Chapter 37

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Lolita stepped out of the guest room, her checks bloodshot from the heat of the shower, her hair, a wet tangled mess. Once she retreated back to their bedroom, she discovered Damien was no longer there. The petite girl took this as an opportunity to slide into the bathroom and dry her hair. When she was satisfied, she decided on retreating down the mahogany stairs, follow one of the only routes she knew in the Victorian mansion to the kitchen.

The faint buzzing of music left the brunette in slight suspicion as she pushed the door open, only to be greeted with Damien theatrically mixing batter in a bowl, his soft creamy features matching that of the dough.

"And he cooks" Lolita pretended to gasp, concealing the amusement which rose from his furrowed expression. "I'll make a fine housewife out of you" She added, raising her brow, leaving a growl to unconsciously emit from Damien.

"Well someone's got to take the role of the sexist, dominating Alpha" Lolita add, in exaggeration, stretching her words, popping a strawberry in her mouth. "I'm more than happy to wear the pants in the relationship" The petite girl grinned taking a seat on the counter.

"I prefer you without" Damien voiced, once confident that there was nothing in Lolita's reach to throw. However, before Lolita could react in any form, the doorbell sounded. Flashing Lolita his signature smirk, Damien whisked off towards the entrance, swiftly opening it.

"Hi" Was the only distinguishable thing the pair of twins screamed simultaneously, rambling and pushing past the Alpha, leaving him in a blinking state of confusion.

"Black" A low voice behind him voiced.

"Ah, my Beta" Damien spoke, smirking once more at his loyal friend. Throwing an arm around his shoulder, he guided the Lycan towards his office as the rest of the guests loitered in.

Meanwhile, Lolita was restraint by the arms which latched onto her, both the twins, Vivian and Isaac had her secure in their hold. Overwhelmed and overjoyed, the petite girl felt a rush of warmth flood through her, momentarily blinded from all the problems she had to face.

Isaac the first to break from the hold bore a grim expression. Lolita noticed the slight stubble etched across his features, his sunken eyes and worried expression. His discomfort activated her own as the petite brunette came to terms of the severity of the situation. Deciding it was best to avoid any questions regarding the matters at home, she swerved the conversation to a lighter subject.

"I see you've met Vivian" Lolita amusedly asked the twins who grinned in response.

"Met her? She's one of us now" Anna replied giggling, the sound bringing Lolita's nerves at rest, she imagined a sulky response given her friend's situation. But from this, Lolita concluded that even hell on earth could not dampen the twins ecstatic aura which radiated around her, leaving Lolita in a similar state.

"Where's Chris?" She asked, turning her attention towards the now third member of the Anna and Lily's gang.

"He's gone back to his mate, given Damien is back. He felt he wasn't needed anymore" Vivian replied uncomfortably shuffling her feet, glancing at the kitchen door. Lolita turned her attention towards the object which had left the girl so frazzled only to be met with an expressionless Alpha and his Beta who mirrored Isaac's state.

"Vivian. You look well" Lolita heard Damien voice, rather too formal for her liking.

"As do you, brother" Was the meek response he received.

Other than Lily and Anna's whispered mumbles. The room became soundless, Lolita too absorbed with the interaction between the siblings to hear her friends' comments. She had expected distance between the pair, however, the way Vivian had spoken the term brother, once with donations of endearing and loving was left mutilated into nothing but of the same distant formality as 'sir' or 'alpha'

Broken from her train of thought, she heard Steph's announcement fill the room, "We're more behind than we had anticipated. We will be leaving now"

"What he meant to say," Damien exclaimed. "We need to go clean up the mess the children caused before the situation becomes, well, messier" Unlike the frantic and worried masks of the others, irritation and boredom arched across the Alpha's features, as if the whole situation was nothing short of a mere inconvenience. "Toodles" He added in a sarcastic and mocking manner, scrunching up his carved features before striding away, leaving Lolita chasing him outside. She struggled to keep up with him, his swift, majestic strides creating great distance between the pair.

Once out of sight from the others, he came to an abrupt stop, causing Lolita to run straight into his solid body, rubbing her head from the impact. Damien's smirk grew as he watched his mate's actions. "Miss me already, little wolf?"

Rolling her silverly orbs, Lolita pulled on Damien's tie, leading him down to her level before connecting their lips. Sparks emitted. The Alpha wrapped his arms around the petite girl, pulling her closer. The heated moment which they shared seemed never-ending.

Pulling away from the warmth and softness her mate's lips had to offer, Lolita smiled facing the wide, darkened eyed Alpha.

"What was that for" He smirked, once broken from his trance.

"Something to remember me by"

"How could I ever forget you?" The adoration in the deep voice made the petite girl's knee's go weak. The lingering kiss he placed on her forehead enough to leave her dizzy. A cough sounding beside them breaking her from the trance. A further look of irritation met Damien as he pulled away from his mate's side, placing a small peck on her lips before striding away with his beta.


"Damien, welcome back" The king grimaced. His lips stretching into a forced smile.

"Cut the crap, what happened?" His irritable guest snarled.

"Well, there's no way to sugar coat this" The king muttered, slightly annoyed at Damien's lack of respect but too drained to challenge him for that matter.

"The prisoner" He spoke with growing disgust. "Demetri. He has escaped"

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