Chapter 47

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"Lo?" A confused Isaac croaked.

"Don't bother" The Alpha rubbed his temples in irritation, "she doesn't remember anything" he bitterly added, stepping away from the girl. An air of unjustified anger lingered around him, poisoning the atmosphere with his toxicity.

Throwing a last impending glare at his insubstantial mate, Damien stormed away. His influx of emotion taking the shape of a double-edged sword, swung with his rage at Lolita's state. Irritation crawled through his skin like a sea of spiders as the source of his confinement and comfort was mercilessly snatched away from him, enlightening the alpha of his growing dependence on the girl, further fuelling his self-hatred.

"I don't understand why he cares so much" The brunette begrudgingly drew out before slumping onto the comfy seat under her.

"I don't think anyone does" Her companion muttered, running his fingers his sandy locks, emerald orbs meeting Lolita's own but carrying a look of immense distance, the boy inhaled sharply. "But the point is, he does"

A look of pain etched Isaac's features but nonetheless, he continued. "I know you don't remember anything right now however, that doesn't change the fact Damien needs you. He's awful, sure, yet there's something about your love which makes him, uh somewhat bearable I guess" Content with his words, he faced Lolita to examine the impact of them, only to be displeased from her unreadable expression. "What're you thinking?" He urged.

Lolita, who could not recognise the strange man who seemed so deeply invested into her, more so, the petite girl felt she could harbour the same emotions for him. Through all of the uncertainty of these individuals, her family, her mate and herself, a vivid picture of a pale, lean man were ingrained into her mind. Soft alluring words of a promised marriage left his lips, vibrant chestnut hair spilling over his dark glimmering eyes. The urge Lolita felt to return to this man was almost primal.

But who was he? A figment of her imagination?

Shrugging her shoulders at the foreign boy in front of her, Lolita forced a smile, mumbling a reply. "I'll try"

"Thank you" Her so-called best friend voiced, placing a warm kiss on Lolita's temple, he exited the room with a new air of hope. Pleased at the desired effect, Lolita's silvery began scanning through the endless rows of history books, running her fingers along the dusty spines, the sharp brunette settled for a copy covering important figures of the supernatural world which a coy smile playing on her pink lips.

Isaac paced down the corridors in the determination of discovering the brooding Alpha and enlightening him with his mate's promised cooperation. Arriving at the heavy oak door, he eagerly swung the contraption open, now wasn't the time for formalities, he reasoned. All sense of relief drained from him, the air filled heavy with such gloom his throat felt clogged up.

"I'm going to kill him" The deadly Alpha uttered, all colour draining from his pale, lifeless face.


"I want to see my daughter" A broken voice coughed out. "There's so much she needs to know" The voice further croaked, like each syllable scratched against her achy sandpaper throat.

Sensing the immense pain, his fallen angel was in, the king hushed her like a child. "Not now my dear Elizabeth" Nursing her forehead with a wet cloth, he continued. "You need to rest, your health is rapidly declining, please darling" He pleaded through heavy breaths. "Please stay with me"

A small clammy hand clasped against his own, the heat emitting through his skin sparking the blood flow back into his stiff veins, the euphoria almost enough to wash away his pain.

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