Chapter 12

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Issac paced through the empty corridors behind the two bulldozer wolves cautiously, ruffling his blonde locks; the confused boy soon grew impatient.

"Are you sure there's anyone even here?"



"Stop talking before I cut your tongue off and make you swallow it" Steph further added.

"Woah, take it easy, rabid hound" The younger wolf mumbled back.

Steph's eyes darkened as he irritably jerked his attention towards the third member of the group, before he was given the chance to speak, the Alpha rose his pale hand, gesturing his companions to halt.

Within seconds, his icy blue eyes morphed into an enchanting golden hazel, sharp fangs began retracting and the once majestic Alpha was gone. Instead, replaced with a ghostly fear driving monster. The sight of him alone was enough to send chills down Isaac's spine, this man stood before him resembled nothing less than the grim reaper. His murderous expression latched on the body above them.

A lifeless form of what once resembled the king's guard hung from a golden chandelier, butchered, torn in shreds and drained of blood. The remains of the frothy crimson liquid oozed from the corpse, dripping onto Isaac's face. If the decaying smell, cruel companions and bloody gore had not been enough to draw him on edge, what the strange Alpha did next surely had.

Crouching down, his papery complexion darkened; the universal colour of danger growing from under his eyes, veins now protruding. Dipping his slender fingers in the small pool of blood, he raised them closer to his decaying face causing the dark veins to rapidly expand. The creature then dripped this inside his parted ivory lips painting them a vibrant red. His eyes instantly replicated the dark midnight shade of his hair.

The unfazed Beta detected the horror which radiated from the emerald eyes, he scoffed at this "He's not a vampire, if that's what your little brain is thinking"

Isaac, who at this point, bearly standing, could not comprehend the luxury of thinking. His words rambled out before he could filter them. "Honestly at this point, I can't think. You're both an abomination of nature"

"What makes you think I do, that?" Replied Steph calmly motioning towards the sculptor like demon still crouching on the floor, a black void now consuming his once ocean eyes. "Besides, it's not a matter of pleasure, it's simply a necessity. The blood of a victim allows him to venture into his mind. Perhaps discover whoever did this to him"

"Ah, because that makes everything better" Before Steph had any chance of replying the unearthly figure shot up and aggressively strode at an inhuman velocity down the corridor. "I take that we follow him." Isaac retorted.

"Well aren't you catching on quickly."

Isaac smirked as the pair shifted into their wolf forms, only to stand a chance in corresponding a pace comparable to the Alphas'. The chocolate brown wolf's jaw swung voluminously open as he caught a glimpse of his pure white accomplice. Of course the intimidating Beta was a Lycan. Sovereignty and brutality seethed from him. Now that Isaac thought of it, the same essence seemed to linger from all of Damien's pack.

Jetting off, the pair scampered through the palace in search for the their malicious ally. Despite their efforts, the Alpha's location remained a mystery.

A shrill scream sounded from Lolita's room, without hesitation, spinning on their heels the pair were within the scene in minutes.

"Well, I found Damien" Isaac muttered after returning back to his human form.

The venomous Alpha had a dwarf-like creature pinned against the wall, his sharp fangs had punctured the victim's pasty neck, a purple liquid trickled down his collar, staining the blue garments.

"How could you!" Cried the queen. "I trusted you with my daughter's life and you betrayed us." The heartbroken mother grasped onto her daughter, who lay still, her pale skin cold as death.

"Fill me in?"

"This warlock who was commanded to protect our daughter by hiding her abilities, had in fact been draining her aura and feeding the power to his wicked master" The king spat, thumping the limp figure in Damien's tightening grasp. "He has her in a trance, no doubt a means to deliver her to the antagonising power thirty fool"

"You promised to protect our baby" The queen whimpered, her expression now of a tormented child, she quivered as the lifelessness of the precious body barricaded in her arms.

"Well, you know a witch's promise, it is slippery as snake oil, and as effective too" Damien stated in a matter of factly tone. "Steph, I want our pack surrounding the building. No one other than those in this room shall live." His eyes unmoving of his quivering prey.

"What about the remaining guests?"

"Kill them all " He replied plainly.

"Hang on a minute-"

"Hush Vincent, the adults are speaking."

Dismissing the Beta's remark, the tanned boy approached his Alpha, making sure to keep a sufficient amount of 'safe' distance before speaking. "We're all pretty pissed off but that doesn't mean we should be blinded by this and completely disregard our morals."

"Damien has morals?" Isaac mockingly gasped earning a smirk from both him and his Beta.

Vincent grew impatient, looking for support towards the King, he continued "Lolita's not dead, you said it yourself." Growing foolishly confident he spun back towards Damien who stood as arrogant as ever, unnoticeably wincing at the mention of his mate's death. "Our top priority should be reviving her, not mass murder." A suffocating silence spread in the room. Allowing the snapping sound of the victim's neck to ricochet of the walls. While grabbing a flimsy wooden stick, he simultaneously spoke.

"Allow me to give you a psychological evaluation" Damien dug the object deep into the corpse's chest. "Psychopath on a mission" The wounded warlock's pale skin now absorbed the purple substance. "No time for morals."

At that, the petite girl gasped for air, the cool substance soothing her burning throat. Her vision remained a blur, her heart beating at a unfathomable pace. The sight of her pain alone was enough to make Damien's unquestionable heart sore, his eyes momentarily bursting with sympathy. Nevertheless, the Alpha upheld his cool exterior before directing his attention to his Beta.

"You are to do what I say."

Vincent raised his head, prepared to protest but the malicious wolf roared with vengeance causing him to choke on his unspoken words.

"Lolita, pack. We're to be gone by sundown." He then spun on his heels, raising his bulging arms at the now cowering and outspoken wolf. "Are there any more inopportune morals you'd like to share?"

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