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"Okay you dumbasses. Before we record, I need to ask you all some question. Is one of you allergic to peanuts?" Jungwoo asked the three sitting down

"Jungwoo, honey, you're seriously asking that when we've been friends since diapers?" Lisa said.

"Well you can't judge him. He's to shy to ask us ANY questions." Bambam defended jungwoo who hugged him lightly.

"Okay, okay you gays. Time to be serious. The principal is counting on us. It will be the first video of the year." Lisa grabbed her cards and put them in order.

"You heard that yugyeom. Serious business." Bambam said as he smirked at him. Yugyeom flipped him off. "You idiot. Are you forgetting that three years ago you laughed at me when my dog died?" He said.

Bambam. "I wasn't even laughing at your dog. A little kid fell on a puddle of poop."

Yugyeom rolled his eyes.

"Oh my god. Can you two stop bickering about the same shit and get it together so can we start this shitty show. Or do we have to hear you two arguing like how Jenlisa does?" Jungwoo looked at the two males with a glare. Bambam and yugyeom look at each other and give nasty looks before sighing.


Jungwoo counted off before pressing on the play button.

"Good afternoon you loser-"

"Bambam!" Lisa said angrily. Bambam chuckled evily before accusing yugyeom that it was his fault for bothering him. Yugyeom gasps and point to himself. "Me?"

"Who else dumbo?"

"This dumb brat." Yugyeom mumbles.

"Lisa chillax. We have a whole day to record this stuff. I'll have enough time to edit the video and send it to the councilers" Jungwoo reminded her and lisa and Yugyeom groaned.

"Another two hours with this idiot? Fuck no." Yugyeom says.

"Yugyeom, babe, why are you being so rude to your husband? Tonight your sleeping on the couch." Bambam smirks, knowing his teasing will make the other more angry.

Jungwoo sighed. "I'm deleting the previous clips and recording all over again." He yelled and they went quiet.

Jungwoo counted off again. "Good morning classmates. I am so glad to be starting the SYJ 2018 news with my other classmates. My name is
Bambam, but you can call me daddy." Bambam starts off and winks at the camera.

Lisa covered her face, not wanting to burst into a laughter as yugyeom rolled his eyes. He couldn't stay another minute longer with this idiot.

"Hello." Jungwoo moved the camera to Yugyeom. "My name is yugyeom and I will be the new reporter for the 2018 SYJ news."

"I feel so bad for the camera. It probaly went black seeing your ugl-" Bambam roasted.


"Yes ma'am?"

Lisa glared. "Anyways... my name is Lalisa but you can call me-"

"Jennie's wife." Bambam shouted.

Jungwoo huffed, pressing the pause button. He grabbed the toy hammer and hit it on bambam's head as hard as he could. Bambam was pretending it didn't hurt. "It felt like the wind." He joked.

"Keep playing around you hoe." Jungwoo warned and went back to where the camera was at. "We're starting all over. AGAIN."

It took five tries for them to get a good introduction. With bambam throwing jokes, yugbam bickering, and lisa forgetting her lines. It was a miracle, is what jungwoo claimed when they got the perfect clip. Now they needed to finish the rest.

"For todays news we have something interesting. The lunch ladies have a surprise for us today. The dance club is  wanting to hear your music choices for their performance on their show week." Lisa announced.

"Our carnival that we have every year and" Yugyeom added as the three drumroll.

"Me and yugyeom's wedding and Jenlisa are probably dating." Bambam says.

Yugyeom had enough. He grabbed bambam and took him somewhere far away from the classroom. Lisa and jungwoo were too tired to save their bestfriend.

"He deserves it." Jungwoo said.

"We tried our best to warn him. " Lisa shrugs.

Jungwoo sighs and sits next to her. "I don't think your girlfriend will like what he said at the end though. She will kill me and you."

Lisa frowned hearing her name again. After what had happend she wasn't in the mood to hear or even talk about her.

"Jungwoo she's not my girlfriend."

"But you like it whenever I say jennies your girlfriend though?" He says confused.

"Aish whatever." Lisa pouted.



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