Chapter 28

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She's gone. Her petite frame began shaking profusely. Lolita felt as if she had crashed with such force into the ground that she could no longer stand, no longer feel.

Without warning, the air around Lolita became thick and unbearable, her shaking becoming much more rigorous.

"Breathe, little wolf" The words sounded fuzzy and distant to Lolita who's vision became unclear, the room began spinning. The panicked girl attempted to breathe, focusing on Damien's words, staring into his blue eyes. But her body rejected the oxygen like it was tainted with silver, the longer she held into the ocean eyes, the further she fell into her watery grave.

Damien extended his aura, wrapping the comforting air around the petrified girl. Similarly, he wrapped his hands around her thin wrists, hoisting her upward before pulling her small frame into his much larger one.

"We're going to find her" His deep voice coaxed. Lolita attempted to pull away but Damien's grip remained as solid as a rock. Eventually Lolita stopped struggling, loosening under his touch; she began pushing herself further into the crook of Damien's neck.

"She's gone" A brief pause followed after these words before she further added "It hurts so much" This left a pinch in Damien's heart, he could not endure the pain of his mate. When they would find whoever was responsible, he would brutally end their existence.

His strong arms wrapped around her petite frame, lifting Lolita from the ground and gently placing her on the bed while whispering sweet nothings into her ear. With this, Lolita felt a wave of tranquility submerge her into a slumberous state. Within moments she had drifted off, wrapped in Damien's warmth.


"What the hell" Isaac gasped. Looking at the remains of his once beloved hometown, thrown into battle, the once pastoral land had become a pit of broken rubble encompassed with a strong stench of blood.

The Lycan which trailed him signed sympathetically before placing a hand onto the the sandy haired boy's shoulder. Dropping it only when the pair began receiving smirks from their fellow soldiers.

"This use to be the school Lolita and me went to. You should've seen the playground. Jungle-gyms, fields, toys. It was every kid's dream" The frowning wolf muttered, glancing at torn land, one of Demetri's many threatening marks towards the king in attempts to seize his daughter.

"Was anyone hurt?" Concern now plastered across the boy's face. His father was quick to reassure him.

"Fortunately not"

"For now" He replied sternly. "But we must put a stop to this before the psychopath hurts our people" This statement caused his father to solemnly nod his head in approval while a small grin flashed across Steph's face.

"What's your deal?" Isaac quizzically shot at the Lycan once picking up on this.

"Nothing. I didn't know you had such a serious side to you" He responded, shrugging his broad shoulders. "You'll make quite an Alpha some day" The Lycan added, winking before approaching his pack, leaving Issac's cheeks mutely reddened.


Lolita perched herself onto a stool near Damien reluctantly. Despite last night's events, she still felt uneasy around him and was determined not to forgive him so easily.

"Good morning Lolita" The elder wolf opposite to the brunette spoke.

"Morning Lucius" She warmly replied back. "When did you get here?"

"Last night" Her mentor grinned. "I had to. You're seriously behind in your training, pup"

Pup? Who was he calling a pup? Despite Lolita's reluctance to fight she knew how to and she was certainly no child.

"I can defend myself, you know" This comment earned a small chuckle from Damien who till this point remained silent. Snapping her head towards his direction, the look of anger she sent him was enough to silence armies, causing Damien to stop mid laugh.

"Alright little wolf, today we train in wolf form. You can fight me" The Alpha grinned from Lolita's silvery eyes growing at this comment. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you" Lucius however did not seem impressed at this declaration.

"I'm the teacher, I'll decide what she does. Thanks" Lolita felt a fleck or relief from his interjection. "You'll be training in your wolf form today. Practicing combat with Damien" The petite girl's relief was short lived and dripped away as she felt her muscles tightening. Catching this, the cat like figure smirked before springing of the stool, his dark boots planting onto the ground.

"What're you guys waiting for. A formal invitation?" He smirked at his own remark.
Lucius was the first from the pair to follow Damien, with Lolita trailing behind them.

After clambering down endless rows of steps, the three arrived at a large hall which Lolita assumed was a gym.

"What'd you think?" Damien raises his brow before swinging the door open.

"It's...big" The petite girl replied, her wandering eyes scanning the immense room and equipment inside, half of which she could not recognise.

"Let's get started" Lucius's thundering voice announced, he clapped his hands together turning towards a caged combat ring which a shirtless Damien was now unlocking, Lolita felt her cheeks blush as she scanned his godly features before hastily turning away feeling the presence of his lingering smirk which bore into the back of her head.

He began shifting into his wolf, when Lolita turned back, she was left in the presence of a large dark grey wolf with flakes of snowy white spread across his chest and paws. The animal itself was twice the size of a regular wolf, his eyes bore into Lolita's own she instantly recognised the ocean orbs which remained the same.

"Well," Lucius chuckled, turning towards the girl before encouragingly adding "shift"

Lolita positioned herself, like she had recalled doing, shutting her eyes she waited for the burning pain from her bones reshaping.

The pain never came. Did it work? Lolita's eyes fluttered open to be greeted by a frowning mentor and a confused wolf, his large head tilted and his eyes repeatedly blinking to express this.

Then it hit Lolita like a train. The angered girl felt a surge of annoyance and embarrassment flood through her veins. She could not communicate with her wolf, her memories of shifting were hazy and a she had a faint feeling which inclined her not to do so.

"I've never shifted" She whispered, his thoughts landing onto the magic her parents had used to conceal her from the truth. "It was all just an illusion"

The room silenced. The crackling and shifting sound of bones left to resound of the walls.

"Well then, your whole world is about to collapse and crumble, little girl"

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