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"You're awake!"

"Well, no duh. I'm breathing, my eyes are open and I asked you a question." Jennie sarcastically said, and Mr. Jung rolled his eyes.

He brought the chair with him so it wouldn't be comfortable talking so far away from each other. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything?" He asks as he checks her hand. Jennie shrugs. "I feel like shit, but it's a normal thing, so there's no difference."

"Do you remember what happened at school?" Mr. Jung continues to question.

She hums while staring at the bright sunflowers that were wrapped and protected. "All I remember is-" arguing and the mirrors. "Some things."

"The doctor told us that it was okay if you didn't." He says. "As long as your eyes are open and you're breathing, you are fine."

Jennie smiles. "I was playing with you uncle Jung. You know how I like to be a smartass."

"Of course I do. When you were little you would snap your little fingers at me and your grandparents." He said. He stood up and puts his hand on his hip.

"Never disrespect a queen, uncle junkie." He says with a high pitched tone and snaps his fingers as the younger laughs.

Jennie felt a lot better.

Staying at a hospital all alone was something Jennie hated. She was happy that her uncle came to visit her. The more he stayed and brought up her funny childhood memories the more she felt comfortable.

The majority of her friends were mad at her and probably didn't bother to visit her, so having someone who isn't is like breathing in fresh air after having a stressful day.

As the laughs died down, Jennie asked him of her family. "How are they?"

"They are doing great. Last week I caught grandma and grandpa dancing to this song called boombayah and one of them almost broke their leg. I warned them about the dangers but who can get those two oldies to sit down." He said and copied one of the parts of the choreography.

"Did grannie do good?"

He nods. "You know how she is."

"What about mom?" Jennie asks, this time a little quieter. She was always worried about her precious mom, even if her mother didn't know about her. "She's been eating more than usual and goes out for walks at the park. Your mom is starting to look healthier. " He states.

A small smile appears on her face. That was great news. Definitely better than last time when she had gotten call from her grandma that her mom was locking herself in the room and was acting rude. She let's her back touch the rough bed and sighs. She's okay and that's all that matters.

"Did anyone else visit me?"

"Oh gosh don't get me started. Last night your friends came in to your room with whistles and two of them shouting. I was so pissed. Not because I was so close to sleeping. Of course not. But because they were about to wake you up."

"Now we both knows that's a lie."

"Okay fine whatever but some girl called yuna or eunha? Yeah I think that's her name. She was crying and saying she was so sorry that she lashed out on you. It's all my fault that she's here and I feel so guilty and yadda yadda yadda." He imitated her doing a crying face.

Jennie smirks "I should be like oh my there's no reason for her to apologize but I won't. It's what she deserves to feel."

Mr. Jung shook his head but chuckled. "Taehyung brought you that big bear and the blanket. The chocolates are from Jeongin, which I may or may not have eaten. Eunha kisses on your cheeks, Nayeon an envelope and other things your friends bought."

"I feel so loved. For the first time ever." Jennie smiled getting more comfortable. She wrapped the bear blanket around her more tightly. "Did Irene and her girlfriends come too?"

Mr. Jung nods. "Of course. Irene and Nayeon suddenly became mama bears."

"You got in trouble didn't you."

"Yes and it was so fucking embarrassing."

"Aha deserved."

Jennie wanted to ask him if lisa came to visit her but knew Mr. Jung would start to ask questions and it would cause her to start stuttering and making excuses. You know the usual. Her denying that nothing special is going around between them. She kept the question closed.

Jennie and her uncle talked for another hour before he decided to leave so she could get her beauty sleep. She insisted him to stay but he didn't want to miss his kdrama.

"Oh so your kdrama is more important than me?"

"How dare you say that. Of course it isn't...It's just that they're revealing who's the villain in this episode and I can't miss it."

It was beginning to get late and she started to feel lazier as she yawned and turned the tv off. Looking at the flowers, well the one that caught her attention. "I wonder which brat bought me those?"




A lazy smile appears on her face. "It wouldn't be a surprise if they were from her. She's so ador-"

And then stopping mid-sentence realizing what she was saying. "What am I even talking about? Kim why do you keep forgetting that she's mad at you right now."

Knock! Knock!

"Now you're thinking she's the one who knocked? Delusi-"

The door opened and a crying lisa holding flowers and chocolates is shown.

"Unnie I'm so sorry!"


Literally want some ice cream but I'm broke 😣 send money porfavor.

I just want to thank you again for reading this book and giving it a vote and comment. 😖❤😡💜💖🖤🖤🖤

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