Chapter 18

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Desperately attempting to throw herself back into her petite frame, Lolita struggled immensely, she could not comprehend what had happened, or why she was leaving her body. Lolita then froze when seeing the visable pale state of her skin, frightened that her distress was causing her harm, she did not dare move. She looked down at her serenely sleeping body before being transported away.

The small girl did exactly as she had been instructed, keep calm, don't let your tired mind ponder on dangerous situations. If anything she should be floating into the maids' chamber on a mission to befriend her because that is the last comprehendible thought Lolita had.

To her dismay, Lolita had not landed anywhere she was visually familiar with. However, the strange concrete surface which she padded along barefoot felt painfully familiar.

Stranded in a seemingly endless parallel corridor, Lolita began picking up on her surroundings. The interior of this particular building is what Lolita was afraid she'd encounter when she eyes first met the building Damien had drove them too.

As she examined the paintings on the wall closer, she began noticing their small movements, the further she went, the more the movements increased. Lolita scanned these paintings, most of them involved horrific scenes of battle, man against wolf, armies charging towards each other.

The corridor surprisingly came to an abrupt end, the junction blocked by another brick wall with what seemed to be a mirror beside. Approaching the mirror, Lolita examined the beautiful complexion which glowed back, the image somewhat resembled her, however there was a strange look in the girl's eyes, one of which seemed lapsed with fear. Much to Lolita's surprise, the image began fading.

In its place, the events from Lolita's previous nightmare unfolded, she kept her attention locked on the black wolf. Who are you? She questioned. Lolita noticed something odd regarding this vision, she did not recall lying on the concrete floor for so long, surly at this point she began to blast out of the planet right?

Instead, the cold blooded wolf tackled her frail body onto the ground, scoring his claws through her porcelain skin, tearing into her flesh leaving her decorated with a pool of blood.

The stinging pain almost became noticeable on her own body. Jerking her head away from the mirror, her breathing became rapidly out of control. What the hell was this? Looking back into the mirror, she was met with the same pained expression, she moved her hand, the reflection in the mirror moved hers. She loosened her muscles now, exhaling deeply.

Within seconds her muscles began tightening again as she met a black blur in the mirror, the deformed blur began taking shape into a somewhat humanlike figure, a figure which now stood behind her. Unable to turn away, her body froze in shock, gaze unable to be torn from the mirror.

The bulky figure was covered in a dark black robe, the hood extending low, masking his face. Reaching out, an animalistic paw paired with sharp claws removed itself from the veil, rising swiftly to strike the girl, she shut her eyes in anticipation of the blow but it never came.

Lolita almost felt comfortable. Too comfortable. She opened her eyes to see the world blurring around her as she disappeared into abyss. Instead, of returning back to reality, she landed in a dark vacant woodland.

Despite the chilling surroundings, she felt a spasm of relief when she did not recognise the land from her previous transpotation. But this did not change the fact that she was stranded on unknown territory, by the ominous silence the territory seemed uncharted too.

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