Chapter 16

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Whispers. The eerie sound toiled through the enigmatic woodland sending shivers down Lolita's spine. She felt a lack of control over her actions as she regretfully followed the faint cacophony submerging into the blackness. The distant murmuring promptly grew sinisterly rambunctious, the deafening sound echoing through Lolita's ears drums pushing her towards the intonation. The atmosphere around her grew thick and tense.

"That's it darling, come closer." Lolita's legs began to defy her as they pulled her towards the source of the formidable sound. Inches away, glowing cardinal eyes bore into her own, the same eyes which she recognised but could not pinpoint from where, nor could she remember how she had gotten here.

A sharp silvery claw extended, dragging her to the owner. Struggling from the firm grasp, Lolita felt a suffocating pain seep through her windpipe as the obsidian wolf forced his paw down on her throat. Her eyes began to water, vision becoming blurry,  her heart throbbed as darkness lapsed around the petite girl.

Coughing and spluttering the small girl forcefully pushed at the figure, she could not perish here. Memories began flooding back, the girl soon depicted those glowing red eyes to the same from the night of the cabin party. She heard her mother's voice echoing through the darkness, her father's paranoia seeping through, the parables of the 3 wolfs, the flash of fear in Damien's eyes. This is what they had all warned her off, this beast before her.

Lolita felt a surge of determination flood into her bloodstream, her silvery eyes taking on a blazing light, which momentarily blinded the wolf, causing him to loosen his grip giving Lolita to an opportunity to slip away. Despite the excruciating pain which only grew, hacking at her vision, causing her legs to become heavy, the determined girl ran. she set off at such a pace that she resembled nothing but a blur. An unfamiliar voice conjoined the silence "Keep running my child. You cannot die in here." The tone thread in concern, yet it seemed to loosen her nerves. The words 'cannot die' replayed inside of her mind as a roaring growl blared from not far behind.

Within seconds, Lolita was tackled to the sharp concrete floor. Concrete? Swivelling around, she became face to face with those hostile eyes, her own began growing darker and firey like molten metal. She found herself throwing the wolf from herself at her force she did not know she had the capacity of producing. Before the impact of this hit the larger build, the acute claws dug into her shoulder blades leaving a stinging sensation behind. Disregarding this, Lolita dragged herself upright, a newfound power effluxed from every beat of her heart, the organ itself growing overwhelmed, making its presence known consciously to the girl as a strange indescribable feeling discharged from this, pulsating through her petite frame.

This feeling left Lolita with the feeling that she was floating, no longer in contact with any solid platform, the strange energy itself became a platform for her body, no doubt, as the petite girl's gaze dropped she realised she was, in fact, hovering inches above the ground. This pull soon increased, just as the apex predator lunged towards the girl, she shot through the sky defying the law of gravity at a speed which challenged light itself, moving higher and heighter, she became unaware of her surroundings, the air becoming darker thinner. The movement stopped, looking down to realise she was no longer on the planet at all, she attempted to move. Panic consumed her as she realised she could not control her actions, her mind spilling irrational thoughts.

After minutes of struggling the surrendered girl realised she could not achieve anything through this. Thinking back to her father's office, when she was first exposed to the truth, she had remembered Damien's action, his cool exterior and calm swift movement of his hand which had launched a colossal wolf straight into a solid wall. She attempted to mirror this, but however relaxed she had her exterior, she was petrified within, resulting in nothing but her small figure to further float away into the mindless oblivion.

Desperate, she held onto her thoughts of her loved ones. Her mother, how she longed to be in her arms. Memories of her flushed into her mind, swinging from the tyre in their secret garden, their trips to the bookstore, the small jokes they kept from her father. issac, his witty remarks, nicknames, the parties he would drag her to, the secrets they shared, this only caused the small girl to grow further frustrated. that was her old life, something which she could never obtain again.

Then her thoughts travelled to the most comforting voice she had ever heard, the pale blue eyes in which she could continuously stare into till she fell deep into the icy pool of the ocean within, the warmth of the pale chilling skin, the flush of silky dark hair which she constantly wanted to run her hand through, the electrifying feeling of his breath. A pit in the bottom of Lolita's stomach brought her from her tranquillity, she realised she was now shooting downwards at the same galvanizing speed. She held her eyes tightly shut as she kept falling, waiting for the impact.

Lolita's eyes swung open and her body flung up, her breathing hitched as she observed her surroundings. Met with the comfort of the hotel bed, the empty cup of milk on the bedside, relief dawned her. It was only a dream.

As if on cue, the hotel room door gently pushed open and there stood an expressionless Alpha, his blank mask dropped when he saw the girl huffing and puffing."Nightmare." She mumbled as she met his confused expression, he stood frozen. Lolita became aware of the sharp pain emitting from her shoulder, lifting her other arm she gasped as her small hand came in contact with the soaked fabric.

Bearing a look of concern and hurt, within seconds, Damien was by her side at a speed which rivalled light itself, "What the hell happened?" He roared, the sound he produced putting the black wolf from Lolita's dreams to shame. Noticing the impact his words had on the girl, his expression softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- God look at you." He slowly moved his pale hand towards Lolita's shoulder, as if asking for permission, as soon as she nodded her head, in a swift motion Damien tore the shirt slightly, enough to reveal the petite girl's mutilated shoulder. "I need you to listen to me." The air of authority in his voice caused the girl to nod feverishly in response as he latched onto her hands, igniting fireworks. "Close your eyes, this is going to hurt."

As promised, a fiery pain rose in her shoulder, Lolita struggled from her mate's grip, what the hell was going on, was he trying to kill her? She screamed and tossed attempting to get away, but the body above her did not seem the slightest bit fazed, his enchanting eyes had formed into a glowing forest green, she avoided them as she felt the rays emitted from them cause her struggle. Lolita soon became numb, giving in to the torture, she shut her eyes as commanded and within moments the pain subsided, along with the aching from her shoulder. 

"There. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Lolita opened her eyes, scanning the breathless Alpha, he pointed towards her shoulder through sharp breaths, the petrified girl looked down, expected to be greeted with a bloodied wound, the girl was surprised to see the blood which surrounded her, but no wound. It had completely disappeared, if it wasn't for the trail of crimson liquid, Lolita would not have suspected her shoulder to have undergone such a wound, there was no trace of a single scar.

"I refuse to believe Freddy Krugar showed up while you were asleep. What really happened, little wolf?"

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