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All the people who were participating in the game changed their spots or tried to find one so there chances of getting picked where high. The first game they played didn't last very long as Jihoon and hanbin had been informed that the cops were called. Everyone was forced to help out to make it seem like it was a fun party with no alcohol. Getting drunk people to understand that if they didn't throw away their drinks was a challenge but they succeeded at the end.

After the police asked questions and investigated the place, everyone went back to doing the usual and the music played loudly. Jennie was sitting on the couch, next to Jungkook who was yelling the lyrics to one of BoA's song.

"One shot, two shot just for on-!"

"Jungkook stop yelling in my ear. I'm going to be deaf if I have to hear your extra singing!" Jennie complains. Scooting farther away so she wouldn't hear the male.

Jungkook gasped, feeling offended. "Me being extra with my favorite song? Your little girlfriend is being ten times extra than me and I don't see you sending her glares!"

"That's because she's not yelling in my year and being extra. She's keeping it cute." Jennie says and feels no regret.

"You find me cute, Nini?" Lisa asks with her pretty big doe eyes. Jennie nods, pulling her closer.

Not at Jennie acting like she wasn't hating on her seconds ago 😭

"Okay, okay, we get it. Yall are gay and married. Can we carry on with the game?" Sana says.

She spins the bottle when one of them mumbles a yes and catches people's attention. The room goes silent as they all wait to see who's next and it erupts into chaos when the top of the bottle points at Nayeon.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss tzuyu and me."

Everyone was surprised hearing what the dare was but a few whistles and smirks were thrown to the three girls. tzuyu eyes widend, pointing at herself. "M-me? But-"

"But nothing boo. I know you want this so pucker up."

"Yeah tzuyu. Pucker up." Lisa teasingly says and nudges her shoulder. Tzuyu could feel her heart beating faster when she saw sana and nayeon kissing. She knew her ears were turning red.

Chou Tzuyu, a panicked gay.

Once they separated, Nayeon turned to see a blushing tzuyu. She smirked seeing how the younger looked. Reminding her of a tomato. Tzuyu notices how everyone was quiet and were now looking at her.  "Why are you guys so quiet?! Stop looking at me!"

Her lips were claimed by the raven haired, not wanting to hear anymore of her talking.

"Oh my gosh. It's happening!" Jaehyun shouts and takes the whole bag of popcorn out of taehyung's hand.

"Mission completed!"

"I need to record this!"

Tzuyu whimperd and broke the kiss.

The taller left the kitchen embarrased and locked herself in the bathroom. "I'll go get her." Nayeon said.

"Don't get carried away missy. We know you'll do more than that." Nayeon winks before leaving the room.

"Who is left?"

"Soojin, Jennie, Lisa and Taeyong."

"I wanna go first!"

"Go ahead."

Taeyong spun the bottle lamely, making it spin for a few seconds. Just like last time, the room went quiet and hoped it wouldn't stop at a certain person.

it did.

"Oh It's me." Soojin smirks. "Dare or kiss?"

"Soojin that is not how the game goes." Eunha said annoyed and soojin ignores her.

Taeyong sighed. He knew she wasn't going to go by the rules. "Dare."

Soojin smiled. "I dare you to give johnny hickeys."

Jaehyun eyes went wide. "The fuck did you say? Tae is not doing that!"

Soojin shrugged and got comfortable. "If he doesn't do the dare then he has to kiss me."

Jaehyun wanted to strangle her so bad. Taeyong was getting scared since he has never seen his boyfriend like this. "I-i'll kiss you." He mumbles.

"Seriously?" Soojin said surprised.

Taeyong nodded.

At the end, Soojin and Taeyong did kiss but it was obvious that the male red haired male looked uncomfortable. Everyone assured him that he didn't have to do it but he already made up his mind. Taeyong and Jaheyun decided not to continue playing the game after the quick kiss he left on her cheek.

"Would any of the-"

"I'll go!" Soojin interrupts the girl and spins the bottle.

Jennie was staring to become stressed. She could feel a headache coming through any second.

She was wishing it wouldin't stop on Lisa. More like praying it wouldin't be her.

'Please, Please God'

But life isn't fair.

It stopped at the blond-haired girl. Soojin smirks and clapped her hands. "So baby. What would it be? Truth or dare?"

"Hmmm?" Lisa thinks. 'If I pick truth these losers are going to say I'm lame but if I pick dare soojin might make me kiss jennie and she won't be happy'


The others sighed in relief.

"Is it true that you have a crush on my girlfriend?"

Lisa quirked her head, confused. "Who would that be?"

Soojin points at the person who's next to her and it feels like time has stopped. "Jennie is your girl..friend?"

She smiles. "Yup. My one and only."

Lisa looks at the floor. "No. I don't have a crush on her." She answers.

"Jungkook you see this shit?" Taehyung whisperd angrily to jungkook's ear and the other male nodded.

"Oh that's good to hear. I had been hearing from others that you have a crush on her so I just wanted to hear it from you." Soojin briefly explains. "No need to worry. We're just friends." Lisa replies and removes herself from Jennie. It's not okay to be all touchy with somebody that is already taken. Jennie and the others heart dropped.

Jennie felt annoyed.

Very annoyed.

If soojin wanted to play like that then she'll do it back. Jennie doesn't wait for the same person to ask who wanted to go next and spins the bottle.

The bottle stopped at soojin. Again.

"Truth or Dare?"


"Is it true that you killed Seunghee?"


Pls- I'm still laughing at the way that I dropped the big mysterious question. Also wondering why I didn't make Jennie and lisa kiss.

Btw jennie and lisa are a bit drunk in this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed it♡

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now