I return?" A swarm of questions exited Lolita's mouth leaving a chucking Damien to place his finger over her lips.

"I'll work that out, you needn't worry. But, in order for me to really be able to protect you, you must be marked. It's the only way I'll feel your pain, be able to mind link and sense where you are" He paused nervously. "But I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you, there's plenty of other strategies we can advance of course" Now it was Lolita's turn to place her petite hand over the Alpha's mouth, smiling at his virtues and morals.

"It's okay" Lolita murmured. "I like this plan" She added before smashing her lips onto Damien's.


The moon illuminated through the thick glass window drawing a dim light around the pale towering figure. His lean finger shook against the mahogany desk impatiently, the light twisting the movement into that of a knife ripping into a cutting board.

"Well?" He snarled at his acquaintance who slumped into a large chair opposite him.

"She knows" He murmured resentfully.

"That's impossible!" The haunting figure maliciously shrieked slamming his fist onto the desk. "My magic is very powerful, Lucius. One does not simply overcome it unless I will it to be"

"That may be so my Lord, but the girl- she"

"Well spit it out then" The vampire grumbled cutting through the Lycan's stammering.

"Reluctance and guilt danced in her orbs, she has become very well acquainted with Damien. Despite her memories, I do not doubt her affection for the Alpha"

Lucius turned to face the creature before him, his pupils reflecting the fiery pits of hell, teeth elongating and white fists trembling.

"Whether it be my will, or by force, you will bring her to me" He replied through clenched teeth. "Then I will repeat the process until that filthy wolf is wiped clear from her mind. She's either mine or she's deceased" Fiery rage blasted from him in waves rolling through the room in a suffocating manner.

The aggravated vampire aggressively swung the immense window open before abruptly turning to his companion. Eyes as dark as the night sky before him, hair unruly across his sharp murderous expression. "Understood"

"U-understood" Lucius gulped before his blood lusting companion became at one with the night.

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