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TW: eating less

Seeing the younger at the door, her eyes widend.

When Lisa came up to Jennie and gave her one of the tightest hugs she had    ever gotten, she was still stunned. She
 kept staring at the door until she felt a sharp pain in her back, causing her to wince and Lisa to back away

"I'm so sorry Nini. I didn't know you were in the hospital. Nobody told me until Irene did...but that doesn't excuse me for being such a bad friend." Lisa explains. "Are you doing fine? Have they been treating you well?" She asks, worried.

"Have you been treating yourself good?" Jennie asks, ignoring her question.

Lisa frowns. "I- of course I am but this isn't about me right now."

She sighs. "I've been doing well and yes they have treated me well. Now answer my question. Are you?" Lisa feels her heart race at her tone. She tries her best to not look down and lie successfully but fails. Lisa tells herself to not cry when she hears a sigh, sounding so disappointed, but fails again. "Sorry. I don't even know why I'm crying." She apologizes and wipes away her tear.

'Is it bad to say that she looks beautiful even when crying?'

"Come here, you little crybaby." Jennie teases as she pulls Lisa close to her. "Sit down and eat."

She grabs the large plate that was on the table and carefully passes it on to put it on Lisa's lap. "This is for you Nini. Why are you giving it to me?" Lisa questions, looking confused.

"Because I know how you are. Especially in times like this." Jennie replies while changing the channel. She didn't want to mention what one of her friends told her about how they've seen her eat less each day. Lisa wants to ask what she meant but decides now was not the time. Once jennie stops clicking away, she lays her head back to the bed and looks back to see if the younger was eating. The sight of Lisa looking at the plate made her want to sigh again.

"Unnie I think-" Lisa closes her mouth when she's met with a glare from Jennie.

"Lisa. Eat."


"Are you playing with me? Because if you are I'm not in the mood."

"I'll eat later when I get home. You probaly haven't ate so you should eat it instead."

"I'm not dumb. Eat or I'll make you regret choosing not too." Jennie warned.

"F-fine I'll do it." Lisa replies with a pout.

Jennie's frown turned to a smile.

"If you at least eat with me."

"Whatever will make that plate empty." Jennie mumbles as Lisa smiled getting her chair closer to the bed. Jennie would ask her about school and if anyone noticed her absence to distract Lisa that she was eating less so she could eat majority of the food. It worked as Lisa ate and would answer her questions and talk about random things like usual.

Jennie missed this.

Having random talks with Lisa. Getting to see her smiling and laughing. Not the Lisa who would find a way to escape her presence. Look at her so pissed off. But who could blame her? Jennie thinks. She treated her badly that day and shouldn't have invalidated her feelings.

It was so childish of me to do that to her.

She wants to treasure this happy moment before the day ends and it continues with anger.

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now