♡Cuarenta y Uno♡

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A/N: Because of the situation going on with Lucas right now, I have decided to remove him as a character in annoying. Please don't leave hate comments about the choice. If you don't like it just leave.

"I called and texted her and still no reply back."

Bambam sighs and puts his glasses on. "I wanna say it but I know you're not going to like it."

Jungwoo looks back at his phone, ignoring his comment. The younger knew that they had to record for the show and couldn't waste time. Along with that, it wouldn't make sense for them to be together because of the huge fight those two had.

What Jungwoo doesn't know is that all the problems surrounding them were solved and now they were back to being friends. Acting friendly. A bit too friendly to the point where hickeys are left on skin, hair pulling, and slow kissing.

As you can see, They were having fun.

"We're out here rehearing our lines to reveal school news and our little gay friend is getting railed by her girlfriend. Who could've known?" Bambam says with a chuckle.

Jungwoo shakes his head. This boy is too crazy for me.

"Babe you need to calm down. You're worrying over nothing. She'll be here in time and the video will be ready for everyone to see." Bambam persuades but the stressed male thinks otherwise.

The school news will be presented by Lisa, Bambam, and Jungwoo. Every person who watched it last time liked the extraness and how funny they acted. There were a few mistakes and complains from teacher who thought their behavior was super un-professional, but students disagreed.

The principal shared his opinion and agreed with what the teachers said. He gave them a warning to keep their silliness down.

"That's the problem. If she comes late, she won't know what to do and we will get another scolding from Mr. Tight pants." Jungwoo argued.

"You do know your crush saved our asses right? If we fuck up he will do the same thing and we will just get another small warning."

"W-wait... Are you serious?"

"Do it sound like I am?"

Jungwoo crosses his arm. There was no way his crush did that. "How do you know?"

Bambam scoffed. "Lisa told me. She's friends with him." He then smirked. "Lisa can also plan a date with you and him."

Junwoo glared and shoved him. "You play too much."

"Dude are you about to shit your pants? your face is so freaking red-" Bambam points out as Jungwoo gets up and is about to pull his hair when someone opens the door dramatically.

The awaited guest has finally arrived.

With hickeys and red plump lips.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. I was outside and my teacher didn't let me out until I was finished." Lisa says in a hurried tone while fixing her hair.

The two boys rolled their eyes. Yeah she was totally in class and not making out with a certain somebody.

"What's on your neck Lili?"

"On my what?" She looks down and her eyes widen. "Oh about that. I need to go to the restroo-"

"No!" Jungwoo pushes her down. "We have twenty seconds before recording starts. You're staying here."

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now