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"Me and my grandma were talking about how fast food places are being so mean with these prices."

"Like, c'mon,  don't you think it's unfair that when you want to buy burgers they cost a lot but if you buy small ones it's one dollar less but they still add cents" Lisa says. "Sometimes there aren't a lot of fries with their deals and I'm just like what the heck! I can't even steal my cousin's fries cause he will notice too."

Lisa pouts. "My parents keep complaining about how I should go on a diet and start eating healthy and this and that, like dude nobody cares. They want me to save money, but at the same time waste it on healthy stuff that cost a lot. Like no thank you. Imma continue eating my spicy noodles.

"You know what... I wish I had a body like you Nini. It's perfect. "

"Unnie you always look beautiful. Give me some tips of yours."

"Can you believe that Mrs. Ahn crossed two answers wrong just because I didn't circle the answer. Unbelievable, right?" Lisa continues to ramble about the things in her life, thinking jennie was listening. Jennie hums in reply as she was focused on her book.

This is how jennie hours in the libary looked like. Lisa always coming to their spot and deciding to rant or talk about life and how jennie is so beautiful. jennie this and Lisa this. Well sometimes when she was feeling insecure. Jennie didn't mind the compliments but sometimes she just wanted to zip the blonde lips up. All she wanted was a peaceful time to herself. She was having headaches and the younger's complaints were not helping at all.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Jennie hums again.

"Do you...Do you find me annoying?" Lisa asked timidly.

Jennie pauses for a second. Did she just ask her a question that was obvious from the start. "I'm going to be completely honest with you, blondie. I do find you annoying. Yeah there are times where you aren't but the majority of the times you are. I just need you to shut up. I have to study or do something and you're like everywhere."

Lisa felt her heart crush. She didn't think Jennie's response was going to be that harsh.

"Is my voice horrible?" She asked another question.

"Your voice isn't horrible, but when you start talking for hours and hours it gets tiring to hear." Jennie expressed. She went back on looking at her book.

"Do I make you uncomfortable or does my presence make you feel annoyed."

"You don't make me uncomfortble but your presence does bring my mood down some days. I'm glad you're keeping up sweetie."

Lisa faked a smile

"Anymore questions?" Jennie said and Lisa nodded. "If I was your soulmate, would you-"

"Of course. I would feel so embarrassed and would do anything to erase the Tattoo. I know its harsh but Lisa I just find you so...How do I say it in a nice way.....Obnoxious?"

"Oh that hurts a bit" Lisa mumbled, her mood definetly going to a negative.

"Did you think my answers were going to change?" Jennie scoffed and flipped the page.

Lisa played with her fingers. "I was kinda hoping but it's okay if it didn't. Doesn't mean it will just stay like that. The future changes."

Jennie shook her head. "It won't soon or ever."

Lisa did not reply back. She grabbed her things and said goodbye to the older.  She wiped her tears.

"You never know Jennie."



some of the characters gon make
yall very mad 💀

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now