Chapter 20

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Damien's journal:

March 18th

Twilight hours. I indulged in another lucid spectacle of dreaming; rather a transgression to the laws of nature itself. The rather bizarre event occurred durning the eclipse, lupus in ruinam. The fall of the wolf.

Why 'the fall' you may wonder? Well, this was the cause of many powerful leaders' greatest hamartia. Hubris ran erratic, as a result of the insatiable heightening of a werewolf's affinities; meaning they often perpetrated recklessly.

I too, transpired to be a victim of this. On the night of the eclipse, I had long succumbed to the primal need for slumber. As I drifted off, my vitality too drifted.

No later, I submerged in the depths of uncharted territory, fenced in by a pack of rouges. Oh the irony.

It was then lethargy set my course. Belittling the nature of this state, I submitted, unwilling to entertain such fables. When regaining consciousness, I found myself in a pit of fire, with filthy rouges circling me.

Ne moriatur, an apprehend force within me voiced, haec est veritas. Do not die here, this is reality. Struck mute, I began comprehending the source of this, surely none of these rouges spoke Latin?

The rouges. Those filthy bastards think they can exert insignificant suffering on me? My exuberance left me remorseless. Within moments I had not only executed my fortuitous revenge on them but this extended to every leaving creature within a 2 mile radius.

What is now universally referred to the day as incandescence, was the day I discovered my circadian cycle was the least of my concerns, for I was 'extraterrestrial' as far as father was concerned. And what makes a better weapon than an extraterrestrial son? For my pit of fiery rage was no metaphor.

"What're you reading?" Isaac questioned, attempting to pull the small book from Lolita's hand but her grip remained stiff, however shaky, Lolita clung onto the mysterious journal sworn to secrecy.

"You don't give anyone a moment of peace do you?" The driver spoke, ushering Lolita to the front with a motion of his hand. Lolita gratefully compiled, clambering to the front in the moving car before shutting the partition, leaving Isaac alone in the back.


"Yes darling?"

"What's the day of incandesce?"

Lucius furrowed his brows momentarily scanning the girl before snapping his attention back to the road. "Heh, why'd you ask?"

"Oh I read the name somewhere and I'm just curious"

"Okay" The elder Lycan huffed in amusement, unruffled by the transparent lie. "About a century ago, there was a wild fire in winter. Odd, unexplainable, I know right"

A century? How old was Damien? Lolita gulped realising she indeed knew nothing about her mate.

"Some idiots began proclaiming this as the birth of Satan. A more contemporary explanation argues that this is the effect of leaving explosives unattended. Anyway, everything surrounding the explosion was completely obliterated, to this day, nothing seems to grow on the land, it's a vacant pit of nothingness. Human's seem to believe this was the aftermath of chemicals within the bomb. They're desperately looking for the element. But I think we both know that was no chemical reaction." Lucius finished his explanation by shooting Lolita a look of concern.

"Pull over"

Damien had been the cause of the fire. His rage had lit masses alight, the land was completely destroyed and that was only the beginning. What was that man capable of? Man being the last word Lolita could think of using to describe him. It made sense to her now why he had kept the rest of his journals hidden from her, for it was not till after his father's death was he be recognised as a merciless monster, Lolita questioned if she could even make it through the second entry. What had he done?

Then it hit Lolita, her stomach left a pressure like she had been flung off the tallest building. What was she capable of? What will she do?
Her breakfast began rising up her throat.

"Pull over" She grimly repeated.

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