Treinta y ocho

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Jennie stacks the three packs of fruits and brings them with her to the table where Eunha was waiting.

"So you're telling me that you saw those numbers on her waist?"

"Yes. I saw a familiar birthday date and knew it was lisa's."

Eunha gives Jennie a puzzled look before laughing heartily. The brunette's words made her chuckle and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Had she been that busy that she forgot today was April fools day or was the brunette just in a silly mood.

"Are you serious, or are you making a joke?" In between laughter, she asks.

Jennie rolls her eyes. "I knew your dumbass wasn't going to believe me. I should've kept it to myself." She said annoyed.

Eunha stops laughing, noticing that the younger wasn't joking around. "I'm sorry it's just something that I never expected to hear....but you know how some people fake it? Did it look like it was written in sharpie?"

Jennie shakes her head. "It looked pretty real. The tattoo was medium sized and in cursive. Like a normal soulmate tattoo."

She had been close enough to see it perfectly.

"You wanna know something weird though." Jennie says. The same question that has been flowing in her mind since the incident. "How could soojin forget my birthday if she's so...."

"If she's so obsessed with you?"

Jennie nods. "Remember that time when we teased Taehyung for not knowing my birthday? Well on the way back home she said my birthplace and the date. Mind you she was new to our group and I have never told her any of my information. So for someone who is always wanting to keep in touch with whatever I am doing and whoever I'm talking to, how could she forget it?"

"You got a point, but still. None of this makes sense, unless one of the two is keeping a really big secret from us." Eunha replies, breaking the chopsticks into two.

Jennie snorts. "I get Soojin but Lisa?"

"Why wouldn't she? Everyone has secrets."

Jennie furrows her eyebrows. "I don't get what you're trying to say. Are you implying that-"

"That they've met before? could be a possibility." Eunha shrugs.

"That's a stretch. There's nothing you could say to support that ridiculous theory." Jennie explains.

"And your reasoning for Soojin having Lisa's birthdate inked?"

Jennie opens her mouth and then closes it. She had done this twice. Why wasn't she saying anything. Eunha stared at her, waiting for an answer but there's no response. She tries to think of anything to prove her wrong but it was like her mind betrayed her.

There was just no way that could be it. The two acted like they had never seen each other. She's seen the way they
have interacted. The talk she had with Lisa a day ago. Was it full of lies. An act?

"There could be another possibility that Soojon just wrote random numbers." Eunha adds, hoping she wouldn't overthink.

but it was too late.

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"I think I should give this topic a rest and not think about it too much. Plus. They're just theories. Nothing to worry about." Jennie states. 

They both knew that wasn't the truth.


"Finished forming?"

Irene hums. "With the question you brought up, I was speculating that it had to do something related with your tattoo being ready."

Lisa smiles. "Unnie I would've told you already but to answer your question, no it hasn't. It's halfway there though. "

Irene gasps, wanting to see it.

"Have you been thinking about who could it be" Wendy asked. "Like jennie or your classmates?"

"About that." Lisa said. "Nini's birthday starts with the number one... right?"

"Wait did you just say-" Irene asks. Her face showing a different reaction. Lisa nods.

The three looked at each other and didn't know if they should tell her the sad news or go along with it. Of course seulgi going with the first option but the other two disagreeing.

Lisa observes their faces. Why were they starting at each other like that. "Am I right?"

Seulgi turns to face her and slightly smiles. "Um could we see how it looks like?"

"Sure." Lisa pulls her shirt up and two numbers on her skin appear.

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Whew chapter done. Do you guys think jennie is her mate? What about soojin?
Is lisa hers?

Hope you enjoyed♡♡

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now