Chapter 46

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The shutting of the heavy door left a resounding click to overpass the silence of the night.

Advancing into his office, Nathaniel was surprised to see the presence of his two guards, the same guards who had escorted the bewitching girl here.

"What're you going to do with her?" They both rambled before he could be seated.

"Claim her" The lean creature slide towards his throne like chair before being seated majestically. "There's just something about her" He pondered, usually he would've sent out his guards to the dungeons for disturbing him like so, however he continued to be seated, pouring out his inner thoughts to the pair of young boys. The scene was out of place. As a matter of fact everything he did today seemed out of place, no doubt under the spell of the small girl's beauty which he too saw himself blind sighted.

"I feel like there's something Aria isn't letting on" One of the boys bravely stated.

"I know" Their king furthered, "Hence the liquid I slipped into her water. If her claims of memory loss happen to be true, this shouldn't effect her much. If not" He took a moment to grin before continuing. "Then her memories will be wiped clean, either way it'll leave her in complete mercy of the one who provided her with the potion. Me"

"Talk about trust issues" One of the the guards lowly muttered, nudging the shoulder of the other.

"Get out" The seated vampire grumbled leaving the pair scrambling towards the door. That was enough personal sharing for one night.

Peering through his large window into the sinister night Nathaniel began forming scenarios with the little girl once the potion took its toll. The wickedness of his imagined actions only grew with the lopsided smirk on his face.

Unhooking the lock from the large window, his agile body landed onto the frame with ease, his cat like movements increasing as he took off into the night, his quenching thirst causing him to focus on another prey at hand.


Trapped. Scared. Alone.

Lolita felt suffocated as soon as the proposal of marriage slipped from her captors cruel tongue. An image of her beloved mate flashing into her mind, the thought so vivid she could momentarily feel his presence.

However, now had Nathaniel had left Lolita was abandoned in this empty castle. After hesitantly taking a spin of the water he had eagerly handed her, the brunette felt a wave of nausea hit her, no doubt the certain glass had contained sleeping pills, she thought. Meaning, as vampires do, the king of the predators was currently scoping out the blood vessel of his next prey.

Lolita was truly alone and she needed to act quickly.

Slipping from the covers, she went against every bone in her body which encouraged her to return to the warmth the duvet had to offer but this was no time to succumb to whatever sleeping medication she had been drugged with. Forcefully dragging her feet across the wooden floor, the determined girl had left the room, in hopeful search how an escape route.

Stumbling across the corridors, the weary girl felt a shudder crawl up her spine at the eerie familiarity of the confined corridor. The paintings, the endless path. A familiar mirror brought the corridor to an abrupt end. Glancing into the reflective surface, the petite brunette felt her pounding heart stop. It was the same mirror from her dream, almost instantaneously Nathaniel's misty eyes came to sight, an exact replica of those trained on her from the nightmare.

The air grew thick.

Suffocation and darkness soon overwhelmed Lolita, her unconscious body mercilessly crashing into the ground.


An electrical current of pure euphoria shocked the flabbergasted brunette into conscious. Jolting upwards, Lolita felt her foggy vision demystify, the blur above her taking formation into a beautiful face. This left the confused girl with a moment to process that she was indeed being carried by the mysterious figure, held unreasonably close to his solid body, her own hand itself had managed to wrap around his muscular arm, clinging on painfully tight.

The mysterious man sighed in contempt at Lolita's sudden movement, only tightening his hold. However, he was both confused and taken back once the girl began squirming in his hold. Placing her down carefully, he held his arms out in cation, as the girl adjusted to the ground, creating some distance between the newcomer. This did not seem to please him, within a flash, he weaved through the gap till their faces were only inches apart, his minty breath fanning her hair.

Shuffling from foot to foot, Lolita daren't look up to meet his intense stare, moments past before a slender fingers tapped the bottom of her chin, the rush of sparks emitting from his touch on her skin, seeping into her bloodstream led her to shoot her head upwards, meeting a sparkling lagoon of hopeful orbs set on a hauntingly handsome but placid face.

His radiating frosty pools scanned every inch of the uncomfortable girl's figure for any signs of injury, pleased at the lack of this. Nevertheless, confusion still etched on his stiff features from her unresponsiveness.

"Baby?" He cooed, a tone which held the desperation of a starved man, each letter forming a stitch which held his crumpled heart together.

"Who are you?" Lolita countered, unable to meet his love nor adoration.

A sting formed in Damien's chest as he felt the stitches harshly unravel from his precious mate's icy question, freezing his pale orbs into complete stillness, any warmth from emotion dripping away.


"Oh my god" The sandy haired boy muttered. "He was right, how the-" But Isaac was cut of by the king who jumped into action, ripping the chains away from the unconscious woman before them.

Pulling her into his arms, he began murmuring into her ear, caressing her hair. A cough from Damien's Beta pulling him out of his outpour of emotions. "She's alive"

"My Queen's alive" He repeated more confidently as he bundled her into his arms, following Isaac and Steph out of the murky dungeons.

Once exiting the gloomy castle, the group advanced towards their vehicle to which their surprise, they met a pair of raised voices in a heated discussion.

"Get in the car" Damien's masked voice tonelessly stated.

"Get away from me" A flustered feminine voice snarled back.

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