♡Treinta y tres♡

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3/ /97

This had to be a joke.

There was no way she didn't know.

"Don't you get it Nini? Mother Alyssa is putting us together. We're going to be soulmates in the future and you have to accept it no matter what."


Jennie looks up and her face stays the same. Not a single emotion showing as she didn't know how to react. She was doing a great job as it made Soojin confused. The feeling of frustration starting to rise when the brunette doesn't show her what she wanted to see. Soojin grabs her hands again and smiles. "I-I know we had a terrible past but I can fix that. We can-"

"There's not going to be a we in the future, soojin. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going to date some possessive little bitch who kills for fun?"

The red-head clenches her fist. "I had no fucking choice! Me and you had something special going on."

"Seunghee was getting in the way!"

"Just like how your precious little sunshine is and I won't hesitate to do the same thing like how I did to your dead girlfriend." Soojin smirks, thinking that would get the other to submit.

But that's all she had to say to get a reaction from Jennie. To piss her off and teach her a lesson.

Jennie grabs her arm and pushes her to the near bathroom causing soojin to fall to the floor. The complaint leaving from her mouth doesn't complete as Jennie grabs a portion of her hair and drags her to one of the stalls. Soojin gasped when she realized what the brunette was going to do.


Jennie doesn't waste time and shoves her to the water. Pulls her back up when she's violently shaking and shoves her back. She doesn't stop until she hears Soojin yell out a desperate, "I'll listen!"

She pulls her hair again, to make eye contact.

"I'm not going to repeat myself. You know what's going to happen if you hurt any of them again." She reminds her.

Soojin whimpers, "Y-you're hurting me. You're hurting me, love."

"Do you understand, Soojin?" Jennie says gripping her hair more tightly making the smaller shout out a yes.

She let's go. "Now. After you get yourself cleaned, you're going to the front of the school and telling everyone that we were never together."


"I'd assume you know my birthday because you're so infatuated with me. It ends with a 96 not a 97."

Soojin eyes widen and opens her mouth to come up with a lame excuse but it was too late. Jennie had already left and was making her way to the library.

ANNOYING ♡ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now