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"Lisa hurry the fuck up! We're fifteen minutes late and you're taking your sweet time to dress up."

"I'm going unnie. Let me just finish doing my braid and then we can go."

"You can finish doing it while we are going to school. Hurry up or you're walking there!"

Lisa huffed, grabbing her backpack and running downstairs. She was greeted with an irritated jennie that looked pretty amnoyed. She walked out of the house, not forgetting to lock it.

"Let's dance the night away!" Lisa began singing. Jennie rolled her eyes, opening the door for the dancing girl then sitting next to her. "One, Two, Three let's go~" Lisa continued to sing making the butler chuckle.

"Mr. Butler could you turn on the music?" She nicely asked him and he nodded. He was about to turn the button to the right until.

"No ellie. No music for today." Jennie stopped him.

"But Jen. It feels more free when you have music on." Lisa said.

"I don't think listening to fake love by BTS is relaxing."

"Yes it is. Especially namjoons part." Lisa argued back.

"Why you sad?"

"I don't know non molla." Mr. Ellie replies and Lisa laughed loudly. "See Mr. Ellie knows the song and even thinks the song is relaxing. Right Mr?"

He nodded making lisa do a 'told ya so' face. Jennie rolled her eyes and took her phone out to see the time. They were so late but the gate didn't close still. Mr. Ellie just needed to go more faster.

"Mr. Ellie turn it up!"

"Do not."

"Stop being a party pooper Jen. We can have some fun before we enter the place that's called boring."

"No is a no. Gosh don't you understand?" Jennie said angrily.

"Why you mad? I don't know non molla."

For the rest of the car ride the three were listening to fake love, killing me and hann. Jennie almost made Mr. Ellie stop the car so she can kick out lisa but sadly she didn't.

After fifteen minutes they finally arrived to school and lisa was bumbed out. "Bye Mr. I'll see you next time." She said sadly while waving at him.

"Don't worry dear. Ms. Kim will probaly be nice today and let you ride with us again." He said and she smiled.

"I hope she does."


"Why are you two late?!"

Mr. D.O asked as he looked at the two scared girls. Jennie rolled her eyes before bowing. "We are truly sorry Mr. D.O it's just that our car wouldin't start working."

"Yeah what she said." Lisa butted in. Jennie pinched her back making the younger wince. Mr. D.O sighed not really believing the lie and not giving them a detention.

The two walked to their desks as their classmates were looking at them. Nayeon and jungkook smirking at the back.

'Shut the fuck up' Jennie mouthed and nayeon winked.

While chaeyoung winked at lisa. 'Ew stay loyal to your boyfriend loser' she mouthed and the oldest smirked.

"So as I was saying. The major project that I'm assigning you is very important. It's the last grade before Christmas break." Mr. D.O announced.

"You are not choosing your partn-"

The door opened, causing him to stop class for the third time. He let out a tired sigh. "Good-morning Mr. Kyungsoo I have somebody that I want you to meet." Theb assistant principal said.

He faked a smile. "Yes who would that be?"

A tall red-haired girl with a piercing look moved behind him.

"Mr. Kyungsoo and students meet your new classmate. Seo Soojin!"

Soojin bowed but didn't smile at all like how new students do. "Hello everyone I am soojin. You're new princess of the school. It's nice meeting you all." She introduced herself and some boys already started to check her out.

"Mr. Kyungsoo? Would you mind if I sit where the girl sitting alone is sitting at. I feel a bit uncomfortable the first days sitting in the front." She said while giving him a sweet smile.

He hesitated but since the assistant principal is still there he decided to say, "Of course."

Soojin turned around and began walking. Her sweet smile disappeared and her smirk appeard. It was getting more evil when she made eye contact with the girl she's been waiting for.

And to the person she had been wanting to touch.

"Nice seeing you again, Jennie kim."


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ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now