Chapter 26

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"A penny for your thoughts?"

The hauntingly handsome shrank further down his stool, his lean, lethal figure out of place with the lethargy.

"My primary reason for existence abandoned me, she was the only mother figure I had. Tonight the supposed love of my life practically rejected me. And now? The shaky ground I walk on is on the verge of shattering"

The psychical presence of these words caused Damien to groan, his pale hand collided with his forehead as he slumped further forward. This caused the bar tender to freeze in his actions, leaving the now placid Alpha examining him blankly before extending his arm in the means of grabbing his drink.

At his prolonging movement, the bar tender pulled the tall glass further back receiving a low growl of irritation from his customer.

"You're going to need something a lot stronger than this" He sighed as he disappeared behind the counter, mentally running through the miserable life of his Alpha. He would not ever wish such a cursed existence upon anyone.


Lolita shuffled in her chair uncomfortably, the burning glares causing her to fiddle with her hair uneasily. She timidity looked towards her raven haired friend who shared a similar stance.

"What happened last night?" Steph questioned them again. The Lycan jerked his head towards Isaac "No doubt this involves him" He spat.

"Maybe" The sandy blonde boy menacingly replied, shrugging his shoulders. He walked towards the girls and steered Steph away carefully. "They're scared out of their skin. Back off" This had caught Vivian's attention.

"I'm not scared" She replied irritably, adapting the signature tone of her brother.

"I am" Lolita admitted, silencing the group. "I'm scared as to why my mother isn't replying to me, I'm scared of what I will become, I'm scared of what is going to happen to me and to my loved ones"

Steph instantly regretted his demanding attitude, his voice softening as he approached the girl.

"You'll get through this" Before he could reach out to Lolita, she swatted his arm away.

"Your words are as comforting as my monster of a mate's late night killing spree"

Damien was back?

Before the Beta could question the brunette on this further, she picked up on his shock, expressing her anger in her next sentence.

"Are you upset that he didn't invite you?" She reached for Isaac's lean arm. "Don't worry. For monsters like you I'm sure there's many more to come"

"We're going home and Vivian is coming too" Steph could not even think to interject from the venomous look she shot him, this alone was enough to leave his skin crawling, notwithstanding the blow of her final sentence. "You're all unworthy of her innocence"

With that said, she left the speechless Beta standing expressionless, trying to think of the last time he was spoken to with such disrespect. It took every ounce is his body to stop himself from pouncing at the small girl.

The sight of his Alpha stumbling in brought him back into reality. It pained him to see the unfamiliar hurt look which lingered across Damien's perfect features. Only accustomed to his robotic expression, Steph did not know how to react but simply stood gawping.

"Do you want to swallow a fly?" Damien stated flatly, returning to his stoic demeanour once noticing the presence of the Lycan.

Swiftly moving around in the kitchen, he poured himself a glass of water, greatly appreciative of the cool liquid that soothed his stinging throat.

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