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"Am I hearing things or was Leo right about a certain seo being back in seoul?" Jungkook questions, gaining his friends attention at the first name.

"I thought I was hearing things as well but then some guy in my class went to see if it was true and he said it was." Eunha says with a frown. "I swear I remember her telling us that she would never come back and stay at Japan. Staying in korea was too much for her." Taehyung mentions the dramatic scene soojin did back in the past.

They all nod as the small memory comes back to deepen their mood.

"That bitch just had to surprise us and make our peaceful highschool life horrible." Taeyong said with annoyance.

"We all know the reason why she's back." Everybody turns to look at the new voice who joined. As always, making herself look unbothered when in reality she wanted to drag a certain someone. "There's a strong possibility she's coming back for you" Yugyeom stated and she let's out a tired sigh. "In english class she came in and was doing her smirk."

"Nayeon and me were shocked. Not because she was back but because she wore the uniform."

"There is no way she is wearing a school uniform. Soojin never wears her uniform cause it seems tacky" Eunha argues. Nayeon tells her that taehyung was telling the truth since she saw the picture that a classmate took. "Then that means....fuck. This is going to be some serious shit."

"Well ignore her. Whatever she says or does to you don't reply or accept something from her. Soojiin is dangerous." Jennie warns them. "She'll do anything."

"Soojin gets on my fucking nerv-"

"Unnie!" A cheery voice interrupts yugyeom. Jennie sighed, not wanting lisa to make her day more stressful than it is already. "I brought you some strawberries." Lisa said with her bright smile and took the cover off.

"Lisa right now is not the time to be- holy shit those look good." Jennie gave heart eyes to the red fruits that looked super good and healthy. "I also brought chocolate." She brings out the other sweets.


"Chocolate then yes."

Jennie's friends were looking at each other and were doing those looks.

"Can you two get married already. Yall are being so cute." Taeyong squealed as he took a picture of jennie smiling at lisa.

"Leave me alone. I turn like a happy child whenever lisa brings me her strawberries." Jennie said, glaring at him.

"I was going to give them to you yesterday but since you answerd my question late, I couldn't." Lisa reasoned and jennie's annoying friends did their 'huh?' Reaction.

"Are you two dating? Are you both soulmates? I told your ass nayeon that they were both going to be soulmates!" Irene takes out her hand, signaling for the other to give her money. "Pay up sweetie."

Nayeon groans, taking out a twenty dollar bill out and handing it to her. Irene smiled happily and placed the dollar under her phone.

Lisa chuckled. "We aren't dating. Yesterday I went to bother jennie so we could go to the Library to eat and talk."

Nayeon snatched the twenty dollar bill and laughed. "Hahaha you really thought."

Irene rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"Ugh these are so gowmph...t-thank you brat." Jennie said and lisa blushed.

"Anytime time Nini." Lisa replied shyly causing everybody to uwu.

"Jenlisa is so fucking cute. If they aren't soulmates-"

"Soulmates? Me and Jennie being soulmates you say?"

Soojin appears with a smile as she smoothly sits next to jennie. Jennie rolled her eyes while taking another bite from her strawberry. "Oh who gave you those? They look delicious." She asks and takes one out of the basket.

Jungkook, yugyeom and nayeon were watching in disgust.

Soojin ate the whole strawberry and moaned out. "These are tasty."

Lisa smiled. "Thank you. I am the one who did them." She said innocently and soojin smirked.

"Would you mind bringing me some, love?" Soojin asked. Lisa nodded. "With chocolate on them or separated."

"Just the strawberries."

Lisa nodded. "Well I have to go. Jeongin called me to help him with his homework. Bye friends and bye princess!"

Soojin waited for the happy lisa to leave. "Wow is she the sunshine of the group?" She said. "To be honest, the girl is pretty cute."

"Don't touch her soojin." Eunha glared at her. She chuckled. "I won't touch her, But I will talk to her."

Soojin smirked and got up from her spot. Jennie grabbed her wrist. "Soojin don't be a fucking dumbass and regret something you'll do" Jennie gives her a deadly look.

"Whatever you say baby." Soojin replies.  Before leaving the table she kisses the brunette on the cheek, causing everyone to eyes widen.

What in the hell was wrong with her. Kissing her without consent.

Jennie clenches her fist, preventing herself from causing a scene.

Soojin was definitely planning something and Jennie had to be careful this time.

Soojin was definitely planning something and Jennie had to be careful this time

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What do you think about soojin.

It's going to be fun writing protective mean jennie.

♡♡have a great day lovelies♡♡

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