Chapter 42

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Shrill screeching and cackling echoed through the woods.

"You can't run from your mate" A sickly overly sweet voice spat.

"No one can run from Damien" A similar voice shrieked.

The sirens. Lolita thought to herself, although he had never been in the presence one before, like most wolves, she knew of their deadly hypnotic presence and she certainly didn't want to encounter one now. Not ever.

The very thought of this itself was enough to activate her synaptic nervous system, adrenaline coursed through her views, her speed enhancing as she raced to her unknown destination.

Further and deeper into the woods.

The growling grew faint, Lolita fell into the sinister silence of the woods, pushing her body further, refusing to stop nor look back.

A sharp pain grew in her chest, reluctantly pausing for a breath, the trembling girl gasped for air, her wheezing, the only sound in the atmosphere.

Pale light extended from the path the petite girl had been running towards, an eerie radiance emitting from the centre.

Through her desperate gasps for air, the brunette swung her gaze towards this, the sheer intensity of light momentarily blinded her. Snapping her head back, Lolita found herself wanting to turn into the other direction, however, was it really safe to run down the path the alpha of darkness tailed her up?

The brunette began trekking towards the blinding light, attempting to cover her eyes until she had passed its intensity.

However, a dainty hand latched onto her wrist tugging her petite body towards the light, once engulfed within the aluminous atmosphere, Lolita felt her mind and soul emerge within the light; slowly melting her former frame, the pale radiance dripping into her hair, dancing upon her delicate shoulder blades.

Wrapped into an angelic embodiment she had only once experienced, Lolita felt a wave of warmth wash away the icy worry which had stiffened her small frame.

"My beautiful child"

Lolita jerked her attention towards the speaker, the tone held underlying wisdom and experience, however, the the woman she faced looked no older than 30. Her pale blonde loose ringlets framing her illuminating golden skin, the silky strands spilling to her hips almost drowning her small but athletic figure.

"I have awaited this moment" Her angelic voice hummed, filled with a sense of urgency and adoration.

"Who are you?" Confusion etched across Lolita's face, nervously picking the ends of her locks, the confusion only increased exceedingly as she was met with the same pale colour which mirrored the mysterious women.

"Selene" she spoke. "I wish I could've met my granddaughter in less unfortunate circumstances, but I sensed you needed me"

Her melodic voice. This seemed so familiar.

"We don't have much time, my child"

Then it hit Lolita like a train. Her dreams, the voice, the reassurance, this was the exact replica. But Selene, the Moon Goddess? The petite girl could not comprehend what had been said.

"I'm sure there's some misunderstanding-"

"Quiet" Selene released, rather sternly, her features melting once she met her granddaughter's spellbinding moonlit orbs. The girl could practically move mountains with a glance and she did not know it. The thought alone caused amusement to tug at her lips which stretched upwards slightly.

"We don't have much time" The Goddess reiterated, her previous stern tone melting. "I will explain everything to you soon, my child but for now" Rising her clenched hand an ember force sheltered her golden skin, as the light dimmed, Selene dropped the contents into Lolita's small palm in the form of a pill.

"What is that?" The overwhelmed girl croakily forced out.

"We cannot hide in this little bubble forever" The elder women replied, weakly smiling. "Once I release you back into the woods, you'll be prone to danger. I never expected for things to get so out of hand, I apologise that I cannot do more for you, but unfortunately, I can't interfere with your affairs, even this. That was the deal. It is only fate which can save.." She trailed on, pausing from moments to consider her next splurge of speech.

"Take this" The Moon Goddess demanded. "It'll transport you away from here, where it will take you, I cannot control without bringing attention onto my, how should I phrase it, help. But it will keep you from harms way, that I will promise"

Gritting her teeth, Lolita glared at the capsule before expressing her hatred for the sirens earning a hearty laugh from her grandmother.

"You think they're the threat?" Her laughter continued. "No. I'm more concerned of your feral mate and his wolf"

"But you're the Moon Goddess" Lolita exclaimed. "You can control-"

"Werewolves, yes"

"Damien's a werewolf"

Selene grew uneasy at this, a slight frown line creasing her smooth complexion.

"You can control wer-"

"He is many things, Lolita. But I hold no power over him" Her companion grimaced, cutting the girl's desperate blurting short. She chuckled. "No creature in the underworld or heavens above carries such a power"

"I'm guessing the prophecy wasn't true then" Lolita murmured, defeated.

"Of course not, it's such nonsense. I-" Selene paused before hastily speaking again "All will be revealed soon, darling"

With her words lingering in the atmosphere Lolita felt her eyes flutter open, she head rest on the edge of an overgrown, sharp root, a layer of dry blood coxing her stiff brunette hair to her temple. If it had not been for the peculiar pill in her grasp, Lolita would've certainly concluded this as a rather questionable dream.

Raising the capsule towards her mouth, she placed it through her parted lips, struggling to swallow. Rustling and cracking of branches caught her attention, murmuring of deep voices accentuated in the cold atmosphere causing Lolita to roughly swallow the pill.

Branches snapped, and the three figures made their appearance present to the shivering girl. However, Lolita's eyes locked onto the looming figure which led the 3 men. In nothing but a pair of muscle hugging black jeans, Lolita's met the icy orbs of the leader, her mate. Who was in no hurry to kill her, returned in his human form, he had enough self awareness to control his actions.

He returned Lolita's gaze, the fiery heat which followed caused the petite girl to gulp. Damien strode towards her figure which began fading.

"Damien" The petrified girl spluttered.

Within seconds of this, the Alpha's growl shook the entirety of the woods as he threw his muscular body to where his mate previous lay, his frost bitten eyes flickering darker.

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