Chapter 57

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"Right" Damien turned to the much calmer Lolita, the distasteful news refusing to leave his lips if it meant upsetting her again. He watched her curious features nervously as she anticipated his response, the sound of the cogs turning in her head ticking in the thick air. Damien swallowed the lump in his throat which only scratched against his windpipe like sandpaper causing him to cough repeatedly. 

Daniel had retreated back into the manor now, leaving Lolita alone with the rustling sound of the branches and her mate mentally choking himself to death than delivering bad news to her. He rubbing his back tenderly as he refused to meet her eyes. "We need to go" He muttered, whistling in the air which followed with the rapid arrival of a sleek car. 

"No" Lolita blankly stated. 

"No?" Damien repeated like it was the most ludicrous thing he had ever heard. 

"No" Lolita furthered firmly as she planted her feet onto the ground in the same manner, distancing herself from her mate. "Not until you tell me what's wrong" 

"Zeus" Damien declared motioning towards the lightening. "And lord knows who else" he chuckled darkly. "quite literally" 

This was enough for all the colour to drain from Lolita's features, although she knew the Gods had some kind of hatred towards Damien she did not understand the motives of their actions, why were they attacking him now when they had previously let him live to his ancient age? What was so special about now? Suddenly Lolita became aware of the tugging of her arm and her feet complying to this, shuffling her forward. She stiffened causing Damien to growl slightly. She pressed her petite hand onto his lips silencing him.

"If what you're saying is true" Lolita gulped. "Then you need to stay" She carefully applied more pressure as Damien's lips protested under her palm. "They'll destroy them" She continued. "You know it. And as an Alpha and as the only one who stands any chance against them, you'll stay" Her hand retreated her side once again. "You can't just think about me, Damien" Silence. 

Lolita felt like she still had her hand held up against Damien's stiff face, his ocean eyes the only lifelike feature which was currently scanning her. The silence was thick in the air, mocking her. All Lolita wanted to do was scream, let out all the pent up emotions from the vampire's death to the Gods' declaration of war. However, before she could do this, a heated pair of lips furiously met her own capturing her into an aggressive kiss, both Damien's hands rest on either side of Lolita's face to push his lips impossibly closer like he was sucking the life out of her body for safekeeping. What felt like aeons passed by before he reluctantly pulled away whispering "But you're all i can think about, little wolf" 

"Damien" Lolita murmured her voice faltering, left in no position to argue as she involuntary melted into a puddle from Damien's affection. 

"Nevertheless" He continued. "You're right. Goddamn, you always are" 

"We'll fight side by side" Lolita encouraged, her smile wiped clean off her face as the thunder struck a large chunk of the mansion's ageing stone in their direction with Damien being quick to relocate them. 

"No. You need to be kept safe" He announced.

"What happened to all the feminist things you were spewing earlier, huh" Lolita challenged. "About me being my own powerful hero"

"But this is different" Damien pouted, it wasn't a lie, but he did not have enough will power to reveal that the God's had designed Lolita to be the end of him, now seemed like the perfect moment for their plan to unravel, but Damien refused to play into their hands, he hadn't enough time to spend with his mate yet. He wasn't satisfied to leave her side. 

"Hades, stay with her" His tone held no room for argument and soon the unearthly creature stood guard by Lolita's side and before she could open her mouth, the Alpha was gone. Grumpily, the abandoned girl set out to follow his trial, however, a tugging at her leg alerted her that she was not alone, gentle enough to not hurt her but firm enough to keep Lolita in place, Hades shot a human-like grin at the girl, almost daring her to take another step. 

Letting out a loud huff, the brunette sat down on the ground, her back leaning against Damien's car. The firey creature took this as an opportunity to invite himself onto Lolita's warm lap, purring as her fingers ran through his fluffy coat. 

She laughed softly at this, "You're a big softie, just like Damien" The amused girl swore she saw the ball of dark fluff roll his scarlet eyes at this, grumbling gently he rose to his paws, sauntering away. 

"Hey, I'm sorry! Come back" Lolita giggled. "Hades?" 

Hastily she rose to her feet, taking this as an opportunity to escape, the roaring sound of the thunder reminding her of her headstrong mate who had sauntered off, leaving her outside. Just as her hand reached for the door, her victory was short-lived, a yank to her shirt sent her toppling over into a furry object. Hades lowly barked teasingly as Lolita blew a strand of golden brown hair from her face. 

"Did i ever mention how annoying you are?" The inhuman creature tilted his head back, mirth dancing in his scarlet eyes. "Do you even understand me?"

Hades barked in response. "Of course you do" Lolita muttered unfazed, Damien had an English programmed pet from hell, cool. This had been by far the least of the strange things that she had learnt of the alpha. 

Suddenly, the pet from hell let out some ear-splitting, screeching growls and yelps before he crawled onto Lolita camping his jaw like an anchor to her shirt. Lolita felt herself growing immensely tired after this, her eyes fluttering open and shut, peering through her long lashes, the now aggravated girl became aware of the thick purple fog clogging the atmosphere. 

Great, this probably meant she would be separated from her mate, again. 

Thoughts began to fade, her eyelids growing heavier and heavier, the furious girl began unwillingly slipping in and out of consciousness, her body forcing her to fall flat, reluctantly she eventually complied after letting out her own ear-splitting scream of frustration. 

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