Chapter 21

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"I want to come home" Lolita admitted, burying her face into her hands.

"Did the moron hurt you?"

"I'll break his pretty little jaw"

"No. No, Damien's been the perfect mate, it's shocking actually." Lolita confessed, causing the twins to relax. "It's just all of this, it's so overwhelming. I feel like a snake who has shed her skin, revealing a completely different version of myself that I fail to recognise. I do not know who to turn to, who to trust, I can't even trust myself to shut my eyes alone for even a minute. I feel like a nuclear weapon, waiting to be trigged. I just want my old life back"

"How poetic" Lily stated receiving a nudge from Anna.

"Lolita I understand all of this is hard, I couldn't possibly imagine being in your shoes. But the Moon Goddess chose you for a reason, she believes you're fit to take on this role, and to be honest I do too. You're so strong-willed, brave, independent, pure. You see the good in everyone, in everything. Unlike a snake, your new abilities won't be venomous because they're a reflection of you. The innocent sweet girl who could never inflict harm on anyone who doesn't deserve it. You need not worry."

Lolita and Lily blankly stared at Anna, unable to comphrened her understanding of this.

"What? I did some research, dug up some books from the palace library and found out quite a lot."

Lolita's lips curvered upwards into a smile as she threw her arms arounds her friends giggling childlikely.

"There's that sound we all missed" Lily interjected, giggling back.

"You do not understand how lucky i am to have you both" Lolita whispered as the 3 remained in a long embrace.


"Focus Lolita."

Back in her special garden, her eyes locked on an early blooming flower, Lolita focused. The small girl pushed all her attention onto the small bud, picturing a fresh, bloomed rose; recalling all the exquisite flowers in the garden she and mother had planted.

"Perhaps we should get you something to eat darling, I can't imagine it was a short journey here"

"I'm fine, mother" Lolita irritably replied, unattentively venting her frustration onto her concerned mother, but when she turned her mother was no longer there, no doubt she had rushed off to get her daughter something to eat. "Sorry i- Lucius what am I doing wrong?" The disheartened teen snapped towards her mentor, who stood to shake his head at her question.

"Patience is ample in this art. You must be patient, child, defying the laws of nature takes practice." He joked.

Lolita felt her eyes roll at his remark, before returning her stance.

"I think we should take a break, perhaps restart this when you're not so aggravated"

Lolita was merely irritated, however, after this remark, she was now furious. Lucius did not understand anything; she needed to learn to control her emotions before nightfall for she could not crash into the dark kingdom again, she had a strong feeling the creature she had encountered was now prepared, one small mistake and lolita was gone. "I'm not aggravated" She flatly stated, her voice wavering slightly at the raw intensity of concealed emotion.

"Really?" Lucius sounded, holding up the undergrown bud which now resembled a fully bloomed rose, alight.

"Well at least it's a rose now" Lolita muttered, examining her handiwork. How did that happen? She did not consciously intend to change the plant, she was too busy contemplating her new pitiful life. She was angry though, she thought. Her rage had always seemed to get things done much more effectively than passivity.

"Do not even think about it. It is on fire, Lolita. Pray thee, what is wrong with you young wolves?"

Shooting the Lycan a quizzical look, Lolita snapped out of her daydream state and focused her attention on him as he spoke, raising his tone slightly.

"Your emotions define what kind of power you emit, the rose is withering in flames because of your flaming temper. You think this is the answer to everything? This is dark Lolita, this will lead you astray, even the purest of hearts will be left tainted with villainy. I will not let this happen again"

Again? The defeated girl pondered on the word. "Damien?" was he the wolf who had been led astray, but despite his destructive nature, he was not malicious right?

"Not Damien" Her mentor grimly responded.

Lolita was left stunned, dumbstruck, she had not realised she had voiced her thoughts, she was now treading on dangerous waters.

"Damien, despite his cataclysmic actions, they're always stemmed from meticulously calculated cognitions. When it comes to war, there is no better strategist than Damien Black. You remember that"

"You did not train him then"

"I did not, for his capacity is far from my comprehension"

Lolita felt her blood freeze, becoming stiff, she stuttered "Do you mean to say-"

"Do not speak of the treacherous fool" Lucius harshly interjected, his eyes as fiery as Lolita's rose.

"Let's try something else" Lolita turned to see her mother had now returned with a basket, placing this down, she approached her daughter.

"Okay" Lolita replied, clamping her eyes shut, dread and fear now spilling from her.

"Good. Keep your eyes closed. Invision an individual, a moment or object which brings you peace" Lolita's mind flickered back to the only wolf who could tame her fiery temperament.

"Focus on this, hold it close. Let the emotions empower you, relax your posture"

Lolita had done exactly what she had been instructed, she felt indifferent. The breeze the wind delivered was the only sound which she heard, the rustling of the leaves. The particular individual's face burned in her mind.

"It's not working" She hesitantly spoke, her eyes swinging open along with her jaw as she was met with her surroundings.

The rose was no longer alight, along with all the other visible flowers, it illuminated a moonlight glow, swaying back and forth. The sight was truly breathtaking.

"That's my girl" The queen whispered, pushing a strand of hair behind her daughter's ear.

"You see?" Lucius declared, now broken from his state of awe as the radiant flowers dimmed and the natural light of the sun returned. "Your rage may be a simple alternative, but nothing can compare to the sheer power of love"

Love. Lolita replayed this in her mind, the sheer power of love. Did she love him? Was this too soon? Unable to push these thoughts aside, Lolita was conflicted throughout the entiry of lunch, her reunion with her father, the twins' gossip, dinner and nightfall.

She was only broken out of her thoughts when a soft but desperate knock sounded from her old bedroom door.

"Come in"

A tall handsome figure opened the door, hesitating to walk in, he lethargically leaned against the door, his shock of midnight hair scattered across his hauntingly beautiful features which bore a rare expression of hurt. Lolita immediately sensed this and stood rushing towards his side.

Raising his hand, he stopped her in her movements. "Damien-"

"Pack your things, we're to leave"

Slightly taken aback, Lolita sat down on her bed, pulling on her cardigan. "It's fine, we can return for them any time, I have enough for now which-"

"Pack your things" He repeated, his expressionless tone unchanged. "Anything of any value. I'm going home, you don't have to come, in fact, I strongly advise that you do not, but the choice is yours"

"Of course I'm coming" Lolita gasped. "But where is home?" She timidly added.

"Norway" Damien bluntly stated, vanishing before the stiffened girl could even begin to comprehend what had happened.

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