Chapter 39

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A large lump formed in Damien's throat, forcefully swallowing this, the sandpaper texture only grew, suppressing his ability to breathe. The Alpha continued glaring at his scarlet hands like they had deceived him.

Oh, but they had.

Acting on their own accord, they had shredded the 'oh so powerful Demetri' in a blinded fit of fury. He lost control, something he had not done in centuries, something he vowed to never do again.

Oh, but he had.

Silence! He shot into his subconscious, irked from the unjustified feeling rumbling within him.

Damien Black, the notorious cold blooded killer felt, remorse? No. The imbecile had deserved much worse a fate. Repulsed? That was it. He thought as a sickly expression etched across his pale skin.

"Damien" A brassy knocked sounded on the old door, pulling Damien from his trance. Dumbfounded, the Alpha continued watching the tap splurge a hot liquid which vanquished any trance of the scarlet impurity from his most lethal weapon, tainting the water which poured below.

"Damien" The voice pleaded again.

Had blood always been such a daunting colour?

The sharp rattling of the door knob caught his attention. Jerking away from the tap, he wrapped his hands in a towel, whether this was in attempts to dry them or mask them from spilling more of the enthralling liquid, he had not decided, his composed fortitude fading.

A confused Lycan immediately cut Damien's water source off, suspiciously eyeing his Alpha and the towel.

Damien, composing himself, intensely slammed the towel downwards, shooting the Lycan his best 'this better be important or I'll snap your neck' look which left him with a faintly grinning and loosened Beta standing before him. Of course he would seek comfort in Damien's cold demeanour, it was the normalcy. Shooting him a forced smirk, he waited for Steph to speak.

"The interrogation isn't going so well" He muttered, running a hand along his hair. "He won't, uh can't speak" His grin elongated. "I'm going to leave now, before I can't speak" Slowly backing away from the enraged Alpha, the blonde haired boy darted out of the room with Damien hot on his tail.

Both wolves tumbled down into the cells, Steph jumping behind the guards, distancing himself from the lethal body before him. But the mind-fogged Alpha was not interesting in provoking his Beta, instead he halted near the prisoner, edging dangerously close to the King before menacingly snarling.

Absorbing the intimidating inkling, the seemingly elder male jumped back, the psychical presence of his order unnecessary. Damien taking his previous place, extending his slender fingers towards one of the many matted wounds which began reopening in response. The familiar sickly liquid oozing out.

Grimacing, Damien wetted his finger with the substance before placing this in his mouth, almost instantly visions began spurring into his mind, the overwhelming nature leaving it difficult to depict the flashing images. The fiery power surging from this penetrated his mind, the scorching heat melting his every neurone.

Falling onto his knees, the growling wolf latched his hands onto his head, Steph falling to his side attempting to calm his Alpha. Rubbing circular motions on his muscular back with one hand and clinging onto his broad shoulder with the other, he spoke lowly, profound worry laced onto his every word.

"What's happening?" The king exclaimed, lost from the scene taking place.

"I don't know" The flustered Lycan almost shrieked back as his Alpha's orbs flashed a deep red, his pupils dilating and contracting, mimicking the beat of a heart.

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