♡Cuarenta y Ocho♡

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Jennie really hated trying something new and mornings

Her ringtone hadn't even ranged when she felt her body being taken away somewhere and her butt sitting on something squishy. She did hear a familiar voice informing her to not worry about waking up and the sound of her lamp being turned on but other than that she couldn't care less to remember.

But when she did wake up, she was met with her face full of makeup, wet hair, and a concentrated Lisa. She wasn't annoyed. More like surprised and thankful. How did the younger manage to do this without waking her up the second time shortly. She was starting to think Lisa had some sort of superpowers.

Jennie didn't get to say good morning as Lisa threw the makeup wipe in the trash and  ran to the closet and then to a pile of clothes and back to the closet. Jennie had so many questions running through her head. The main one was why was Lisa looking so hurried.  

She taps on her phone and sees that today is Monday. "There's still enough time-"

Lisa finally comes out of the closet, with a weird outfit in her hand. "What do you think Jen? Isn't it so cute!"

Jennie nods. "Is that what you are wearing today? You'll look cute." Jennie said, eyes on the ears of the outfit.

For me?" Lisa chuckles. She moves in closer and drops the onesie in Jennie's thighs. "Nini, this is for you."

Jennie stares at her, mouth closed, and hands on the soft material. So this is why she was in such a hurry. The pile of clothes. The realization of the stupid challenge. She looks down and unfolds the top part of the onesie. 

"So you know how the school sent us an email about today being pijamas day and I thought of a great idea. Since you lost and have to do my dare, why not get over with it on a special pijamas day!" Lisa explains with a big grin as Jennie thinks it's a bad idea.

"You can't do this to me. What happened to the nice and understanding lisa." Jennie says

Lisa shrugs. "She's dead."

Jennie dramatically cries. "How do I bring her back?"

Lisa grabs her journal. "In the constitution it says if you want to bring Lisa back you must wear the onesie the whole time you are at school. If Lisa hears from anyone or sees that you have taken it off, you will suffer the consequences and will not bring the nice Lisa back."

Hmm…the consequences probably aren't that bad like she makes it seem like

"The consequences are no kisses!"

Okay, they are bad.

Jennie huffed. This was super unfair. "Fine I'll wear it but you better be ready by the time I'm done. They're serving honey buns and I want some."

Jennie instantly frowned at how she looked in it. The bear ears and the big bear head in the front. Including the big slippers. She was thinking of just locking herself in the bathroom until Lisa gave up and went to school. Tricking her by sending a text that she was already at school and hiding in the shower if Lisa thought it was a lie.

Lisa had surprised her by wearing a duck onesie. It made her feel a bit better knowing she wasn't the only one.

"I can feel your excitement." Lisa says, teasing her as Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Everyone is going to be starting."

"It will be all positive. If anyone judges you or both of us, I will beat them up."

"You're going to beat them up?" Jennie scoffs."They will think a little kid is playing tag with them."

Lisa glared. "Alright. I'll just watch them stare at you while I eat my strawberry pocky."

"Without me?"

Lisa hums.

"Then I'll eat your macaroons."

"You don't know where I have them hidden."

"Hm do I?" Jennie unzips her backpack and shows part of the pink box. Lisa gasps and tries to get it but Jennie was too fast. She runs to the gate, laughing.

"Jennie stealer Kim! Give me my macaroons back!"


"Your homework." The teacher said, waiting for the younger to put the assignment inside the pink basket.

Lisa chuckled nervously. The whole classroom was quiet as they watched the two interact. It made Lisa want to jump out of the window. "A-about that. I might of left it at home."

The teacher let's out a deep sigh. "This is your third time not turning in any homework. Does detention sound fun to you, manoban?"

Lisa shakes her head. "I worked on it on the day you gave it to us. It's finished. I promise you that this will be the last time."

It wasn't finished at all.

Lisa had actually planned to complete it when she arrived from home because she didn't want to be worried about school assignments but things happened. With Jennie surprising her and the shopping, she had forgotten.

Mrs. Kim doesn't reply and goes to the next person. The silence continues as she picks up the rest, but once she places the basket on the table, the talking starts. "I've read your essays before. You plan to go on to college." She says while looking at Lisa. "College professors will not stand for laziness and stupid lies."

Some of the students chuckle, understanding who this was directed at.

"You might think i'm being harsh but its the truth. Imagine the faces of the people you want to impress hear how much you disappointed them." Mrs. Kim states and looks at everyone.

Lisa looks down,

"That person's parent probaly already think they are a disappointment. The dumbest." Soojin comments and her friends tag along to laugh.

"You should be the last person to talk, Miss seo."

Soojin rolled her eyes but still laughed.

"May I go to the restroom?" Lisa asks. She didn't want to stay in here anymore. She was uncomfortable.

A simple no in return.

"I suggest you don't miss out in any lessons, Lisa. Don't wanna be the disappointment of your family, right?" Soojin whispers with a smirk

Lisa frowned.

"Why is soojin being so mean?"


My sleep schedule is so fucked
♡♡But hope you enjoyed♡♡

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now