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The smile on Soojin's face drops. She places her beer on the floor and let's out a forced chuckle. "Jennie, do you hear yourself? Why would I kill a person. Specifically seunghee?"

"Oh don't act stupid. Mina had all the evidence to prove your claims wrong but they stated you were innocent because you kept saying it was your twin. Let's not forget too that your daddy's money helped your pathetic ass." Taehyung retorts.

Soojin rolled her eyes and gets up from her spot. "Because it was the truth, stupid. I arrived late to the scene and called the police when I saw her bleeding on the floor. Why would I kill her when I considered seunghee as my sister."

"Isn't it obvious. You were jealous of the relationship she had with Jennie." He says.

"Unnie. You killed someone?" Lisa quietly asks, looking at her. The red-haired girl shook her head and walks to where Lisa was sitting."Of course not Lili. I don't know why your dumb friends would think like that."

Jennie scoffs, not surprised that she was lying and pulling the victim card.

"I sadly have to leave as my mom doesn't want me staying up late." Soojin says. "Thanks for inviting me, hanbin." She smiles at the drunk male who gives her a thumbs up. She opens the door and is about to leave but stops. "Oh I almost forgot. Don't be late on our date tomorrow, Nini. See you later love" She sends a wink and finally leaves.

♡Lisa's pov♡

"Don't be late on our date tomorrow, Nini."

I forgot about the announcement of their relationship but the reminder of their date made me remember.

I felt my half tattoo burn when she had told me that Jennie was hers. I guess I'm happy for them to be dating. Right? I should be happy that Jennie found someone who could love her. Oh Who am I kidding, I'm not happy. Now I just have to act like I'm not hurt and accept that they will probably be soulmates too.

I should be feeling guilty for being jealous and in denial but I don't care right now. I think I have the right to feel like this since I have crush on Jennie and the way she's been treating me differently.

I just. I find it shocking that Jennie would date somebody because she always rejects the person who asks her if she would like to be theirs. She hasn't accepted anyone for a long time.

My mom was right the whole time.

Me and Jennie are opposites. We will never be together or even close to soulmates.

I digged myself into a hole that I knew would trap me into fantasies and there was no way out of it.

It was too late.


Lisa sits on the floor, watching random people have fun dancing as they have smiles on their faces. She watches the couple who's faces shared the same emotion since they were dancing. Laughter and love shown. It just made her feel more upset.

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now