Chapter 52

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"I'm going to mark you now" Damien murmured across Lolita's skin smirking slightly. He felt his mate's breathing increase rapidly, he paused giving her a moment to adjust as he slung his arms around her petite frame wrapping Lolita in a blanket of comfort. "It's okay, little mate" he added in a joking manner removing some of the tension from the air.

"I won't ever let anything happen to you, I hate that I have to even inflict a moment of pain onto you" He mumbled running a thumb along the joint of her silky skin. Lolita stirred under him responding to his affection by extending her own limbs across him, although the brunette's nerves racked against her skin, she trusted the Alpha before her with her life and so much more. Her worries seemed to evaporate into the thick air above, replaced by a growing excitement bubbling within her. She raised Damien's head from her shoulder, inviting his lips onto her own, the passion, in turn fuelling him with the confidence to carry on.

Sharp canines extended from his mouth softly poking Lolita's plump lip before he separated from her, teeth elongated to their full potential. The mates' eyes met, glimmering silver dancing along with a hue of darkening blue; communicating with more than a thousand words. Dipping his head, the Alpha made his way towards the crook of her neck, his darkening onyx orbs locked onto Lolita's own until his face buried into the warmth of what he held to be so precious. Lolita's hands ran wild through a shock of dark hair, earring a pleased growl from Damien as his teeth grazed along the milky surface. He took his time, inhaling the sweet aura of their scents intertwining.

The Alpha's teeth began piercing through barrier which denied him ultimate satisfaction with being at one with his mate, slipping under her skin in the upmost cautious manner one could bite an individual, his fangs took their time to sink in deeply like an injection being attached to Lolita's neck. Initially, the petite girl flinched from the pang of pain which erupted from her shoulder, her body felt as if it were on fire, head spinning Lolita felt herself falling deeper into the fiery spiral of  agony until she felt no more.

Numb from the bite, a strange euphoric feeling burned within her causing a muffled moan to escape her lips, the sound of her pleasure causing Damien to burry himself deeper, clamping onto Lolita like she was scarce oxygen and like a desperate man he swallowed her whole, the matter of his life dependent on her, his lifeline. 

The brunette's grip within Damien's locks increased, a wave of dizziness consuming her as she felt the raw intensity of her precious mate's emotions mold into her own; the feeling of their souls tangling into a synchronised union dissipating her into a puddle of euphoria. No prior experience could match the feeling Lolita was basking in, any wall between her and Damien bulldozed into a heap giving them ultimate access to explore every inch of their mind and bodies encased in a heightened buzz.

Breathlessly Damien retracted from Lolita's neck rolling over to land by her side, taking a moment to steady himself from the overwhelming wholeness that took over him. It was as if a part of him was missing his whole life and he remained completely unaware of this till their souls had merged into one, now Damien could not imagine his life apart from his mate, pulling her petite body onto his own he waited for her to awake, taken out from the sheer ferocity of the marking, Lolita's unconscious body instinctively curled further into Damien's bare chest; his wolf's growl vibrating within him in content.

We've marked Mate, He rejoiced in Damien's mind. His usual blood lust now a distant concept along with any other emotion that did not centre around the unconscious girl. Mate is ours forever now. Mate is beautiful.

"Yeah, she is" The Alpha murmured, a large grin etching across his relaxed features as he drunk in his sleeping beauty.


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