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Tw: Mentions of cuts

A whimper escapes from the youngest as Jennie captures her lips.

Lisa feels every little stress leave her body when she accepts those soft lips on hers. For once she stops caring of the whispers in her head and lets herself be free. Feel intensely loved by the one she wants. Jennie's arm wrapped around her tiny waist as she gently pulled her closer, leaving no space between their bodies. Lisa moves her hands and places them on her chest.

They don't think of letting go as their lips continue to brush against each other and the blondie's back is met with the wall. Their first kiss ended up being so soft and slow as they both took their time to savor every second of this special moment. 

Lisa gasps softly when the brunette's right hand moves to her waist. She craves for more. She craves for Jennie's touch. And she knows Jennie wants it too. 

"Please Nini." She whispers.

Jennie moves her left hand lower and grabs the blonde's chin to make her big innocent eyes meet her own that were filled with lust. "I didn't think you were such a naughty girl, Lili." She confesses as she goes under her skirt and squeezes her ass. 

"I-I'm naughty only for you, nini."

  Jennie smirks seeing how Lisa looked. So beautiful and tempting. Knowing she craved for the exact thing thing that she wanted.

Lisa felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks. She couldn't believe those words had came from her mouth. Was she that desperate? "Now I feel embarrassed." She says with a pout. Hiding her face in the brunette's chest.

Jennie pretends to look upset. "What are you embarrassed about? Is it because of me?"

"No! Of course not. I-I just have never done things like this in my life and was really surprised at my own actions and I thought um that you. Well I actually didn't expect for this to happen. Not even the kiss from you." Lisa explains as her face becomes more red.

Jennie looks at her with a smile, finding her rambling so funny but cute. "I'm just playing with you Lili."

Lisa sighs. Her heart was beating so fast that she thinks Jennie could hear it as well.

"Um I don't know if this is the right time to ask but is this the part where we... you know." Lisa quietly asks.

"Fuck?" Jennie's reply is followed by a loud gasp and a "Unnie you didn't have to say it like that!" making her laugh.

"Only if you are ready."

"I'm scared." Lisa truthfully says. "I don't think I-I am ready."

"Then no. This isn't the part where we fuck." Jennie says and Lisa whines again at how crude she was. "Then what do we do?"

"I think this is the part where I drop you off at your house and you try to sneak in quietly so you don't wake up your parents but I kiss you before I leave." Jennie says. Reminiscing every cliche movie. "I would like that more better! But can we go to your house instead?"

Jennie placed Lisa on the kitchen counter before searching for another beer bottle. "Won't your grandma or dad be worried for you?"

"Grandma is in daegu with my mom's side as Dad left for the states. So me and seungmin are lonely." She explains "Don't worry though! seungmin told me that he would be going to his boyfriend's house after the party ends."

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now