Chapter 48

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Deep breaths. The panicky girl told herself, you'll walk in there, demand for your own room and everything will be okay.

After showering and slipping into an oversized shirt hung on the bathroom door, no doubt one which her mate left for her, Lolita huddled into a ball, hugging her knees, attempting to build up the courage to face the Alpha.

An hour of contemplating passed before the brunette began shaking the lock of the door, the plan was to swing this wide open and throw a queen sized tantrum, this did not go as intended.

Slipping through the ajar open door, the petite brunette felt her heart flutter at the sight before her.

Early daylight began seeping through the cracks of separated curtains but her mate lay sprawled on the covers, too exhausted from dusk's events to notice her presence.

Pink sensual lips parted slightly, dark lashes kissing milky skin, thick eyebrows knitted in a tense expression almost hidden under a mop of midnight locks and lean arm spread across to what Lolita presumed to be her side.

Timidly the curious teen approached the unworldly creature, slightly amused at the tense expression carved on his hauntingly handsome features. Even in his sleep, he was a tense, brooding Alpha, she thought.

Hesitantly, Lolita moved his arm, gently slinging it across his chest before being seated. The jolt of sparks had the petite girl on edge, no doubt the effect extended to the unconscious Alpha as his expression momentarily softened into that of peace and tranquillity.

Lolita watched as this was quickly replaced with the hardened look prior, every logical bone in her body pushed the girl to stand up and leave the scene, however, ever nerve also pulsated in her body begging for the feeling of her mate's warm skin pressed against her own.

Within seconds of her inner turmoil, the primal urges had gotten the best of her will as she found her small hand clasped against Damien's much larger one, tranquillity spilling back into his features. This bought brunette a sense of relief, his softened expression encouraging her to cling on tighter.


"It's her. The girl, that is. It's Lolita" Lucius exclaimed.

"Aria?" The unknown voiced spluttered. "I should've known. "And the mother?"

Lucius walked further into the shadows of the stranger's office before leaning into the desk. "He took her too"

"Damnit!" The splitting of oak protruded in the room as the figure's concrete fist crashed down, splinters scattering into the atmosphere.

A moment of silence passed before Lucius spoke again. "So, what's the plan now, my Lord"

"I stand by my word, I'll marry the girl" He licked his lips, deep in thought. "Think of the magnificence with such power" He pondered. "I'll no longer be bound to the night" The grim figure added, shooting a look of distaste towards the concealed window.

"The spell seems to be taking its toll" Lucius commented.

"Of course" A wicked grin etched across his features. "How is she, with him?" He spat in slight concern, words laced with jealousy, who would've thought the girl he was so set on murdering would have this effect on him. Initially captivated by Aria's beauty, he had now discovered her true identity, all murderous thoughts dissipated as he was drawn towards his new scheme. The scheme of marriage.

"Most distant, my Lord" Lucius confidently replied. "I feel I can allure her back to you with no resistance from her end"

"I'd have to thank August" his companion muttered. "It truly is a shame, he was one of my most loyal followers, he didn't deserve such a fate"

"We'll be sure to return Damien and his Beta the favour" The ancient Lycan responded maliciously.


Attempting to slip her hand away, the petite girl felt the death grip from her mate increase, locking her hand into place, from this action she became contemplating on whether he was actually asleep or not. But exhausted from fighting the mate bond, Lolita gave away.

Sliding down, she lay on the bed, her hand still attached to Damien's. Swinging a leg over his hip, Lolita nestled into him, resulting in his stiff figure melting. His grip loosened before the unconscious figure swung his free arm around his mate.

Desptite the comfort Damien brought her, the shivering girl could not fall into the same slumber. As stiff as an ironing board, Lolita lay alert, aware of every breath and every movement herself and her mate made.

The petite girl would her breath hitch in the back of her throat, sparks rung through her body and a foreign feeling consume her. Damien's hand had found its way under the thin piece of cloth which stuck to her skin and began drawing small shapes on her stomach.

"Stop it" She hesitantly croaked. "How do you expect me to sleep with that?"

"Your satire lips mutter something but angelic eyes favour the other" Damien muttered, carrying on with the movements. "Just try to relax, please. I'm not going to murder you in your sleep" he furthered, shuddering from the thought, nonetheless the Alpha halted in his movements, releasing Lolita from his grip.

Shuffling to her side, Lolita faced the intimidating Alpha, his ocean orbs scorched through the beautiful girl as they traced every inch of her face, creating an eternal picture to be stored in his heart. She too, returned his intense gaze, captivated by his sparkling orbs Lolita found herself questioning sanity from the images that followed. Abruptly shutting her eyes to avoid the building tension, she attempted to fall into sleep to leave this nerve racking scene.

Lolita felt the presence of the dangerous orbs which burned into her fade away. With a breath of relief, she too found herself fading away into the long awaited slumber.


"Isaac!" Vivian launched a pillow at her friend. Embarrassment etched on his features as he swiftly caught this, placing in back into the couch. "How dare you keep this from me" The raven furthered in a teasing manner.

"It's not like you, along with everyone else didn't already know, which by the way, was the most excruciating part of it all" The sandy haired boy groaned, face-planting onto the cushiony surface. "What do I do?" His muffled plea sounded.

"Well, that's easy. You confront him" Vivian stated. "You literally look at him like he's a toxic creature which will end your existence"

"That's because he is!" Isaac added, sitting up.

"You're delusional" Vivian responded, rolling her sapphire orbs. "And a coward too"

"A coward" Her irked friend repeated.

"Yes, because you're too afraid to admit your feelings to him. You're both cowards for failing to acknowledge the truth"

"I'm not" The blonde muttered, unable to respond.

"Are too" Vivian mused, popping a strawberry into her mouth. "Where're you going?" She added as she watched Isaac storm away.

"To prove my point" He confidently countered.

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