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"You look like a hag."

"Oh you mean like yugyeom."

Lisa bursted into laughter as she saw yugyeom throw bambam to the couch and start tickling him. Bambam was begging him to stop but yugyeom just smirked and continued to tickle.

Lisa grabbed another chocolate cookie and ate it with one bite. She could've helped him but he deserved after what happend yesterday afternoon at school. "Pranpriya aren't you going to save your beloved bestie?" Bambam yelled questioning.

Lisa chuckled. "Not after embarrasing us with the news I ain't." She replied and bambam glared. The torture didn't end until bambam did something more embarrassing. He started to moan out of nowhere making lisa and yugyeom look at him weirdly. The room went silent.

"That's how I sound when you f-" bambam started to say but was later interrupted with caramel popcorn thrown at his face. He smiled at the older before pecking his lips.

"Oh sweetie. You're just asking for more punishments." Lisa said and bambam smirked.

Yugyeom was going to take him upstairs but Lisa's grandmother came in with bunch of groceries bags. "Grannie!" Lisa got off the couch and hugged her lightly.

"Oh dear. My back is killing me." Her Grandma says and lisa quickly unwrapped her hands. She slowly sat her grandma on the chair. "Did mom go make you buy food?" She asked a bit mad and grandma nodded.

"She said I don't do anything, so why not exercise and go to the store to buy groceries."

"Mrs. Manoban let me go put you at your room. I think you helped a lot today." Yugyeom said. She nodded understanding.

Lisa sighed sadly, taking things out of the bag. She was disappointed again with her mom. Why would she let her grandma go far away if she knew that she was getting older and had to deal with so much pain. "Your grandma is so precious. We really don't deserve her" Bambam beamed.

"Yeah I know. I'm just pissed." Lisa said.

"Mom?" Bambam guessed and he earned a nod from her.

"It's going to be okay. Your mother is struggling with issues. I know you are too but you four will make it." He encouraged and lisa smiled.

"I belive that too."


"Hahaha you look stupid!"

"Taeyong stop being loud. You're going to wake up my baby sister!"

"Yeah he's older than you. Respect the grandpa"

"Seungmin open the microwave! The popcorn is going to burn like taehyung's burnt hair!"

Jennie just watches how her friends and lisa's friends were being loud and being crackheads. She wore headphones to protect her ears but they were being louder each second. Right now she's seeing who can drink soda with mustard.

"This smells like fish. Oh my this smells worster than that girl in our school who smells like weed and smelly socks." Joy said. She was regretting her life choices.

"You wanna back out honey?" Yeri said as she smirked. Everybody 'oued' making jennie roll her eyes. Joy glared. "I'm not a scaredy-cat like you." She returned and the ouus were back.

"Okay. Giant and minion. Are you ready?" Eunha asked and the two nodded. "Fireball!" She shouted.

The two girls drinked fastly and the rest were cringing or recording. Lisa was the one hyping them up.

"Drink that up! The coca cola wasn't cheap enough to be wasted and the yellow mustard also."

"Andale andale no more time."

Jennie was obviously shook. She never saw lisa yell like that. This was something new.

"These uglies finished at the same time!" Taehyung said.

"Nah sis I finished first." Joy spoke up. Her face was looking a bit green.

"You're dumb. It was totally me." Yeri objected and the two argued.

The ones that recorded had the evidence and both of them were wrong. They did end at the same time. Yeri and joy didn't believe them even if they saw the video.

"Guys can we go to the movies?" Jeongin asked, trying to change the subject.

"Excuse me I won and that's it. Period."

"Both of you shut up before I throw you out of the house!" Jennie said with annoyance.

"Yes sir." Yeri replied.

Jennie huffed before turning to jeongin and asking what he said.

"Could we go to the movies noona?"

"Of course sweetie." She smiled. "Everybody change up. We're going to the movies!" She announced.

"And don't worry. I'll pay for you all." She added.

"Wah! Thank you so much Lisa's girlfriend."



First, happy [ LATE] new years. I hope 2019 turns out a good year for you all lovelies and you have happiness♡.

Thirdly, I don't know if I should continue this book? Should I or Not?

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now