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"Listen gays I have an announcement to make." Jennie says, interrupting yugbams argument of who could rap better.

"Yes madam?" Hanbin replies. "Did you tell them about saturday?" Jennie nods. "I did but I still haven't made my decision."

"If they're not invited then I'm not going." She simply stated and hanbin smirk fell into a frown. "Everyone knows that your parties are fun when they are there."

"Remember what happend last time?" Hanbin pointed out. "I almost got grounded for months because the police came!"

The group either rolled their eyes or scoffed hearing the exaggeration coming out of his lips. "It was totally not my fault. The girl was touching somebody who is already taken." Bambam said in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"Fucking lie. You and Jackson weren't even dating at that time." Hanbin argued back and bambam rolled his eyes. "Yes we were but we decided to keep it a secret. Ever heard of homophobes dumbass?"

"Who's jackson?" Yugyeom asked confused hearing the unfamiliar name. Eunha patted his back. "A trashbag that deserves to be in the trashcan." She said and yugyeom still didn't get it. "I will explain later."

"Well it doesn't matter now. I have somebody else that loves me...right yuggie?" Bambam gave his boyfriend heart eyes.

"Telling by the hickeys, I'm guessing yugyeom loves you." Hanbin said with annoyance. Bambam stayed quiet. Hanbin was making him want to drag him.

"So is that a yes or yes?" Jennie asked.

"It's a yes if that ugly bitch doesn't go." Hanbin answers.

"Then none of us are going." Yugyeom replied with a fake smile as hanbin glared. "What he said." Bambam butted in.

Hanbin looked at Jennie. The brunette was to busy looking at her painted red nails.

The brown-haired boy sighed and everybody cheered. They already knew what the answer was going to be so why wait. Yeri and seungmin hugged hanbin, "thank you idiot" Both of them said and messed up his hair.

Jennie squished his cheek while telling him that he should feel happy that the party isn't going to be boring.

"Okay okay stop it. I need to breathe." Hanbin choked out. The two youngest giggled separating as the rest calmed down. "So who else is going?" Taehyung asked.

"The football team, the second popular group, wonho and his boyfriend, yeonwoo, hui and hongseok, and some other people."

"Would you mind if I invited hani and mino?"

"Nope. More people means more alchohol and fun. The dangerous fun." Hanbin responded. Irene shook her head, disappointed.

"Oh and your girlfriend Pranpriya, paranpiya or whatever...I think that's her name?" He said unsure.

"Yeah but she likes to be called Lisa or sunshine."

"She is invited too. She said she was going to bring this person who looks cool."

"Cool? It might be beyoncé or god jihyo." Bambam joked. Nobody laughed except jungkook. Well he faked laughed.

"Anyways... I need to go with my cheerleaders." Hanbin said while getting up. "I have a surprise for them." He winked making the whole group cringe in disgust.

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now