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"Fine then. Don't look all bulldog whenever somebody snatches your lisa away from you!" Eunha exclaims.

Jennie laughed and put her shirt back on. "Dude can you calm down. You act like I own her or she's my girlfriend when she's not." Eunha rolled her eyes at the reply. She was tired of Jennie always spuing lies day after day. She could tell the brunette would get jealous sometimes and would pretend she wasn't.

"Sorry I don't speak bullshit." Eunha says. "Why don't you just want to practice? What if she wears something that isn't cute?" She then began to whine.

Jennie sighs, turning her direction to the mirror, so she could make sure her bun didn't look messy. "Eun you really think Lisa. The Lisa we know would wear something out of her comfort zone?" She asks.

"You never know. She could be putting on darker clothes and sexy outfits behind our backs. Oh! What if she wants to surprise you." Eunha says and wiggles her eyebrows.

Jennie scoffs. She didn't agree with her at all and wasn't changing her opinion. The brunette has always seen the blondie with cute outfits. All pastels and with blue. Well except when they were in middle school on the Valentine's dance but that was the only time she saw Lisa wear something out of her comfort zone.

"Bet fifty bucks she's not going to wear something cute."

"Oh my god Eunha. Let it go."

"What? You're scared that I'm right huh?"

"No I just don't have fifty dollars since I spent it all on my kpop albums and food."

"Lying ass. You're a rich bitch."

Jennie huffed. "Alright but if I win you have to wear the hot dog costume." She smirked and eunha froze. "Hell no. It makes my butt look big like that spongebob episode."

"That's the whole point of a punishment. I find it funny and you find it miserable. " Eunha frowned. " Plus don't you want to make it up to your girlfriend. She'll definitely come back to you."

"I don't know what type of punishments you have read in the internet but that's not what it is. You're supposed to fuck-"

Jennie doesn't let her finish the sentence as she throws the giant plushie to her face.

"We have a deal."


Softcore by the neighbourhood plays loudly while people yelled the lyrics, some danced and the others singed. It was a very heavy and sweaty atmosphere since there was a lot of people invited.

The smell of expensive perfume, cologne, and sweat made the two girls scrunch their noses in disgust. "It smells like shit in here." Eunha mumbles as she tries to get out of the crowd.

"Smells like hanbin when he's out of restroom. Damn." Jennie added.

"Where are those hoes at?"




Eunha sighed. She shook her head and followed behind the taller. If they were heading to the kitchen then she was happy.

"You're a pig for eating all those choco- Jennie! My favorite girl!"

Jennie was crushed into a big hug from a certain male, who she barely knows. Once they part and she takes another look at him she remembers. The memory of her pushing him to the pool when they were kids because he stole her nintendo. "I'm so glad you came. I thought we were going to miss our daredevil this time."

"Wow jihoon you look and act the same. Small and annoying." Jennie jokingly says. Partly.

"You forgot to add handsome." He giggles and went back to his spot. "C'mon ladies. The fun has to start!"

"Thanks for coming guys. We're just waiting for a certain someone to join the game. She will arrive in any minute." A girl says who they don't know.

"Who is it?" Eunha asks as she takes her coat off.


"But he's already here. Can't you see?" Eunha corrects her and pointed at the flirty blonde boy who had a bandana on. She smirked knowing the dare. "Yall are kin-"

"The beauty has arrived."

Jennie turned around and her eyes widen seeing the two who were at the door. What in the world was Soojin doing. Why was she holding hands with Lisa. What shocked her more was the fucking outfit her future soulmate was wearing. Lisa was showing so much skin. Was she complaining? no.

"Is that Jennie?" Lisa asked with pouted lips and a cute confused face. Her lips turned into a bright smile seeing she was right. She ran to where Jennie was sitting down and kissed her cheek. "Jennie you look so hot."

Everybody watching them was either smirking or enjoying it.

"Thank you lisa. You look." Jennie looks up and sees everyone's eyes on them. She cusses in her head knowing this will get them excited. "You look hot as well."

"You really think so? I wanted to try out something different and Soojin helped me out. She says I looked inviting to eat out. I don't know what she means but I'm guessing it's a compliment." Lisa giggles innocently. "Thank you by the way."

"Well she does. I need to be honest don't I?" Soojin spoke with a daring look and sat next to lisa. "Is it bad baby?"

Jennie hands tighted on lisa hips making her slightly whimper.

"Well-" Taehyung said while eating popcorn.

Jihoon smirked. "Shall we start?"


I literally feel so bad for you re-readers. This chapter was so cringy and almost made me not want to continue fixing it 😭

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now