Chapter 4

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"You look beautiful, my darling"

Lolita's mother stood in pure admiration, pulling out a small box from her shawl, she beamed as she handed it to her daughter.

"I want you to have this, it has been passed down for generations in our family, your grandmother gave me this. Now I want to give it to you"

Lolita opened the small box, in awe of the content. A small golden necklace shone, with a heart-shaped deep red jewel attached to end, which she could not recognize.

"That's a rare rock from a time far from us, it belonged to the first wolf to walk this earth, the rock has unique properties when worn by a true leader, it will guide you and help you keep your people safe"

Lolita looked up to be greeted with her mother's warm gaze.

"It's perfect"

With the approval, her mother pulled her into a hug. This was too much for Lolita to handle, her emotions were everywhere, and she could not keep them in anymore.

"I'm going to miss you so much Mother, I don't want to leave!"

Her mother held on to her tighter.

"I know. But don't fret my child, it's not like we will be separated forever. I will see you every day, the Ember pack is not far, this isn't a goodbye." However, she could not stop the tears rolling down her face and Lolita soon followed.

"Oh no, don't cry Lo, you'll ruin your make up. You look so pretty today, well you're beautiful every day inside and out but today you just look so grown up. My little baby is growing up so fast she'll soon be a Luna and-" Now it was Lolita's turn to comfort her mother and she saw the dangerous rise of emotions. Neither of them would make it out of the room if this carried on.

The king walked in to find the two holding onto each other, on the verge of tears.

"What a sight" He proclaimed while stepping into the room "My two beautiful girls"

This only caused Lolita's face to stiffen as she barged past him. Lolita and the king were not on speaking terms after their previous encounter. After the incident of the wolf, Lolita had discovered she had in fact been asleep for a very long time as there were 2 days left till the Ball. No more was discussed of the Ball till last night when the king informed her that if she did not meet her mate at the Ball, the king agreed to let Vincent take her home, that very night and they would be married in the morning. Talk about the short notice, the furious princess thought after her outburst, she did not want to speak to her father, he was ripping all her happiness away from her over an absurd notion.

However, before she had a chance to storm off, her father had gripped her arm and gently pulled her back. This infuriated the girl, she was on edge, bubbling on the inside. I have listened to everything this fool has asked for me, I have agreed to all his commands for what, his pride, his honour? Because if it was her safety he really thought about, he wouldn't be slotting her into an unfamiliar pack, away from all her loved ones, excepted to be a Luna to people she did not know. Just as she was about to express these thoughts, she noticed the grim look on her father's face, she noticed the fear in his eyes and instantly felt the feeling merge into herself.

"Wha-" But her father cut her off.

"Every year. We send an invitation to every Alpha, every pack. Every year, they all attend except one. His pack comes, with their Beta, but never he."

"James you don't mean"

"Yes my dear Elizabeth. He accepted the invitation, my informants told me early this morning."

Fear swelled into Lolita's heart, the King did not need to attach a name to this Alpha. Anyone would know exactly who he was talking about. It was the Alpha of darkness.

"What do we do" Lolita's mother was the first to break the silence.

"Nothing, my dear. He is our guest after all and we will receive him as such"

"But James"

"No. He has not harmed us. In fact, he is the greatest warrior there is. The prospect of power and darkness are integrated with his character. He may be emotionless, but he is no brute, I can assure you, those stories. Well, they're just gossip" It was unknown whenever the King was trying to convince his wife or himself.

"I can assure you."

With that he was gone, leaving Lolita and her Mother in shock.

"Lo, I want you to listen to me carefully" Her mother spoke, with a hint of worry in her voice, she took the necklace from the girl and clasped this around her neck. "Promise me you will not take this off tonight"

"I promise" When Lolita said these words, she felt herself choke back with fear. She had indeed heard the tales of the cruel Alpha's wickedness. His pack never spoke of him, so it was difficult whether to conclude these were true or not, however, their strange conduct and the air of mysteriousness was enough to confirm them. Her father had truly gone mad if this was his idea of protecting her.

"And promise me, no matter what you do, do not make eye contact wi-"

"I promise."

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