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"Unnie Unnie I'm back!" The familiar cheerful voice made her look up from her food and make a confused face seeing the blondie.

'Why is she so happy. Wasn't she sad three days ago after what had happend. Has she forgiven me?' Jennie thought

"Nini I missed you." Lisa said while hugging her tightly. Jennie looks at jungkook to see if he was seeing lisa's reaction but the younger pretends to be busy. He took his phone out of his pocket and makes it seem like he was taking a picture of the skies, when really it was about jenlisa.

"Jungkook I fucking dare you." Jennie warns him and he chuckles.

'watch me' he mouths and quickly takes a picture of them.

"Hm what was that?" Lisa asks as she unwraps her arms from jennie. She shook her head. "I didn't say anything."

"Well anyways. How was being by yourself in the libary?" Lisa questions, taking the empty seat and placing her backpack on the table.

"Quiet and relaxing. My ears were finally working but you're here now. They are starting to work badly." Jennie replied with annoyance. Lisa and jungkook look at each other and do that face. The "sure you did" look.

"Well now I'm back and ready to make your day bright." She smiles brightly making jungkook smile also.

"Ugh more like ready to make my day horrible." Jennie mumbled.

"Did you eat all my grandma's cookies?"

"Oh the cookies. Jeongin ran away with the basket and ate them all." Jennie explained, remembering the funny moment.

"And you didn't stop him?" Lisa pouted. Jennie scoffed. "Honey my legs were too sore that day."

Suddenly bambam arrived. "Yeah too sore from all the fu-" He couldn't finish his sentence. Jennie smacked his head. "Good job Jen. That dummy deserves it." Lisa said laughing.

Jungkook was laughing more since he recorded the scene and was replaying it. "Nini I have to tell you something."

Jennie sighed. "What?"

"In the mall there going to be selling Pinkpunk and bigbang free merch. Also kpop clothing stuff!" She said and the three squealed except jennie.

"I'm not into pinkpunk or bigbang." She returned lamely.

"Bitch shut the fuck up. You have posters of the boombayah era and fantastic baby." Bambam exposed with a frown on his face. He was so done with jennie.

Yugyeom smirked. "And who gave them to you?"

Lisa smiled. "You still have the poster that I gave you on your 16th birthday?" Jennie groaned, nodding.

"Of course. Who would throw away there's wife present?" Jungkook teased. Lisa, yugyeom and bambam laughed as jennie was planning to strangle them.

"I fucking hate you all."


"Jennie look at the mina and kyungsoo posters! Don't they look beautiful!"

"Oh my lord, taeyang looks so handsome with that kind of hair."

"Look at god jihyo. She looks so beautiful."

Jennie was stuck with lisa for an hour. She had to hear all the compliments that lisa was giving to every idol. Of course she was squealing inside but outside she wanted to die.

It would've been more comfortable if lisa would shut up and let her examine. But it's not like lisa and her are holding hands or told her to stay with her at all times.

Right now it was jennie's choice and she decided to stay with her.

"Jen let's go to the YG merch one and then go to the one you want?" Lisa suggested and Jennie shrugged.

Let's say lisa bought about ten things that costed nothing as jennie three things. Lisa kept insisting that she should buy more. This is the only time people were being nice, but jennie didn't care.

"I have to use the restroom. I'll be back." Lisa informed before leaving.

Jennie smiled. "I'm finally free."


Jennie secretly bought two more things and hided it whenever lisa came back.

While lisa bought two more things just for a special person.



I don't really like how this chapter went but I hope you enjoyed it♡

Can you belive it that it's going to be 2019 already?🤧👀

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