Chapter 55

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A swirl of midnight hues stole his vision as he fell helplessly deeper into his troubled thoughts. An unfamiliar feeling ate at the bottom of his stomach, reaching out for the cool glass of water, the Alpha attempted to drink this to settle the churning of his stomach. Settling uncomfortably in his growing pit, Damien's grip suffocated his inanimate victim, shards of glass decorating the floor.

His inability to function after the heart-shattering revelation made him feel weak, pathetic even. Perhaps his father had been right. Despite the logical plan he had grafted, the bitter feeling of utter hopelessness rendered him completely comatose.

"Hey man," The nonchalant voice of his beta sounded. "Trouble in paradise?" His voice fading from the bloodshot, murderous front directed towards him. Reaching for a bottle of bourbon, he directed it towards his brooding friend. "Wanna talk about it?" Silence.

"Or not talk?" At the sound of this, Damien's moist palm reached for the bottle in acceptance. "So how're things with you and your mate anyway?" Steph cautiously pushed. Silence.

"I think i love her" His companion reluctantly mumbled after a few drinks.

"That's great" The beta beamed, confused as Damien's depressive exterior.

"No, i think i really love her, love her" He furthered to the bewildered Lycan. "And that's going to be my greatest downfall. It's blinding me from reason. I just hope when i inevitably shatter, i don't take any of you down with me"

Steph huffed, brushing off his Alpha's paranoid thoughts as his unfaltering characteristic. "Come on. Let's get drunk" He reached for his car keys, motioning towards the door. Unspoken words of their lingering sorrows sealing a silent agreement as they thoughtlessly glided through the door, piecing together the second tragedy of Damien's night.


"Truth or dare?"

"Truth" Lolita quipped like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Okay," Anna paused. "So what's up with your sulky mate? Didn't you give him enough attention today?"

"Oh yeah! I've been meaning to ask you about that" Her twin chirped. "Earlier i went to get a drink from the kitchen and he looked at me like he wanted to drown me in my glass of water"

Lolita's cheeks grew hot as she recalled the rather daunting event. She thought she had lost him, she suffered excruciatingly only to have her mate handed back to her, with a strange look in his eyes. Almost like he had transformed into the cold detached Alpha she formerly knew.

Sensing her discomfort, Vivian rashly spoke. "Perhaps it's something to do with the war?" A look of realisation washed over all the girls' features as they recalled this, so caught up in their own drama it had completely slipped their minds. "I heard Isaac on the phone to his father, I'm not sure and don't quote me on this. But Demetri has escaped. Maybe he broke the news to my brother" Anna's face contoured into that of pure disgust and hatred at the thought, flustered that her heartfelt a pang of relief. Her sister rubbed her back in understanding.

"Speaking of Issac" Lolita spoke, steering the uncomfortable conversation to a halt. "Where is he? I haven't seen him after he, you know" She stated shuffling in her seat.

"He's thrown himself into his work" Vivian sadly muttered. "He'll drain himself out"

The girls hummed in agreement before their eyes landed on the petite brunette, his closest friend. "Talk to him? See if you can bring him out to join this stupid game" Lolita nodded at Anna's statement in agreement before wandering off alone into the eerie mansion in search for her friend.



The pungent liquid welcomed itself into Damien's mouth, the bitter taste dancing on his tongue, the volcanic burn stroking his windpipe as the sinful substance leaking into his soul, refraining any rational thoughts.

The poison slipped into his soul, dancing in his mind like a second skin, eating his insides till he was left with nothing but wronged. How dare the gods put him in a position like this, he had not done anything to defy them the slightest. He had not hurt them, nor had he placed them in a position where they felt oppressed by him, this angered him immensely. Had he been more concerned than these deceitful higher deities than the other than punny enemies he carried on earth, he would have been in a much better position than he had been placed in now. 

It's being your useless. A voice echoed in his head. 

No matter what you think you're capable of, you'll always be a childish boy, governed by feelings. 

GET OUT OF MY HEAD. Damien blasted with such hostility the sheer force of his mere thoughts caused the lights to dimly flicker. 

A pang of hurt flashed in his chest, the blood pulsating to his head. Confusion struck him before the thought melted through his intoxicated mind, shattering his alcoholic veil of safety. 


His silky locks fervently thrashed across his features as he desperately searched for his beta, the pain in his chest increasing as he began fidgeting immensely. A scarlet liquid stained his lips as his anger grew, this had been a very uncalculated, foolish move. However, it was no time to dwell on his imbecility, he had to move fast.

Abandoning his drink, his beta and all other thoughts, his body began twisting and morphing as he threw his figure out of the door unleashing a feral growl. 

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