Chapter 10

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Blood sprayed across the shattered glass, spreading a sinister silence amongst the few remaining. The limp intruder crawled across the floor, a thick scarlet liquid oozing from his broken body, addressing the shadowy figure which loomed over him, the lifeless body forcefully pushed himself to form a sentence, resentment plastered across his bloody face.

"This was a warning, Damien" He crocked, producing nothing but a mere whisper. "Give him the girl or he will give you a war."

This only infuriated the towering body, his eyes flashed into pits of endless darkness.
"A war means both sides stand an equal chance" He softly spoke, his every word dripping venom. "And that, is not the case" The oppressor bluntly stated, frowning mockingly before swiftly slamming his heavy boot down, leaving the sickening cracking sound of a skull as his resounding victory.

All the Alpha's remained in shock, their heads falling in submission at the lone wolf who had taken on a hundred. Their fresh bodies scattered across the room, decorating the golden floor a deep shade of red.

"Does anyone else want to test my patience today?" Tone laced in malice, his intimidating demeanour loosened at the silent response. 

The sharp silence which followed, enough to kill thousands was interjected by the king barking orders. "Everyone is to return home. I will send troops to ensure your safety, it is vital you remain in groups, but no one is to leave this hall until I declare there's no risk." He sent for Daniel to attend to the crowds before storming off to his office.

"You, you, and you." He belted. "Come with me"

Lolita shuffled out from her hidden spot which Damien had placed her in, clutching onto her mother's arm they stumbled down the corridor. What Lolita had witnessed had tainted her image of her mate immensely. He was no longer a misunderstood man, nor was he a  monster. The Alpha of darkness was simply what her father had described him as, a warrior. His cruel and merciless outlook only made him the most powerful and respected one. Nevertheless, after the scene which unfolded, Lolita could not allow herself to love him.

This brought Lolita's attention into the struggled words which the crushed body had spoken. Who did he mean when he said 'girl'?  Was the deceased referring to her? Lolita pondered on this, it would explain Damien's animalistic outburst. However, what she could not comprehend was why anyone would want her. What use would she be to such power thriving creatures? She was nothing special nor was she a skilful warrior, like her mate. She dismissed her father's paranoia as an aftermath of the fire but this ceased to be significant now, her father's overprotective tendencies prolonged far before this.

The petite girl had neglected all fear, the emotion now replaced with an exponentially greater feeling of curiosity and a yearning for answers, that when they had finally reached her father's office she was the first to speak.

"What is going on?" She paused, moving anyway from her mother's hold. "I want to know the truth." Despite her conflicting emotions and fear, Lolita's words came across calm and steady.

But her father looked grim, collapsing in his chair, the weary king's mumblings filled the room with a slight buzzing noise, each individual fixated on the figure, waiting for an explanation.

Lolita's mother grew impatient. "Sit" She motioned towards the floor, "You're all going to need to be sat down for this"

Lolita, Isaac and Vincent were the first to be seating, crossing their legs and forming a circle. The amused Alpha, arching his brow, simply stood tall, "I think I'll pass on your little circle time" he shot a smirk at the queen which only led her to throw the closest object towards her at him. Swiftly and effortlessly catching the glass ornament, he clicked his tongue, continuously smirking.

"I would prefer if you weren't here at all." The queen spat, before seating herself near Isaac.

"Wouldn't we both" He pretended to look at a watch on his wrist before rolling his eyes and walking towards the king. Perching on his desk, he theatrically clicked his fingers, the lack of response from the king caused him to jerk his head back towards the group "So should I call the shrink or?"

Elizabeth smiled at the group, "Ignore him, his title, the Alpha of darkness, only reflects the dark hole in his skull"

"Ouch Liz, that hurt more than any ornament you could have thrown. You should've just opened with that" He melodramatically cried, clutching his chest.

The queen's burning glare and Vincent's proximity to his mate caused the Alpha to raise his hands in defeat before throwing on his sun glasses and collapsing on the floor, resting his head in Lolita's lap. Unknowingly, she ran her hand through his dark locks, inviting the others to stare at them curiously.


"What" he whined, ripping of his glasses.

"Try to remain quiet"


And for goodness sake, get off my daughter"

Before attaching the dark glasses onto his pale skin, he caught Vincent's fiery stare, a grin spread across his face as he twiddled the ends of the brunette's silky locks.

"You don't mind, do you?"

Before the conflicted girl had time to reply, the king had reached the group, surprisingly sitting on the floor besides them causing them all to jump, except Damien, his signature smirk remained plastered across his face.

"Hey big J"

"Damien. I see you and my daughter are now friends."

"Yup" He replied, popping the p. "She's the only friend I have" He stated, putting an extra emphasis on friend, his smirk growing impossibly larger.

He nodded his head, acknowledging the Alpha before continuing. "Very well. I'm sure you're all well aware of the infamous creation story. The curse of the werewolf" He looked around at the group, Isaac had mirrored Damien's position in the Queen's lap, she ruffled his hair, looking at the boy like he was his own. Meanwhile, Vincent remained seated looking rather uncomfortable, he was the only one attentive to what the king had said, the rest seemed lost in this own puddles of conversation.

"3 wolfs, 3 packs. These founders were the most powerful wolves known, their supernatural abilities extending far more than any Lycan. And my dear Lolita, you're a descendant of them"

This caused the room to grow quiet.

"You're possessed these abilities. He wants to mate with you, for he also must be a descendant. He then will kill your child and drink it's blood, bringing him mortality and evil beyond our understanding. He'll be more equipped than Satan himself"

Isaac burst out laughing causing the others the queen to cover his mouth as the king looked at him impatiently.

"Oh but it is true" he waved towards Damien who now looked paler than ever, his glasses had been removed displaying his darkening blue eyes, sitting upright, his expression replicating that of the grim king's faze earlier. "Just ask Damien"

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