♡Treinta y Cuatro/Cinco♡

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Jennie hated when her lunch time was ruined by negativity.

All of her friends knew this since the beginning of freshman year when a small group of boys pissed her off with a prank that ended terribly for them.

So when a stubborn sophomore ran up to their table and pressured Wendy to be her girlfriend and was starting to make a big scene, which was gaining people's attention, you can already guess how Jennie felt.

"The only one to blame here is you. Everyone knows I have two girlfriends."

Kristen rolled her eyes. "Two girlfriends that spend more time with each other and not with you."

"Do you not understand what no means? Do we have to take you back to elementary?" Jungkook said, quite annoyed with her.

"I wasn't talking to you, dumbass." Kristen replies rudely as she rolls her eyes again. Taehyung stood up ready to teach her a lesson but is stopped by his kind boyfriend. He sighed sitting back down. "I had no idea you were dating someone. I'm new to this school."

"New?" Jeongin scoffed. "It's been exactly four or five months since you've been here."

"Who the fuck are you?" Kristen asked harshly. "Mind your own business kid."

"We're literally in the same grade!"

Wendy sighs. "Kristen just leave me and my lovers alone from your delusions."

"C'mon wendy. We can be-"

"I'm saying it in the nicest possible way. I'm already taken. I'm inked. "

"That doesn't-"

For fucks sake. "Can't you understand that she doesn't want you at all!" Jennie snaps making kristen's eyes go big. She gulps seeing how pissed Jennie looked.

"Bother them again and you'll regret opening your mouth." Jennie warned and Kristen quickly nodded before running away with her group.

After the annoying sophomore ran for her life and wendy thanked her for scaring her way, they continued to enjoy their lunch time. The two couples in the group minding their business and kissing their worries away. As always, the youngest and oldest bickering about something new and Jennie just eating her carrots.

Nayeon having enough of hearing them bicker decided to brag about the chocolates that one of her teachers, minzy, bought for her. Something about how she was doing great out of everyone in her class and as a reward got the chocolates. So oblivious to the fact that it would cause the same people to bicker again.

They youngest were so close to snatching them away when a deep voice stops them.

"Um excuse me but do you know where Lisa is at?" He questions.

"For what?" Eunha asks back.

"She told me to meet her in the cafeteria in the back but it's been twenty minutes and she hasn't talked. I know she hangs out with you all so that's why I came here to ask." He explained, doing a quick glance to the front door.

"Oh! Lisa had to talk to her teacher about her project." Taehyung mentions.

"For twenty minutes? That's pretty suspicious." Nayeon said.

Jennie agrees. So many teachers who have this lunch would rather inform their students the next day or send them an email. Plus. Knowing that they have to eat, why would they keep them that long. She knows Lisa is smart and wouldn't miss any of her lunch time for school. "Is the partner with her too?"

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now