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"Unnie Unnie what do you think of my new color? Do you think I look different?"

Jennie looks up with a bored expression then shrugged. Lisa took that as a yes and went back to putting on her cute earrings.

"I'm so grateful today is friday. I can finally sleep in and eat delicious foods." Lisa says with a smile on her face. She closed her eyes and imagined the doubled burger with medium fries and Dr. Pepper on the side.

As she daydreamed, Jennie decided to stop reading her book and going to find another one. She was about to take out a book when she saw lisa hugging the wall. She shook her head trying not to laugh. The younger did this every time and would act surprise when people would ask her what she was doing.

That doesn't mean she would pretend it never happend. Jennie took a picture just so when lisa does something to her she can blackmail her with them. Lisa might be all nice and stuff but when you get her angry she's the opposite of nice.

Jennie got three books. A mysterious one, comedy, and poem. The girl loved to read. If you met jennie you would always see her with a book on her hands. If there wasn't one in her hands she would be reading on wattpad. Some people say she's a nerd for that but she doesn't really care what people think.

Lisa opended her eyes and turned to the other direction to see no jennie sitting down. She pouts and sits on the big chair as she grabs the nearest book that was on the table.

Green eggs and ham

"I remember reading this in kindergarten. Why do they have these kind of books in highschool?" Lisa says in her mind.

"Are you reading a kids book?"

Lisa nods. "There is nothing wrong with reading it so yes I am." she's partially lies in her sentence. Yeah theres nothing wrong with but she doesn't even like reading. Lisa was even confused as to why the kids book was stored in the higher reading level section.

Jennie nods. The younger wasn't wrong. "If you want to get interested on books like this." She shows Lisa the big book. "Then you need to start reading high level books. This is what my little cousin reads." Jennie suggests. Lisa just hums and sits next to her. Not really caring and just wanting to be with the older.

Jennie felt at peace when there was no more talking and the blondie didn't peep a word the first ten minutes. She was glad the younger was focused on reading and not talking about how she was super hungry.

"The cat sure doesn't like eating eggs." Lisa mumbled as she turns the page.

The quietness and humming lasted for another ten minutes. Lisa decided to read one more book that wasn't short. She noticed Jennie was really into the book she was reading and didn't want to interrupt her. It didn't work out though. Nothing really interested her and she was really bored. Lisa patiently waited until she felt it was the right time to ask.

"Nini wanna go eat."

"Appearance is what you care about more huh? Popularity is imporant than our love?"

Lisa looked at her weirdly, poking jennie's cheek and the older not noticing since she's to into the book. "Nini are you okay?"

"I was so glad that somebody for the first time had loved me and didn't just pretend. All your kisses, cuddles, touch, love made me so happy." Jennie continued to read.

The blonde stares at her confused. "Um.."

"When you left me out in the rain, no explanation or for me to speak my thoughts, I was heartbroken. But that wasn't what caused me to feel like this. What hurt me was seeing you propose to her on the same day you promised me that you would do to me."

"You never really cared for me. I was just your little play thing."

Lisa looks at her with a concerned look. She sees how jennie's eyes were turning watery. Her words sounding sad. It looked like Jennie could relate to how the character felt. Has this happend to her before?

"Jennie are you..." Lisa softly says

"What lisa? What the fuck do you want?" Jennie rudely snaps at her.

The blonde eyes widend at her outburst. "I-I just wanted to ask if you're o-okay.." Lisa responded, a bit scared.

Jennie scoffed, getting up. "Can't you see that you're annoying me? I don't want you here with me no more. I can never spend time by myself because you are always like always with me!"

Yes, Lisa does spend time with her when she doesn't have anything to do but when she is busy she never hangs out with her and barely gets to happily greet her. Lisa doesn't understand why Jennie treats her differently.

Jennie's friends stick to her for the majority of the school day and she doesn't lash out to them like she does to her.

"Every single time it's unnie unnie unnie this and that. Just shut up for once. Hasn't your mother told you that nobody ever likes a person like that?"

"I swear sometimes I just want to make you dis-"

Jennie looked at lisa and her eyes were watery.

She should feel guilty.

But no she glares at her.

"All you do is make me feel irritated instead of making me feel happy."


ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now